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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. I see what Wals means with the changing syntax. It does seem to imply trickery. Or whatever.


    It's interesting how things like shame, envy, and feeling shunned are as common with national identities as they are with individuals. This thread reminded me of learning how pissed off Japan became after they were rejected outright from discussions with other countries around WW One. They went home and polished their anger into a suicidal samurai navy and got ready obliterate the Pacific. 

    • Like 2

    Aside: WTF is up with the new Marine Corps headgear? What subgenius thought they should switch to nurses' caps?



    Fortunately, no change to the male dress uniform cover is taking place. The current manufacturer of female dress covers is going out of business, and the USMC was looking for a new supplier. It was Fox that drummed up the line about Obama mandating the change.  

    • Like 1
  3. A cute girl who works in the PC department and knows the cooling release schedule of bleeding edge components ... if she rides a motorcycle, too, I'm moving to Sweden tonight. 


    If I had ball loads of cash, the 290X would be the first part I'd like to try water-cooling with. If that's even possible. Imagine silent Uber mode. 

  4. Humanoid could probably say in one sentence or less, but if it were mine, I would check that the heatsink/fan on top of the CPU isn't loose. Overheating is the only thing I know of that will shut a system down without warning ... or possibly a power supply unit about to go for a dump. Barring all that, I would just get a can of air and clean out the interior. Dust seems more insidious up there at elevation.    

  5. Well I didn't see the 290X coming. All the other R9 variants are warmed 7-series units, but this monster video card appears to be mostly new and completely volcanic in performance and power consumption. And for half the price of the $1k Titan, yet equally capable. I can't believe I just wrote that. 


    Overkill is overkill, for this widget, though. I'm content to game at 1080, down here where $200 is appropriate for stunning-enough graphics. And a lot quieter. They say the 290X in Uber mode could be confused for the noise of a wind tunnel. I'm assuming the partner manufacturers will develop some more efficient cooling. But at least it's fun to know 4k gaming just became one degree more available. They said you won't even need that little Crossfire bridge connector thing anymore.   

  6. Doing a mix of research, reading some papers, and working my way through some Web Design/HTML/CSS online tutorials..


    Took a small break for a cup of tea and to watch something; only to have family decide that was the time to settle in about five feet from me, brush the cat and give a running commentary. Every time I hit pause of what I was watching, they'd trail off their talking. I'd wait, see they were silent for a minute so I'd hit play again. Within 5 seconds the running commentary would start up again. I'd pause, they'd slowly trail off. Repeat.

    Since they couldn't see the screen and I was wearing headphones, it was just amazing how well those silences and talking fit in exactly to me hitting pause and play. And they were talking at just the right volume that it broke into the headphones. >_<


    For some reason I always picture your stories taking place in a country cottage, near to a canal, with a lock and an elderly couple tending their boat outside.  

    • Like 1
  7. This ****ing language filter. Peni5, really?


    As for Phag... it's only in Merika where it's a slur against gay people. Puh-leez. Phag-end. Look it up.




    No worries, we knew what you meant. It's the least-offensive euphemistic allusion in this thread, anyway. Although it rhymes much too much with Bag End, of Hobbiton. Extended Edition, next month! Hell yes! Wait, what thread is this ... fantasy and fiction, right.  

  8. Oh, what ... the turret at the beginning of Part 4 ... it's not a boss challenge? ... all I had to do was move the box and go around?! Aww, I suck. But I loved every minute of the game up until that part, and now that I know how to, uh, defeat it, I'm excited to continue, thanks Allan.  



    Edit: Ahaha! Some glib hockey humor, pretty entertaining ... "chief of network security  ...  chief of being an ass, too"  :lol:

    • Like 1
  9. It's pretty hard to take Tsuga seriously as an American patriot when he actively belittles and ignores the state with the most people in the country.  


    Not just people, tens of thousands of military people in San Diego County, alone. Naval Base San Diego, Camp Pendleton, Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, and several other large installations all employ many non-Irish, non-Germanic individuals ... even women. And thank god, too, otherwise the lock-and-load jingoists would have nothing to be "patriotic" about.  



    Aside, that bit about the Swedish flag was quite interesting.   


    Oh, for the love of revisionist history, not the exalted Founders card. One official language would be the opposite of freedom and justice for all.

    Nothing revisionist about my post. And one language is only appropriate to help prevent the Balkanization of the USA. Then again, you're from the People's Republic of Flake-i-fornia, so I suppose your attitude is to be expected as it's been spinning out of control for decades.



    You don't know where I am from, any more than your stewardship of personal ideals represent facts. 

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