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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1.  After 400+ hours of Skyrim I've never seen that dungeon or even heard about it


    I haven't either. The ghost's name isn't listed in the hard-cover appendix--er, at least that's what my, uh, friend told me, who owns the book--but that doesn't mean much. Can you tell us about where you found this dungeon ...


    Edit: Oh, but the internets have told me Katria haunts the beginning of Arkngthamz, near Dushnikh Yal southeast of Markarth. I have no idea how I could possibly miss her.


    Do you mean affective time in our heads, or time as an absolute function of the universe?


    Tell me what you think. Both ideas are referred to as "time", so both warrant consideration. Is there a relationship between them?



    How can space and time be the same thing if space allows me to go backward, or forward, but not time? 

  3. Is that the only reason to get 14.1 drivers ... Mantle. I have a Pitcairn card but a sheepish quad-core Llano and no BF4. I almost never get beta drivers anyway, but it's hard not to update just for the sake of updating. Tomb Raider is by far the most intensive game I have, so perhaps I'll wait to get Mantle until it's supported. 

  4. I think Skyrim might be the prettiest game I've ever played.


    It helps being able to play it on Ultra settings and 2560x1440 though.


    So you got a new monitor? Looks like a good size to go with that balls-out GPU. That's cool, I mean, you know, 1080 is still where some cool kids hang out, with our measly 23" panels. IPS 4 life  :p

  5. Let me know more about Tomb Raider as you play it. Looking for something good on the PS4


    The Dualshock 4 is downright fun to play with. Instead of pressing and holding a button to light/extinguish a torch, I just swipe up or down on the touchpad--works every time, usually I'm thumbing it.


    This is my third playthrough, I never thought it could look better than the PC version, but it's a pat more buttery smooth and for sure has better physics. There's not enough guess-and-jump tomb traversal, but I love the mix of combat and item hunting.  

  6. That is so weird, today is my best friend's wife's birthday, too. I sent her a message right after exiting a room with lights where a man with tools and an assistant succeeded in removing an entire tooth from the jaw inside my mouth. Happy birthday Camila! Goodbye, frickin' tooth!

    • Like 1
  7. Today the pain finally made me go to a dentist. Some fantastic people at South Oceanside Dental Group, very nice female doctor made me feel at ease. Except tomorrow I have to have an oral surgeon yank this whole tooth out. Hopefully some good drugs out of the deal, at least. 

  8. Sounds like a chemical burn. Ammunition packing, fireworks ... maybe a rogue powder splashed on your face. I barely touched a thin film of chlorine powder once, around someone's pool equipment and it stung and burned and turned red. 


    Bought myself a new jacket. Original price was $590 but I got it on sale for $330.


    Wow Labadal you have lots of money to waste on unimportant things, think about all the starving children in Africa who could have benefitted from that money.... :biggrin:



    Not if it was a Dainese ... mmm, or Spidi. Those kids can starve all they want, they're not getting Italian leather. 

    • Like 3

    Those specs are highly dubious.  The GPU is essentially a R9 290X, plus an octa-core PowerPC CPU?  In terms of raw horsepower it would slaughter the XBOne or PS4, but how would they sell that at a competitive price without taking a MASSIVE loss on each unit?  I mean those are high-end PC specs.  I suppose in 2 or 3 years those components might be cheaper, but still.



    I agree, what possible cost-effective reason would they have to add two CPUs and a discreet GPU. And what's with two different RAM values. Those specs are for multi-monitor and 4K gaming, not vanilla 1080p Zelda fun-time.


    I hope they do something soon, though. I really would love a powerful, backwards-compatible Nintendo. If I want to play Mario Kart 8 right after playing some original F-Zero on the same box ... mmm ... 

  11. How do you like that, you cause a turnover, come up with the ball, your own man pushes your opponent sideways onto your knee, twisting it like a twizzler, you land on the ground still clutching your takeaway, and the ref says it never happened.  

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