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Everything posted by dancingcrab

  1. I felt the need to clarify an inaccuracy. You understand that "installing some [..] software", product redemption codes, and digital platforms are all different and totally discrete concepts/issues, right? In fact, your terminology and analogies are so confused that your own example, referencing The Witcher 3, is flawed. That game will almost certainly come with a GOG code! Of course, being CDProjekt, you won't be required to use it. I'm totally on board with DRM-free discs, and personally really dislike how all discs are little more than data files for a Steam-unlock these days.
  2. The official wiki references that different classes have different initial defence stats, but only accurately lists deflection for each. F/R/W are all shown to be 10.
  3. There is?!? Gonna have to look for that next time I fire it up!
  4. Minor clarification: GOG doesn't "force you to install some GOG software" at any point.
  5. Yes. Next week. Check out the coverage on PCGamer.com (no specific link, sorry, on mobile and being brief).
  6. @Matt516 How did you check/test for DRM?
  7. Truly, developers/Kickstarters should offer high quality paper maps. This obsession with fabric maps is weird. Ultima is pretty much the only series I know that did them well. The new Underworld is offering a parchment map. That is a MUCH better idea (and true to the original Underworlds) than a 'fabric' map.
  8. We're both level 4. The only difference (when naked) is that my character is an Ocean Folk rogue and Aloth is a Wood Elf wizard.
  9. Hi all, I'm scratching my head trying to figure out why Aloth's D/F/R/W are so much better than my rogue's. I stripped the two characters down to their pants, and I just can't understand it. Going just by attributes, I should be higher than him, but when in our underpants, Aloth trumps my rogue in all but deflection. Can someone explain to me how the game determines base values for these stats? Thanks!
  10. I've been thinking over this very same thing! Surely it can't be hard to implement some form of simple 'pen' container that, when you dump your surplus pets in, they then show up somewhere in your stronghold? That would be RAD! We should suggest that as a new feature.
  11. They do carry over. The Prima guide, as I am finding out fairly frequently at the moment, is inaccurate.
  12. Well, the book is meant to only be a one-time printing/limited edition (which is expressly stated on Amazon).
  13. Hopefully!! That would be great. More for the expansion and PoE2, not to mention better support for patches.
  14. He's referring to the passively modified title, 'Social Warriors of Justice'.
  15. I think you'd like to know, there is in fact pet cat in the game and I have it.
  16. In the name of RP, I've tended to only rest at inns thus far. I've dragged out some pretty long stretches between rests as a result. 'No Rest for the Pro' does seems insanely hard. I'm going to No Knockdowns with a little light save scumming
  17. Thems the breaks. To be honest, the wurm is cute, but not really worth $30!
  18. This is standard. There are many ways to create cheap and easy 'fabric' style maps these days. The Divinity Original Sin map was equally nasty. Haven't looked at my Wasteland 2 one yet, but probably also rubbish. I get it's about economics, but it's just sad when I look at my old Ultima V map. So gorgeous.
  19. Well, technically a fighter can take specialisation and then mastery, which other classes can't. But in essence, yes, it's an even playing field.
  20. Random question - does this count ALL resting, including at inns? I'm guessing so, but the firepit icon had me second-guessing whether it's only for wilderness rests. If it's the former, I'm not interested in going for it. If it's the latter, then no problem. Thanks!
  21. Hi, Byeohazard - does the box have a big space at the bottom that would fit the Guidebook which came with the OP's $250 tier? (Assuming you're a lower non-signed tier like myself.) Thanks! I chose the 140.00 tier and have not broken the shrink wrap yet. I Imagine it would have the spacer in it for the discs that will be coming later. That art book and signed box at the 250.00 tier sure looks nice (grats ryukenden)! but I am really happy with the 140.00 tier. STuff is pretty loose in the box..I can hear stuff slide around by tipping the box. Hi, Byeohazard - does the box have a big space at the bottom that would fit the Guidebook which came with the OP's $250 tier? (Assuming you're a lower non-signed tier like myself.) Thanks! The guidebook (I called it artbook) is the same size as the CE box. Thank you both! Didn't realise that the Guidebook was a smaller form factor than other Dark Horse videogame publications (at least the books I own - Art of Mass Effect and World of Thedas). I like that. Might have to pick it up... especially if it fits in the box so nicely!!
  22. I don't even know how to check whether this has affected me. When does the human passive show up - always or only when their endurance is at 50% or below?
  23. Hi, The Prima guide contradicts itself regarding the speed at which characters acquire talents. First it states that a character gains one every even level. It goes on to say (in a boxout), that people tend to get their first talent at level 3 and then every third, although some classes receive them more quickly. I haven't figured this out yet as I haven't played as much as I'd like. However, I think the former is accurate. Can anyone confirm? It would mirror what I believe is the ability acquisition (every odd level). Thanks!!
  24. Hi, Byeohazard - does the box have a big space at the bottom that would fit the Guidebook which came with the OP's $250 tier? (Assuming you're a lower non-signed tier like myself.) Thanks!
  25. Pics or it didn't happen!! My email says Monday (30th). San Francisco.
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