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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. Now I'm confused. What Ars said about AC IV: 



    what should have been a rollicking thunderstorm of open-seas adventure will probably make players seasick with disappointment.



    What IGN said:



     exploring gorgeous and unique islands, and getting yourself into all sorts of swashbuckling trouble provide some of the most rewarding and memorable stretches of gameplay I’ve experienced all year. 



    I'm not highlighting journos for argument's sake, it's just I've never played one second of an Assassin's Creed game, but I want a fun day one title on PS4. Rumor is Target is having a Buy Two, Get One Free deal on next-gen games during launch week ... if so, Lego Marvel Superheroes, Killzone Shadowfall, and perhaps Black Flag.


    Ars made it sound like, if you've played AC games before, Black Flag is kinda bland and samey, with terrible AI. IGN made it sound like a big-ass oceanic sandbox game, that improved a lot over previous editions.  




    The government was run by people who justified institutionalized racism through certain passages of scripture. So you can imagine how they felt about the concept of a game like D&D :biggrin:



    Ugh, I ... did not know that, over there. A more passively similar vein in this country, when I was a kid, except the momo scripture race reference was changed from "white and delightsome" to "light and delightsome." They hated D&D because it encouraged imagination, which of course leads to the awareness jesus actually doesn't want ten percent of your personal income, monthly, on time.  :-



    Wait, what?



    Nothing, sorry, forget I mentioned it. Let's read, instead. 

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    The government was run by people who justified institutionalized racism through certain passages of scripture. So you can imagine how they felt about the concept of a game like D&D :biggrin:



    Ugh, I ... did not know that, over there. A more passively similar vein in this country, when I was a kid, except the momo scripture race reference was changed from "white and delightsome" to "light and delightsome." They hated D&D because it encouraged imagination, which of course leads to the awareness jesus actually doesn't want ten percent of your personal income, monthly, on time.  :-

    • Like 2
  4. My brother sent me this for my b-day. Evidently contains some history of TSR and Gary Gygax and some insight into the "first-ever nerd subculture."  I remember my religio-parental units outlawing D&D at the time, you know, cause it was a gateway to devil-worship. Seriously. 



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  5. It was so weird just now, I saw Glenn from Walking Dead come down the stairs in a one-line speaking part on Big Bang Theory. He tells Leonard to "run fast, run far, dude!" in the flashback episode where Sheldon and Leonard first meet. The episode was from 2010 ... WD started in 2010 ... I don't know, it was fun to see an established actor get their start.


    Edit: I'm not watching Season 4 yet, so if he's dead already, don't tell me. :no:  

    • Like 3
  6. 100 days until my beloved Winter Olympics. Let's see what you've got as a host, Motherland. Vancouver raised the bar pretty high, are you up to the stronk, Russia?! 


    NOTE: If I'm not mistaken, the "Pillars of Eternity" you're seeing on that backer portal screenshot is referring to the figurative pillars that form the foundation for the project. Like, if the development team were Meatloaf, then producing a game that ignores any of the Pillars would be the one thing they wouldn't do for love. 8)



    In the first image below Feargus, it says, "Miss classic cRPGs like Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, and Planescape: Torment? So do we! Introducing Obsidian's Pillars of Eternity. Coming in 2014 for PC, Mac OSX, and Linux."



    PoE  #1 :geek:  


    started trying to work out more regularly to deal with it  :unsure:



    Everyone is coming from where I come from, today. Low-light blues and creeping what-if's. Exercise helps trick my limbs into thinking they have a purpose, for the time being, usually the mind follows. I just have to remember to trick my brain, too. I'm happy. I'm so happy. These cookies are amazing:blink: Actually the thing that works best, is having something to look forward to, for me. Just the anticipation of next month's Playstation launch, for example, might keep me going heads-up into the winter. There ain't no Mrs. Manifested, so a brother's got to manage.         

  9. Okay, when your married friends invite you along for a special screening of Chico & Rita - a film about the ups and downs of a Cuban pianist and his beautiful singing partner, as they battle to unite in music and love  - that will end with a tango session after the film, is it me or is that going to be a really third-wheel type of situation?  An evening of a love story inspired by the latin bolero, and ending with the passion of tango..  That really seems to me to be a couples thing.  


    Not just a third-wheel situation, more like a giant caravan hitched to the Citroen. Don't do it, man, don't go on holiday. 

  10. Well, I should say game-saves aren't like Skyrim where you can save anywhere, anytime. You have to get to a store, usually, sell the bollocks items or buy ammo, then it'll auto-save your progress. Other than that, it's a great game to play for a bit, here and there when you feel like it. And yeah, Blood Dragon is a riot.  

  11. I like the stealth portion of Far Cry 3. Sniper rifle is my favorite weapon, hiding in the jungle, red-misting heavily-armored pirate scum. I use it for most human encounters (and the bow), but occasionally rampaging tigers and wild dogs and leopards get close enough without warning, that they need a more face-to-face approach. Same with sharks. It is a beautiful setting on PC, too.   

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  12. You're good, they're PCI-E connectors for the graphics card ... the listing I'm looking at for the TX-750 says it comes with four 6+2 PCI-E connectors, where you plug in just the six and leave out the two, for 6-pin connections. 

  13. Mine evaporated last week. Thankfully I have no dependents, and I'm always healthy. :ermm:  


    Pretty sure it's Big Healthcare that put my existing policy on the block, naturally reacting to government intervention like all private monopolies would. It's not the ACA out for my wallet, it's the healthcare market that wants no part of profit-drains like pre-existing conditions. Big business fighting big government--what a titanic waste of time.       

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