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Everything posted by Veynn

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong. So there's the Dozen men and women. And also there's a dozen in the shadow which Durance was part of?
  2. If I remember, Kana said the people who created the bomb asked for the Rauatai's assistance on the matter. So that means it also has to do with science like military stuff. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  3. Thank you. Is that a complete list of all in-game books?
  4. I'd like to have quest about building a Godhammer or similar bomb in future expansions and sequels. It's quite interesting to know what does it take to put down a higher power using only mortal ways.
  5. I love the in-game books in PoE. But sometimes I just wanted read them when I'm not playing. So I was reading the Almanac and Collector's Book in my ipad yesterday before I went to sleep. I was thinking if there was a site or wikipage that has all the text from the in-game books. Is there a way to extract these texts?
  6. I'm quite curious about the construction of the Godhammer Bomb. What was is made of? Gunpowder? Magic? A mixture of both? And how explosive was this bomb? Was it like a car-bomb? An atomic-nuclear level explosion? I know Waidwen was just a vessel, so he is just flesh. But since he got possesed by a god, I'm sure he must have gained god-like strength and power to defend himself from gunshots and spells. If this bomb could kill a god, then it must be a mother******* big-ass bomb.
  7. I really don't like the "rest everywhere, all the time" mechanic, especially in dungeons. I do have something in mind. 1. Resting in dungeons is okay but, there should be a specific spot where you can rest/camp. For example, an old abandoned area that was used or camped by previous adventurers. In the story, the Erl went beneath Od Nua right? That means he also rested and made camp while going down the Endless Paths. Also in Level 1, Maerwald had a room. It's obviously safe to lock the party there and rest/camp instead of that spider infested area. 2. Resting in dungeons should also consume twice the camping supplies. I dunno.. to discourage rest spamming? lol 3. Resting in dungeons should have a Survival roll. You know, you get interrupted while sleeping. But that's just me.
  8. WTF. The option to purchase the expansion is now gone! Oh come on! I didn't buy it before because I didn't have money. Now that I do, it's gone.
  9. Some of us gets attached to the characters we create in the game. Whether it's about the personal story or the character/level progress we've achieved at the end. So, would you like to import your character in the future expansions and sequels?
  10. So yeah they gave us this high-res Map of the Eastern Reach. If you look at the map, we only visited a small portion of the map. Looking at the map markers, looks like they are interesting places. Do you think Obsidian will include each and every marker in that map in the future expansions and sequels? I hope they do because I was kinda disappointed with the lack of places to visit and explore. I mean, months before PoE was released, everyday I was staring at the map and imagining the places that we would visit. And then... we just got Defiance Bay and Twin Elms. WTH, man! I wanted to go to the Lake of Drowned Tombs!
  11. I actually like not being able to buff before the fight lol. When I first found out that I couldn't I was like... "oh man this is gonna be challenging!"
  12. Get the talents/abilities that benefit from Sneak Attacks. I'd rather stick with passive abilities/talents that give you more damage in the long run. Get the following. (not in order) Sneak Attack Crippling Strike - Debuff, good for sneak attack Blinding Strike - Debuff, good for sneak attack Vulnerable Attacks - DR bypass, works great if you use Stilletos or other piercing weapons. i gives -25 attack speed though. Two-Weapon Fighting - this negates the speed reduction from Vulnerable Attacks Deep Wounds - Damage over time. Dirty Fighting - convert your hits to crits Vicious Fighting - adds more damage to Dirty Fighting Deathblows - Sneak Attacks deals x2 damage if your enemy has 2 or more conditions that allow Sneak Attack (ex. 2 or more of the following: Blinded, Flanked, Hobbled, Paralyzed, Petrified, Prone, Stuck, Stunned, Weakened) Adept Evasion - 50% chance for Grazes to become Misses. vey useful. I stayed away from Escape, Backstab, Finishing Blows, Reckless Assault (this is still bugged. you can get it later if its fixed), Deflecting Assault (works better if you have Reckless Assault). These skills are used if you want to be a sneaky/invisible backstabbing rogue or if you use a heavier, more damaging weapon. It deals super damage, yes, but you only get to use some skills limited per rest. Sneaky, Backstabby Rogues are kinda useless at the moment because of it's limitations. If Obsidian decides to make Sneak to not break during combat, things may change.
  13. So I'm playing on Hard mode right. Hiravas casts Firebug on and deals 246 damage that killed him. That was just a GRAZE. I would understand if it was a CRIT. Is there something wrong with the final boss' resistances or it's WAI?
  14. I found the solution. I'm using Asus Xonar DG sound card and I have the GF effects mode ON. I turned it off and now it records the sound. It looks like PoE doesn't want its sound recorded with sound card effects on. I don't have problem with this with other games.
  15. Yeah Boots of Speed is buggy. My is awesome but it resets everytime.
  16. I don't know if there's a problem with my screen recorder (Mirillis Action) or PoE not letting sound to be recorded. I have no problems recording other games with sound. But when I record footage in PoE, there is no sound. Anyone using Mirillis Action to record Pillars of Eternity? Edit: I tried using Fraps but still no sound. Damn, all my games except PoE has sounds when recorded.
  17. What I like about the size of Baldur's Gate and Athkatla is it feels like the place is very big. Yes, there are houses and buildings that are empty, non-enterable, and not related to any quest. But the "adventure" feel and the awe is there, at least for me. There are times in the BG series that I just walk around and explore stuff. You know, role-playing stuff. Here in PoE, that "adventure" and "exploration" feel is not that great compared to the BG series. In BG, you feel like Baldur's Gate and Athkalta are REAL cities because of its scope. Hell, Defiance Bay and Twin Elms felt like they're just small towns.
  18. Chanters are kinda slow. I kinda dumped Kana because he's not doing anything significant in my party combat.
  19. Deep Wounds doesn't show in the combat logs I think. It does show when you hover your mouse on an enemy.
  20. Yes the maps are too few and too small. I expected 2 Big Big cities but Defiance bay and Twin Elms felt like just 1 Baldur's Gate size.
  21. So how big a file size is this 9GB? Please say it isnt so.
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