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Everything posted by da_mayor

  1. Just read another thread where someone suggested that a person with a similar problem contact the devs privately or via e-mail and they'd fix it server-side.
  2. Sorry. Didn't mean to say that you didn't have a bug. I just was differentiating between the half that was "expected" and the half that was a problem.
  3. I would love this, as well, for the same reasons.
  4. According to the physical game's rules, you should be able to look, and the extra step is required. They probably followed that as a pattern. (In the physical game, I look at my discard pile right before healing to get a count of each type of boon, so I know roughly what's missing after.) Edit: Should NOT be able to look.
  5. There's a small button with a blue scroll with an eyeball just below the Location details on the left that lets you look at the map and tap the other locations whether they're occupied or not.
  6. The saves aren't suppose to port over (yet), so that's normal. However, if you're using the same Google Account to log into your Android phone's Google Play as you do to log into your Tablet's Google Play account, all your purchases and gold balances should be there just like normal. It worked on my HTC One M9 and my Nexus 10 Tablet.
  7. For the record, "Elite" isn't the end-all be-all level of boons (or banes). My best description is "second-least crappy". First, you have Basics, which 1) are what you must use to build your first decks, and 2) are the first to get purged from the vault when you hit higher adventures. In the physical game, once you begin AD3, if you defeat a Basic monster or Barrier, they are removed from the vault (for that one game, not for ALL games). If you would Banish a basic boon, you may CHOOSE to remove it from the game to increase your odds of finding better boons. Once you start AD5, you do the same for Elites. If something has neither the Basic OR Elite traits, they stay in the game 'til the bloody end...
  8. This is a known issue (See "Quest Mode freezing during load"). They're workin' on it.
  9. Make that "upper RIGHT part of the playing area, directly below the turn-phase buttons (give-a-card, move, end-of-turn, trash can...).
  10. Also, remember that the Waterfront weapon-use penalty cancels Kyra's +2 Melee skill when you're rolling two dice. So if the dice came up a 4 total, you could take 14 damage.
  11. I think he means that EACH character gets x number of turns, not that the party as a whole does. It is definitely like that, especially since (usually) there are up to 10 more cards to encounter for each player. So in a typical scenario: 1 player - 30 total turns to address 3 locations, 10 cards each, 30 possible explores (barring cards getting shuffled back in or locations closing before all cards are encountered) 2 players - 30 total turns to address 4 locations, 10 cards each, 40 possible explores (Ditto above) 3 players - 30 total turns to address 5 locations, 10 cards each, 50 possible explores (Ditto above) 4 players - 30 total turns to address 6 locations, 10 cards each, 60 possible explores (Ditto above) 5 players - 30 total turns to address 7 locations, 10 cards each, 70 possible explores (Ditto above) 6 players - 30 total turns to address 8 locations, 10 cards each, 80 possible explores (Ditto above) The only balancing thing is, 6 players will have WAY more blessings and allies for exploring (unless they're all Ezren with nothing but Acolytes) to get through them. But yes, you have to explore aggressively and close immediately rather than hoarding your blessings and/or milking locations for all possible boons.
  12. In the link Parody helpfully provided, it mentions Seelah's Crusader Role. For those of you who haven't played the physical game a "Role" is a one-time choice you make after completing Adventure 3 in any given Adventure Path. Each character has two unique roles which expand their powers with about 8 more power feats, some of which beef up existing powers (Seelah's Crusader role allows her to improve beyond Improved Inspired Grace, to add +2 or even +3 to each use) or add new powers (Seelah's Crusader role offers an option for a new power to turn undead much like Kyra's basic Turn Undead power). So, if you "level up" Seelah to the point where she gets a Role, choose Crusader, and go BACK, then, yeah. No problem.
  13. AND NOTHING BAD WOULD HAPPEN... Is that your intent with this challenge?
  14. Did you take Lem through the other Difficulties FIRST to beef him up, or did you start him with a fresh deck in Legendary Brigandoom!? (Is the latter even possible?)
  15. Let's take this a step further. You'll learn here that not only is Iesha Foxglove not a Combat check, but if your non-combat check to defeat her doesn't have the Magic trait, she is undefeated. Only Kyra can add the Magic trait to that particular check, at this point, using her Undead-slaughtering power. So only Kyra can actually defeat Iesha Foxglove.
  16. Found them in the Vault. Didn't see C and P buttons on the far right. When I look at P cards, I don't see any, but I KNOW they're in the Vault, because the Blessing of Zarongel (sp?) showed up in my blessings deck at one point.
  17. This looks a lot like a symptom of the Duplicated Characters bug addressed here, among other places.
  18. Only if I'm dragging from the top center-ish area. That's where my Notifications menu resides. I'm using a Nexus 10. Don't have the Android version handy, but it upgraded fairly recently.
  19. That's carried over from the card game. Different devs, different verbage. One was relying on everyone knowing that unless otherwise specified, you always play cards from your hand. Similarly, you'll see one say "Discard a card from your deck" and another saying, "Discard the top card of your deck." They mean the same thing.
  20. My fiancee had the same problem. Try dragging from the top of your deck to the discard pile.
  21. All the characters got unlocked immediately, but I'm not seeing any "Deck C" cards in my vault. Currently, I can only see the B cards (when I try AD1 or AD2, it says, "This Deck List is unavailable for the current Adventure."). What are some cards I can look for to indicate whether I have the Character Add-on deck? (In the physical game, one that stands out is the Sage's Journal.)
  22. With a little care, I'm getting around on my HTC One M9 just fine.
  23. Know what you'll find in the next base set, Skull and Shackles? Bunyips. Know what you'kll find in the FOLLOWING base set, Wrath of the Righteous? Bunyips. I'm really curious what I'll find in the as-yet-unreleased physical base set, Mummy's Mask...
  24. For me, I think like a chess player (even though I never play chess). Until I take my finger off, I'm not done. However, if I put my finger on the dice and hold it there (because I'm rethinking my options), they roll.
  25. Personally, I feel my tablet is working too darn hard as it is. The heat generation and power consumption are significant. Animations would probably make it more intense.
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