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Posts posted by ManifestedISO



    The heater in the rabbit pen crapped out last night. So this morning I found the odd sight of eight rabbits piled on top of each other trying to stay warm. It wasn't even that cold last night so I figured they're just wussies. The new heater works though... just checked it.

    Maybe they were just having a rabbit gang bang?



    Hi Nep :)


    Where have you been, there has been a lack of posting lately from some of the regulars and I was getting worried   :blink:



    Indeed, the Real Inspector Hound has escaped into the swamps. 

    • Like 1
  2. Lots of bloody wheels in DA:I.


    Every time Dave Gaider explains something, I feel something dying in my little happy place.


    I think I'll play something else.


    Shadows of Mordor, with its procedurally generated foes and definitive collaboration with WETA Workshop, New Zealand, will be my alternative. 


    But then I'll also play Inquisition, because I am inexplicably compelled by laws of nature. 

  3. Same. Just started Skyrim 2 weeks ago. I like it but, it's not holding my attention...IMO I think its linear. I prefer top down RPG's though.

    Love Bethesda (in MD!) but I just can't get into the first person type of RPG's.


    I never play in first-person, it's too clunky and weird moving around with just my hands to look at. Switch out to third-person perspective and see if it improves your play.

    • Like 1
  4. Vehement envy is a wicked and silent master. 


    Thanks to the Telegraph's comments, I will now be required to desist video game-playing or risk being swept up by unrecoverable wussification. Yeah, f*** that, and f*** those aged, wrinkly bags of envy. 1972 4 life!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 



    I just had my first crash to desktop in Skyrim. Steam tells me I've been playing for 153 hours so far.


    The benefits of getting the game late.


    I CTD'd in Skyrim three times in one session, for the first time, immediately after installing last Tuesday's Windows Update. After powering down and rebooting, it hasn't happened since. My hourly total now is only 110, but that's in addition to 600 hours on Xbox. :geek: There is nothing more satisfying than the explosion of light and sound after killing draugr with Dawnbreaker. KABOOM  



    Holy Smoke, 700 hours + on Skyrim is a very impressive amount of time to spend on a game. Nice one, you must know Skyrim backwards by now ?



    It's because I keep searching for romance ...  :shifty:

    • Like 3
  6. Never seen that before, either. Stupid coin miners are stupid. Never thought Newegg would go off like that.  


    I have a hard enough time trying to get MSRP $19.99 for Star Wars Black Series figures. Amazon has had Boba Fett at +150% for months. Add Han Solo in carbonite and they're asking +600%. Desirability is expensive. 

  7. I just had my first crash to desktop in Skyrim. Steam tells me I've been playing for 153 hours so far.


    The benefits of getting the game late.


    I CTD'd in Skyrim three times in one session, for the first time, immediately after installing last Tuesday's Windows Update. After powering down and rebooting, it hasn't happened since. My hourly total now is only 110, but that's in addition to 600 hours on Xbox. :geek: There is nothing more satisfying than the explosion of light and sound after killing draugr with Dawnbreaker. KABOOM  

    • Like 1
  8. Canada sucks big fat donkey balls!




    They sucked big fat beaver balls in Vancouver when they beat our sticks for gold. Still, I enjoyed the 2010 Olympics much more than this year. 

  9. Well, consider the context, man. This was originally posted in WoT, and they regularly discuss heavy ordnance over there. Redundancy may have been necessary to make it clear that OP was not referring to mishaps with shoulder-fired missiles.


    (does that make you feel better?)


    I remember the game BLACK on PS2 had some fantastic shoulder-fired RPG elements. It had everything, from stealthy pistol work, to great big set pieces with bazookas. Nice physics and outstanding audio design really made that game. 


    Edit: whoops, I mean, it was the worst RPG game

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