We should see Bastila return. Only in a cameo.
I realise some people hate her, what with the costant rants of "Bastila is the most annoying..." and "I hate her, i killed her in the original." and the like.
However, she was one of the central characters in the original. I dont know if these guys who hate Bastila noticed, but KOTOR revolved around Revan and Bastila (also Carth, but in more of a secondary role). It concentrates on the story of the bond between Revan and Bastila.
I hav already said in another post that Revan would return (again only in a cameo), and if Revan returns, then it is almost, if not totally certain, that Bastila will return.
Of course, u decide if Bastila survives through KOTOR at the start of KOTOR2, with the questions that u r asked, but that is another matter. And dont giv some rant about. "U idiot, how can u say this, Bastila is an annoying..."garbage. I like Bastila. Whenever i played through the original, i always played male (yes i am male) and always did the romance angle. (There I said it.)
Happy torture for waiting for the game/info on it. I know i'm being tortured.
(O, dear, i think i just lost my sanity).