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Everything posted by KOTORFanactic

  1. KOTOR1 = Bastila/Finding out your Revan KOTOR2 = Seeing those Light Side Masters killed by Kreia on Dantooine (Light Side Story)/HK Pacifist Upgrade installation
  2. R.I.P. Scotty. Your fixing Enterprise's engines up in heaven now. We'll miss ya. Well, I will at least.
  3. Ebon Hawk Millenium Falcon Eclispe Class Star Destroyer
  4. An expansion pack? I don't think so. An incomplete stand-alone, I believe so; due to the cut content. (Restoration Project should hopefully change this). Sequels to the oroingal game can often be similar or almost exact copies. After all, if the formula works, then why change it? It's one of those 'If it's not broken, the don't fix it.' situations. Just because a game has the same forumla and/or engine, for say, three games running in the series, doesn't immediately make it an expansion pack. You've got to look at so many other things to decide. P.S. All things in this word are over-priced.
  5. Tracks off Disturbed's new album. (Stricken and Guarded)(Album isn't out yet).
  6. I can't really remember many of my dreams that well. I seem to remember that they are always weird, scenarios. Somtimes containing characters from T.V. shows I watch, sometimes real life characters, sometimes set in places I've never heard of, sometimes set in places I've been to in the past. That's all I know. All I know is, they are damn weird dreams, that I always seem to play along with. Sorry all you psycho analysts, but that's all I can give you.
  7. Erm..you know what? I have no f*****g idea. I'm guessing it would problably have been used ont he droid planet, which as everyone knows, was cut from the game. Still maybe this feat will be useful once the Resotration Project is completed.
  8. I have finsihed KOTOR1 more times than you can possibly imagine. I've since lost count, but I belive it's around 30+ times... Yes, I have no life.
  9. yeah, I installed the pacifist package. He became the HK version of C3P0.
  10. Just read the epilogue. It was beautiful story. This writer had great talent.
  11. KOTOR2: They still aren't letting us have hoods up. Unless on people and clothing pre-programmed to have hoods up. KOTOR2: SO many lightsaber colours it's stupid. KOTOR2: The Sith get pWned again. What else is new?
  12. Some people say that - with my glasses off - I look like Vin Diesel.
  13. Damn Zulu, that Reeks of Awesomeness. Awesome.
  14. KOTOR2: Why didn't they finsih it? *Jumps off cliff* AAAAARRRRRGGGHHHHHH! *splat* KOTOR2: Fighting for the last jar of Mayonaise KOTOR2: Medieval Star Wars
  15. I know I know, it's jsut on observation of England vs France. I'll shut up now.
  16. Thanks. You know, i've just noticed something... Darth Flatus is from France, I'm from England... It's the age old Engalnd vs France fight between KOTORFanactic + Darth Flatus.
  17. Flame me if you want. I don't care. If you don't like, then don't comment.
  18. Don't worry, you've done nothing wrong. It's meant to do that.
  19. The non-cheat way is to run for the door you need to get to, then open it, avoiding all the Ubese, and letting your Jedi character kill them later. The cheat way is to hit ~ and type in 'heal', then press enter. When this is done, your character has all health/force points restored. All actions are cancelled, but just click something, attack an enemy or move about to get going again. P.S. You might want to double check that the cheat thing is enabled.
  20. Well, screenie time. Basically, a collage of six screenies of the 3 Dark Lords. For Traya, I couldn't really get any screenies where both my charcter and the opponent had a saber drawn during an in-game-cutscene, so I had to settle with what I could get. Still, I reckon I managed to get some good screenies for this little thing.
  21. I'm a sucker for romantic things.
  22. Well, I've got another piccy. A kind of a 'spur of the moment thing', so it isn't really as good as my other work. A real angst pic. Revan leaving for the unknown regions, leaving his friends, leaving Bastila... I'm not normally one to draw angst pics, but I heard a song (Mariah Carey-We Belong Together) and this image just hit me straight in the face. I did plan to put the whole song on there, but there wasn't room, so I only put on the chorus. I think the song fits the parting of Revan and Bastila really well. (Full song lyrics here))
  23. Damn I love that story. It's great.
  24. I'll tell you how I took it. It's actually fairly simple. On my keyboard, and probably yours too, there is a "Print Screen/SysRq" button near the top. You press that and voila! A screenshot. However, there may be some delay from when the screenshot is shot and the time you press the button, but only like a millisecond. Do you have paint? If you do, select the icon that allows you to cut parts out (the dotted rectangle called 'Select'), and you right click and select Paste, then save the file as a JPEG or a PNG.' That's how I took the screenie. Simple eh?
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