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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. No oh god why no please



    "We are about to attend a costume party," said Ryan Love, senior environment artist on Dragon Age: Inquisition. "Get your mask on and your dancing shoes ready, but don't let your guard down. There's more to this party than meets the eye."




  2. In this case, it looks like PC ports are taking an extra hit for AMD drivers. The fact that AMD was essentially locked out of development by NVidia has resulted in a game where a $300 NVidia card is trading blows with a $500 AMD card due solely to the single-target optimization.


    Too many ads, didn't read. 


    Doesn't make sense on the face of it, since new console versions are AMD GCN neo-classical architecture. 


    New beta Radeon drivers released today anyway, first line-item is Watch Dogs improvements. I don't see the problem for the "entire PC-gaming eco-system." 



    Edit: And anyway, it appears the 290X is a smooth-running bystander while the 780Ti chokes on texture loading. 

  3. Sheesh, a brother's just trying to build enough confidence to last through the night, not sashay around a public square. I'd be more worried about the onset of concussion-based insanity. This community just went through it first-hand with Junior Seau, and it was tragic beyond belief.

  4. ^ I laughed quite a bit, but I'm waiting until someone else says it's okay before admitting to it. 



    For MCU fans, Director Phil Coulsen, aka Clark Gregg, did an hour-long podcast at nerdist. Some good comedy and banter if you like string theory and superheroes. 


    I didn't realize Gregg was a fan of Avengers comics since back in the day, and that Joss Whedon made a point of hiring actors for Agents of SHIELD that have an affinity for the subject. The craziest thing was--you know that time when you learn in life your unique identifier isn't so unique--Gregg goes by his middle name, same as me, his first name is actually Robert, same as me, which is the name of his father, same as me! I knew it! I am an Agent! :dancing:  


    French-fried sideburns and spectacular particulate explosions. I'm ready.


    [The Order: 1886 video]

    Too many games lately where you play as a librul socialist commie terrorist.



    Well, it was just delayed until February, probably because of that LSCT cabal. 


    Which now puts it right in my window to play PoE. But it's okay, I can handle it: micro-role-playing on the PC, macro-shooter on console. Might be a nice gameplay balance for Valentine's Day. You know, since I'll be home. Alone. So alone.  :disguise:

  6. Closer to Pillars of Eternity, with a name like SoulTaker, from that gallery website.


    As far as the delay, I would think the news would have blown up by now ... but I'm not seeing it really anywhere. Imagine all the third-parties that need to know now, like mobo-makers and what-not. I'd wait a week or two and get some concrete info, but I'm TeamGreen, so I know less about the vagaries of the Blue side. 

  7. Plenty of perspective available from last night's National Mall in D.C. concert for Memorial Day. I was equal parts emotional for the families and service-members, and blue-in-the-face at the VA. God it better get worked out. Anyway thanks to all the men and women. 

    • Like 4
  8. Haha, premature uninstallation. There's probably a pharmacology initialism already.


    PUI. If you have PUI, talk to your doctor about Wype. Before taking Wype, tell your doctor if you have other important files on your hard drive. Wype may induce thoughts of upgrading, dreams of SSDs, or irritability. See our ad in PC Digest.  

    • Like 1
  9. Wolenstein the New Order ?




    You were right, anyway. HardOCP's PC performance review says it's Wolfenstein's game engine, more or less.




    The word of the day for Wolfenstein: The New Order on the PC is "restrictive." We have learned a lot about this game, and what we've learned is that this game suffers in many ways. It suffers as a game that reminds us of a focus on the console experience, rather than the PC gaming experience. It suffers as a game that reminds us of RAGE again, with many issues not learned, or ignored from that game three years ago.

  10. It is definitely confusing. Still not as bad as trying to buy comics on Comixology with Paypal now that Amazon bought the former and is a competitor with the latter, even though Marvel still has a PayPal button on their digital comics purchase page. Confusing for newbs like me. I think it's better to buy prints in-person from a physical store anyway ...

  11. Man, nowhere is safe. Corporal punishment for thieving, I say. 


    Saw the UCSB insanity all over the news here ... christ wtf. Ten different crime scenes in one place. Glad you escaped at least. Still no confirmation if it was the Sheriffs or himself that capped that nutbag.

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