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Posts posted by ManifestedISO


    Racist and Misogynist. They're just overused and flung about willy nilly for harmless stuff. They used to be used to describe stuff like the KKK and abusive men, and now they're just blanket terms used to describe people who don't like change. There are also huge double standards with their use.


    Wouldn't that make them LESS evil sounding?


    And in any case I don't think racist sounds any more innocuous.



    Hmm, anti-quango. Cliche, in other words. 


    I can't think of a brilliantly original word or phrase, but for sure 'happy birthday' is getting more sinister. 

    • Like 3
  2. A little bit harsh. ;) Makes it sound as if drill instructors churn out robots incapable of self-control, when of course only the opposite can be true. The best reason to stand on the yellow footprints of life is that it connects you forever in a meaningful way to those who came before, particularly those who paid with their lives. That is what Once a Marine, Always a Marine, alludes to ... not a magically indelible attitude of superiority. Flying the flag means you're acknowledging the sacrifice of others, and not, simply to show colors.


















    • Like 2
  3. I swear they said the Giants are already kaput. Maybe there was a second condition not met, and maybe I couldn't hear very well in the din of San Diego's likely final victory of the season  ;(, but I thought Fox said NYG were eliminated already. 



  4. What was that Tomb Raider announcement?


    I was wrong, it is not a PC port to PS4/XB1 ... they employed two other studios to rebuild textures, add in TressFX, rebuild Lara's head completely ...





    The entire game world — the perilous island of Yamatai — is alive as well. Foliage bends as Lara pushes through it; trees whip in the wind; even cloth moves courtesy of new, more sophisticated physics modeling. Weather effects lash the island with unprecedented levels of venom, and rain particles are dynamically lit as they slice through piercing searchlights. The in-game cast has also enjoyed an upgrade — characters and enemies alike have been enhanced visually, while in-game destructibility has been given additional refinement to increase the sense that you are leaving a mark on this world.



    one of our boldest changes was to handcraft an all new, even more realistic head and face model for her, taking advantage of the increased power of PS4. This is our first glimpse of our next-generation Lara. We also drastically improved shader and lighting effects, adding dynamic sweat, mud, and even blood for a new level of visual acuity that reacts on Lara in different situations. Objects on Lara’s person like her climbing axe or arrows now independently react to her movements and sway or jostle



    This game on the PC was very graphically intensive, so it'll be interesting to see how the "HD remake" for next-gen consoles compares. 

  5. Well, it wasn't terrible. That's not true. The "concert" at the end was not my style and ultra-NSFW. Looks like the "awards" are just an excuse to get together and talk about video games, which is always cool, however. Joel McHale was pretty stale and stomped all over his co-host, interrupting and talking at the same time. I liked all the developers coming on the show, and the trailers were fun. It could be a good show if they get a more naturally funny, professional presenter. The best part of all was the particle effects in volumetric lighting for The Division trailer ... zomg. And No Man's Sky looks promising, except I don't play MMOs.

  6. Cool, I believe Amazon just confirmed what I wanted to know. There's a listing for Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition for PS4 and XBox One, January 28th, which I think is part of tonight's VGX news.  


    Two gameplay images show Lara's ponytail using TressFX, and the product description goes on to say ...




    See Lara Croft like never before, with every bead of sweat, strand of hair, and article of clothing delivered in obsessive detail


    Except I have seen her like that before, on my PC. Oh well, I'm compelled to buy this game a third time, for reasons.


    • Like 1
  7. mmm, Camilla, lovely. I hope the Tomb Raider announcement includes a title sequel and the inclusion of TressFX into the next-gen console versions of both games. My PS4 needs some Lara, but not for $60 if it doesn't include awesome tresses.   

  8. The cerebral completionist part of me wants Eternity more than the other games, but the die-hard sci-fi nerd wants the next Mass Effect more. My inner Dunedain trumps all others and demands Inquisition immediately. Or, whenever it's ready, is fine.  8)  Next year does seem a little soon for new, cool biotic powers. 

    • Like 2
  9. I'm 8 hours into Skyrim now and not a single bug so far. I have no idea why you guys call this game buggy. To me it looks very polished.


    It was a long, long period inbetween versions 1.1 and 1.9. Even on the Xbox, there were several quest-breakers and numerous odd glitches. PS3 players had it worst of all, though. Still, I banged out 600 hours on console, and am playing right now on PC. I have 60 hours so far, and no broken quests or bugs yet. The mod with prettier female faces is a nice touch ...   

    • Like 1
  10. Had plans to play Euro Truck Sim 2, ended up starting KOTOR 2, after realizing I can not back up a MAN truck to save my life, or the lives of any pedestrians in Salzburg. It's a fun game, though, I'll stick with it. Pivot-point physics on a fixed plane are remarkably challenging. 


    Haven't seen any shopping deals that I desperately want ... maybe I'm just not looking hard enough.  

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