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Everything posted by Nick_i_am


  2. Noby Noby Hades!
  3. PS3 controlers don't use USB.
  4. Pinch me Llyranor
  5. Go play an Anime game where the dudes look like chicks More like chicks than your mum anyway.
  6. We already know you have no taste, go boil your head Mr.Driller.
  7. One thing that was really awsome in SS was the destructable terrain.
  8. Personally I think Kyle is right, the levels and battles were pretty boring. They tried to mix thnigs up more and there were some cool battles, spaced out, but it just seemed to drag it out, rather than offer the nicely condensed (if simple) experience of GoW. Not that i'm excusing the GoW1 vehicle sequence.
  9. also, mkreku is the brainless one
  10. Don't wagers need actual value?
  11. and then I ate her.
  12. I'd do anything for a Scooby Snack!
  13. At least Hades should be immune to zombie attacks.
  14. I stoles ur happies.
  15. The time limit wasn't even enforced, you COULD go oblivion style and sniff flowers if you were willing to let people die or miss missions and you'd happily get ending B if you did that. The problem is the RPG ethos of both wanting to save the world AND pick the nose of every passerby you find along the way.
  16. The universe decided that one was enou...too many.
  17. That means you need to wash more.
  18. RPG devs know what the ladies like. Gabs is a lady, shut up.
  19. Are they assuming that we know how to dress ourselves?
  20. for you 360 losers, L4D and Gears2, yeah.
  21. Somehow I doubt it.
  22. Actually, Valve just didn't bother with patches for TF2 360, which isn't the case with L4D. The upcoming patch is mostly Verses based anyway, which we don't tend to play.
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