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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. First time ever Red Dead Redemption. Nice change of pace, the Western. Combat is fun, horse-riding is better than Skyrim. For a four-year old game, it has some spectacular lighting and animations. Looking forward to the 'nudity' and 'drug use' and 'mature sexual content'.  :devil:  And Rockstar Games San Diego is all the way up here in Carlsbad, like ten minutes from where I live.  

    • Like 1

    The Professional (Leon). Still one of my favorite movies...


    "There's a guy wants to talk to you."

    "What's he look like?"


    Luc Besson's films have one of the most identifiable photography, that I ever seen. I can watch a movie without knowing that he was attached to it and it rings that bell. 



    Aziz! Light!

    • Like 3
  3. Priefer's response was heavy on 'family', I wonder if he really does suffer from "heteronormativity."



    Got a good playoff buzz around the whole county down here ... except it looks frickin' cold as hell in Ohio for Sunday. Playoffs ... can't believe it!

    • Like 1

    I think Disney cares more about money than Lucas' artistic desires. There will be a release of the theatrical versions.



    Except I just remembered 20th Century Fox owns distribution of the films? Anyway, they would be fools not to release it. I will keep an eye on May the 4th this coming year, just in case, for reasons.  

  5. The Return of the Jedi - the Lucas-raped version.


    There exists the fondest, faintest new hope that Disney will release a theatrical blu-ray. A herd of nerfs might also fly out of my butt, but, it could happen.


    This past holiday week, like a champion nerd, I watched extended editions of all four LOTR movies. Still working on the thirteen separate commentary tracks across all four films. Maybe I should break both my legs and become an invalid. Wait I don't have insurance nevermind.

  6. Winning out the last four games feels decent. Beating Denver at Mile High felt like the Super Bowl anyway, so, not an awful Chargers 2013. New coach gets to keep his job, which is cool, I like his style. We'll see what happens against Cincy on Sunday. 



    Pfft, it's going to be 2014.  Shouldn't you be going at least 1440p?



    By weird coincidence, there is an article in this month's cpu magazine called 'New Year's Resolutions' about Ultra HD and 4K resolutions and content. No word yet when single 4K monitors will be affordable, but for TVs: "the percentage of Ultra HDTVs shipped won't exceed 10% until 2020, and the majority of TVs shipped won't be Ultra HDTVs until after 2025."


    In other words, movies and games will be 1080p for ten more years ... which validates my choice in monitor, video card, and TV ... which are all a mere 1080. But hey, if you can afford 1440, which is native to 27" panels, and the beastly video card to support it, then you're a rich ass and I hate you. :)


    Yearly resolutions, on the other hand, are for people who like to make lists and cross them off because they can't remember anything, much less how to make or break a habit. Don't quit smoking, that's dumb, smoke slowly instead. 

    • Like 1
  8. Cool, a quiet 290. I think everyone knew it was coming, except the guy who wrote that original article, with green ink in his typewriter. "I just can't recommend this card ... it's super powerful, unbelievably cheap ... but it's too loud, just too loud ... I ... it's just ... my Nvidia overlords tell me what to write ... reference blowers ... too loud ... no such thing as partner custom cooling ... don't buy Radeon." 

    • Like 1
  9. Hold the phone. A movie about falling in love ... with your personal computer? Who falls in love with you, too? With the voice of Scarlett Johansson? A computer operating system with the voice of Scarlett Johansson that laughs at your jokes and falls in love with you?! Oh man, okay. Plus Olivia Wilde, Amy Adams, and Rooney Mara? I'm down for some hot silicon personification. metacritic says they told this story well, with a score of 91. The name of the movie ... "her" 

  10. No, I'm saying If your life as an American soldier in Vietnam depends on discerning the sound of AK-47s over friendly M-14s or M-16s, there is no way you're gonna maintain and use an AK as your primary weapon in close-quarters company jungle combat.  

  11. No bonus, either. Et tu, brute ...  I am damn done with this stoner, wannabe-hippie hipster bugger-all d-bag sweet FA knob outfit.






    So anyway I'm anxiously awaiting the specifics of this new Guard Dog venture that was teased with a nod to the 80s ... please be G.I. Joe related.  :) I can't stop watching this year's movie, Retaliation. The baddest ass ninja assassin movie evar!

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    Doesn't work on an IPS screen, amusingly. Had to boot up my decrepit old laptop with a dodgy TN panel to see it. :p



    Ah, okay, good. I could only see a faint outline and thought I was just deficient in some way, again. An alien in a tie and dinner jacket?

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