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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. I want to play modern Nintendo games, but then I see that screen/button/stick/pad "controller" thing and suddenly I feel like a consumer Nintendo is not selling to. Why can't they save the gimmicks for peripheral sales and give me a flagship hardware unit with power, storage, and a comfy controller. I think car companies call it a halo effect. 

  2. Golden Globes, 9/10, entertaining. I would do anything to get drunk with Emma Thompson--her mic-drop as a presenter killed.


    And now I really want to go see 'Her', except there's no way I'm going by myself to that show--wait, they just showed a preview for Sherlock on PBS and Watson has a moustache!  

  3. It really was a shameful 3/4 ... but it's okay, Manning needs and deserves the trophy this year. Once he gets that out of the way, next year we'll send the Chargers all the way to face the Seahawks and deliver their second consecutive SB loss.  :yes:

  4. Oh hell yes Tina and Amy are gonna kill the Globes tonight I can't wait to see who Scarlett is wearing cause you know Leo will make the wrong Boss color choice AGAIN hold on I'm being told this is a football thread some sort of serious discussion about a shameful display of balls

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    So did anyone give Intelligence a try?


    Yes, and aaahhh. It was like watching a b-grade movie. Very cliché. And it feels like you've seen all this before, especially with the actors who've played parts in previous TV shows. And halfway through the episode, you could tell what was going to happen at the end of the episode.




    We now know what happened when Sawyer got up to after the island. Of course this is just Sawyer with a chip in his head, his attitude is the same (Holloway produces this show)

    Dr. Phlox from Star Trek and even some Rosalind Chao from Star Trek appears. He even comes across as Dr. Phlox from Star Trek.

    We also have Marg Helgenberger who kept missing out on promotions in CSI getting a promotion to another US Government Department, running the Cyber Command Division.

    We also find out where Red Riding Hood from Once Upon a Time went and why she hasn't been seen since in OUaT. The actress is quite good in this despite the script.


    But it did pretty well in the U.S. 16.6 M viewers, not bad, against ABC's Killer women that did like 2M. Even though it's very B-Grade with the story and acting, I'll keep watching it.



    So that WAS Keiko ... 

  6. Nope, an empty whiff. Sure, Sony sells a VR headset, but it's only 720p and frickin one thousand dollars. CES is being lame so far. Unless you want a wristband that saves and records everything you do and sends it to your phone/tablet/TV/blah/blah/blah. 

  7. Looking forward to some relevant revelations in about twenty minutes from Sony's CES live stream. Supposedly a virtual reality headset for 2014, but I don't know if that means I could play PS4 while wearing it. I just want something right in front of my eyes cause I wear contacts but not inside the house because they're hard lenses and I don't have glasses so it's hard to really see the games on TV without sitting too closely. I'd really like to just lay flat on the couch with a controller in my hand and a head set covering my face. No squinting, no fuss, just 1080 on the bridge of my nose.

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