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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. If you like component hardware, this is the first time we've seen the mobo and hard drive and everything else inside the new console. The CPU/GPU gets a pressurized fan and heatsink. The 8 gigs of RAM are fused to the motherboard, and the power supply is packed inside, unlike the competition's massive exterior brick. Pretty amazing how compact the whole deal is. One week, one day left. :dancing:    




  2. Heh, not that anyone here has it pre-ordered, but the upcoming Crytek-developed, Microsoft-published Xbox One exclusive launch title, Ryse: Son of Rome, was deemed as fun to play as "dialing phone numbers" by Game Informer, even after a full hour of play. He also said it was possible with only one hand on the controller. Beautiful and boring seems to be how games are just made, these days.   






    Wow, damn! Great shot. Isn't this close to where that Hannibal guy failed to cross with some elephants ... my world history is escaping me at the moment.






    Everything there felt so stupid and inane I had a hard time not to break into laughter all the time. The mind numbing routines, soul crushing senseless parades, never ending cleaning drills, having to obey the orders of single-digit-IQ Rambo-wannabe superiors and the completely nonsensical contradicting PT exercises made the whole army thing highly unattractive to me.



    You might just make the perfect United States Marine. We'd love to have you on our side. :devil:     

  4. Set up to watch the extended edition of The Hobbit. It's a 3-disc set (the film is only on one, yay) with the same parchment color discs as the EE's of LOTR and new Appendices (no. 7 & 8 ) to match. No super-foldy cardboard this time, but again the rare black case for the blu-ray. A bargain, too, at twenty bones. This version ... will kick ass. 

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  5. Agents of SHIELD. I thought it was pretty solid.


    Super solid. Gemma Simmons? Was that a reveal? Or just the first time Coulsen called her that. I love the hell out of her character now. The tears were so real ... that girl can act. Great team-building character episode.    

  6. Been playing the "check availability twice a day" game since July with this new, unreleased figure. They only let you pre-order one at a time ... got two separate orders in the bag, shipping on 12/02. 





  7. My outstanding friend and his inimitable wife took me out for sushi and sake at Harney in Oceanside. Had a super-delicious slightly-crispy miso roll with a bit of cream cheese ... zomg


    And again with the cold, unfiltered sake ... delicious, a little ricey, but doesn't dry out your mouth like beer and drinktails do. Plus it feels like you can drink it and drink it and never get out-of-control plowed. Camila had a trio of oyster sliders ... they looked positively revolting ... but she enjoyed them, so that's all that matters. Now I'm gonna have some Hostess Ding Dongs to go with all the healthy fish and rice.  :w00t:

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