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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. Even if Bioware's unannounced IP is a Star Wars RPG, Knights III or even 1313 could go to Obsidian. EA knows better than LucasArts how long the memories of SW fans are ... and EA is as determined as Disney, to keep from botching this property. The only question is, if Feargus would say yes, after the tear-inducing Knights II incident.    


    Can't really talk about it right now, but we think it's going to be cool.



    They bought us all the newest Transformers action figures.



    No, but I did manage to get one of the new Star Wars Black Series Boba Fett figures. For my brother's birthday last week, but it doesn't ship until 12/2. Pre-order was only live for about three days. And that's just for Fett, not the SDCC exclusive version with Han Solo in carbonite, going for $250 now, after retail of only $45.  



    That wonderful video omits the chauvinism and lack of free speech.

    Russia wonderful place because the chauvinism and lack of free speech. Join to dark side! We have beautyful totalitarian life.





    The .alt / troll mask is slipping now.



    ooh! I can't see, who is he? An Albanian?

  4. ...waiting for the day when the legal system becomes fully automated and works without human intervention! :disguise:


    That day will be when cars also become fully automated. I'm sensibly direct with most issues, but when the self-driving Neo Prius horde takes over, I will literally Hulk into a loud-mouthed internal combustion alarmist.  TAKE BACK THE WHEEL 

  5. At the point where something is called The Patriot Act I get ****ing suspicious.


    If it is clearly and coherently something that patriots will support then it doesn't need to have that in the title.


    America runs on literality. Every word in the bible is literally true; every word of the Constitution is literally applicable; every dollar of national debt is a literal representation of incompetence; there is literally an invisible hand guiding capital markets; bills, laws, ideas and intent are all literally good for the nation if they have a simple, positive title. Context, nuance, and translation have literally no place in America.   

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  6. Woke up, felt fine, stood up, and suddenly my throat was on fire. I guess some acid reflux was sitting in my upper throat/near the windpipe as I slept and standing up made it move around and made me notice. Coughed for 15 minutes, tears streaming from my eyes. Not fun. Seemed weird. Sometimes I get a tiny bit of the acid burp after a meal etc, but nothing like that, before.


    Going out with some friends in a bit.


    Might have an opportunity/reason to visit Orange Co. next month. Not sure if I will ... but I haven't been in that area for a long time. Might be fun.


    Oh, cool. I love Ruby's Diner in Laguna, and Aliso beach nearby is kinda hidden away and has plenty of parking and open sand. Javier's just up the road also in Laguna is a must-visit cantina. And the Irvine Spectrum ... I mean it's literally right next door to Obsidian ... might as well have dinner and movie while you stalk the Obs crew. :p  Edit: evidently Javier has moved his establishment up to Newport. I'll try to be more current before I recommend someplace. 


     When he saw it was me that ordered a beer, he dropped the glass in his hand in shock! :)


    Why? He didn't expect you? ..


    Also damn, you know it's Scandinavia when it's 5:10pm and completly dark..



    Daylight Savings makes the darkness begin to descend around 4:30 up in the western mountains of the US. 


    I noticed one boy had created a place called Pen Island.  Now this wasn't one of my rowdy boys, so I asked him as politely as I could if he noticed any problems with the name.  He had the requisite Sharpie Swamp and Magic Marker Mountains, so I was pretty convinced he did not realize what he did.  So I told him to think about what would happen if he dropped the land from the name.  His reaction was priceless.  I told him he could change it and present another day.



    I read the whole post twice and still didn't see it. Some English major, I was. I thought, Pen Island ... you mean, like a pig pen ... Pig Pen Island ... I don't see anything wrong with th--



    • Like 4
  9. Ah, well it was the [H] guys that made me think the 290X was designed for 4K:



    Amazingly, when the resolution is cranked up to Ultra HD resolutions like 3840x2160, the new Radeon R9 290X outperforms the GeForce GTX TITAN. We saw as much as a 23% performance jump over the much more expensive GeForce GTX TITAN. In all of the previous pages the R9 290X was in-between the GTX 780 and GTX TITAN, closer to TITAN, but at Ultra HD 4K it just owns the GeForce GTX TITAN.



    And this is all with DX11. Now I wonder if Mantle is as low-level as they say. If something as simple as fan speed on the 290X can deliver double-digit improvement, what sort of speed could we see from a pedal-to-the-metal API. 

  10. Where does this leave the regular 290. If the 290X is $549, and the 280X is $299, that's a wide gap. The 290 will be a Hawaii chipset, still, right, so $449 seems likely, especially if the 7970 also debuted at $549, I'm guessing the 290 will be like the 7950--in launch price, at least, not performance. I get the impression the 290X is only for 4K resolutions, while the 290 is for 27" monitors or 1200 and 1080. Are the 770 and the 290 supposed to be on par, I wonder.     

  11. Obstruction. Really. Wait, maybe I'm not qualified to comment on something I know nothing about. Still, "intent does not matter in cases of obstruction" sounds wrong to me. I think whoever made up this rule also puts cheese on their apple pie.


    And yeah, I think our Padres might even be worse than Houston. 

  12. Cold, unfiltered sake is a nice treat. Like when you're in the mountains, and it's cold outside, but you're eating sushi at the lodge, and the girls come inside, shivering, cause it's so cold, but they wore only skirts and heels, and one of them comes at you from the front, the other behind, and they wrap their freezing cold arms around your neck to get warm. Kinda like that.  

    • Like 2
  13. Wow, excellent presentation. I couldn't agree more, but I'm resigned to accept P:E as is, and quite happily. I know I could enjoy using a PS4 controller when the time comes, as it's confirmed to work out-of-the-box for PC and even Mac, but we'll see what happens. I'm not a fan of WASD or having to learn dozens of KB buttons to play, but P:E won't be like that anyway.    

  14. Today, I'm going to work on a paper and troll various forums.


    It is a beautiful, slightly cold day. The dog & I are going fishing!

    I now have an image of you armed with a spear with a large hound beside you at a lake.



    If spears come in .556 or .762, maybe. 

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