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Posts posted by ManifestedISO


    So alone.


    Haha, fantastic, well-written update. What, exactly, is a fenster, and how do you make one?


    Fenster means "window" in German. So, Fenstermakers, collectively, means those horrible, inhuman creatures who made the Windows operating system... KOS, I say.



    Ah, sehr gut. The weird thing is, I watched Die Hard last night, and Hans Gruber says ... "Scheiss dem fenster." Shoot the glass. I should have known.

    • Like 1
  2. mmm, yes, the Spectrum. Got chased out of their parking lot once, at night, for two of us being in one seat, so to speak. 


    For some reason, I am extremely delighted to see GSG! That was such a fun time, the countdown! Nice to see you, thanks for posting. 



    edit: wait, it's another OP DM reference. I like it. 

    • Like 2




    Honestly, I find it hard to believe that you're 69 years old, as stated in your profile. It's a lot easier to believe that you're probably drunk, also as stated in your profile.


    I also doubt that Monte was born on D-Day.  Shocking, isn't it?  How could I possibly trust anything he says anymore oh wait it's a joke.


    What I don't understand about the promance point of view here is this: Josh said that the PoE team had come to the conclusion that they didn't think they could do romances up to the standard they demand of themselves.  So why don't the promancers trust the devs' own assessment of their abilities and resources?



        Hah! I'm not north american nor european, so D-Day isn't nearly as significant to me, hence why I didn't notice the date. The drunk part does ring true, though :grin:.


    Don't take Monte too seriously, his good outweighs his bad. I know the first time you experience his posting style it can be a little frustrating( I felt the same ) but if you stay active on the forums you'll see he can very articulate and humorous :)



    If I were a fan of Formula One, which I am, because it's awesome, and romantic, I would say Monte is every whisker and huff of Nigel Mansell.  

    • Like 1



    Decided to go back read some Forgotten Realms novels. Really enjoyed them back in the early 90s and still find them enjoyable.

    The FR books are my staple. I really wish someone would get off their arse and adapt some of them to TV or movies, would love to see some of the characters on screen.
    On a somewhat related note, can you believe how badly they botched the DragonLance Chronicles movie?
    It was painful. And one thing the comics and the movie got wrog that pissed me off was Fistandantilus's bright red spellbooks. Its a smal detail, but they refer to them as night blue like 1000 times throughout the series, its not something anyone should have gotten wrong. Its not the worst thing about it, but the one thing that sticks with me.



    Uh oh, well I'm sorta glad I haven't seen the movie, then. I would hate for the version in my head to be tainted. "Night-blue" and "freezing to the touch" were mentioned often. Might as well depict Raistlin with normal eyes and oatmeal-colored robes. 

  5. Just had a shot of Scotch and its 9am eight hours ahead of my time zone. Chocolate Toast Crunch is pretty good, sans leche, better than its cinnamon progenitor. Fell madly in love with Mikaela Shiffrin's gold-medal winning droll soul just tonight. She has a fantastic stage presence, in studio and on the Olympic ski slope.  


    Couldn't it be construed, then, that you're taking things too seriously if you've decided to be an arbiter of who deserves and does not deserve to be deliberately provoked?


    Doesn't the mere acknowledgement of "that person is taking things too seriously" mean that you also are?

      :lol: I love the logic of some of your comments and insight, its irrefutable. Certain people must hate debating with you :biggrin:



    I'm still hung up on how many L's are in his name. I see two. Sometimes one. C'mon, which is it. 

    • Like 1
  7. Relatability. Desirability. I can relate to John McClane's quick irritability and wry cynicism, and I desire his capacity to kick terrorists in the ass. I can relate to Éowyn's keen yearning for equality, and I want the strength of heart she always possessed. If I understand where they come from, and, at least a little bit, want to be like them, that's a good character.   

  8. This. I want this. 



    Hugh Langley, techradar



    Rumours of Sony's PS4 virtual reality headset have been running rife since last year, but now an inside source has told TechRadar that they've spent some time with the helmet behind closed doors - and it's almost ready to be revealed.
    Our confidential tipster said that they were impressed with the quality of Sony's Oculus Rift competitor. "The quality and resolution are really, really good," they said. "People will definitely be impressed with what Sony's built".
    They also told us that they understand Sony plans to announce the headset at GDC 2014, which kicks off in San Francisco on March 17.





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