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Posts posted by ManifestedISO


    A girly Fett?! Well I love a woman in a mask, who can thoroughly kick ass ...


    I was about to joke that I should introduce you to one of my exes. Then I noticed that you actually live relatively near her. Ironically this has convinced me that I shouldn't.



    Well then, I would request your ex be that of Keeley Hawes, and for her to live in nearby Los Angeles, and for me to become her errant whipping boy. 


    How near is relatively, anyway, out of curiosity. 

  2. Finally. The fickle collecting-gods smiled briefly. Black Series 6" Stormtrooper figures have been unavailable at normal MSRP, going for double value on Amazon--until today, for a few minutes. Within the last hour, actually. Got two figures for only 10%+ over ... $22.99 vs. $19.99. Moments later, single 'trooper price went back up to $38.99. 







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    Xbones worth of power. I thought that was funny.


    Excellent ... my PC is 1.4 Xbones. I didn't think such a gulf existed between the 7850 and 7870 ... 1.4 to 2.0 Xbones worth. That 7790 seems optimistic at 1.4, too. Maybe their wikipedia source is slightly fudged. Still funny, though. 

  4. A week and no drink ... what is wrong.


    With apologies to The Dude and white Russians everywhere (no, belay that last) I think I prefer caucasians with rum instead of vodka ... a white Cuban, if you will. I didn't realize coffee liqueur is rum-based anyway, so it tastes slightly more, uh, bien.  

  5. Heh, no, looking forward to it, though. Only three hours into a first-ever playthrough. Just barely got an SMG or whatever it is. I swear the pistol has the same sound effect as in Die Hard, when he's under the desk ... pow, pow, pow! ... thanks for the advice!  :grin:

  6. I just finished replaying Half-Life 2 for the first time in several years.  I was really struck by how a 10 year old game makes better use of physics than any FPS I've played since.   I think its a glaring omission in game development.  Just reinstalled HL2: Episode 1.  I beat it at release, and haven't touched it since so it'll pretty much be like new.


    I'm loading it now for the first time ever. Kind of excited. 

  7. HOT. Hot hot hot. Like massive high pressure, low humidity, triple-digit Santa Ana wind speeds hot. 90+ damn degrees at the coast hot. No wonder the Middle East is retarded, it's always HOT there. I'm positive air conditioning would be the number one effective global terrorism deterrent. 

  8. Oh, heh, nevermind. The Chargers GM spoke to reporters today, basically saying since they pick 25th, it's pointless to gun for specific drafts. 


    He's a cool guy, though, I like that his competence is obvious. They also said, the last time SD went 25th, they got some goof named Dan Fouts in the third round.  :dancing:

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