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Tsuga C

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Everything posted by Tsuga C

  1. Tsuga C


    A selection of Vivaldi.
  2. No, I'm decidedly in the Country Class. Read the article (preferably the book, too) and you'll get the gist of it.
  3. You needn't be exceptionally wealthy, well connected, in government, or a titan of industry to be included in Angelo Codevilla's "ruling class"; many who seek acceptance by or patronage from the ruling class espouse their views are considered as being of that group despite their "wanna-be" status. Here's an article that formed the nucleus of his book, The Ruling Class.
  4. He is just such a one. His posts regarding the Second Amendment and gun control laws make it entirely clear that he's very much akin to Sowell's "anointed", Levin's "statist", or Codevilla's "ruling class"--take your pick.
  5. With the local chipmunks it's a matter of them running around in the space in between floors--my ceiling, the floor above me. Skitter, skitter, skitter they go through the night...the little baztards.
  6. ...is that you resent him being unapologetically conservative and refusing to compromise with the parasitic evils of the un-Constitutional usurpation by the Federal government of States' and Citizens' rights. I disagree with your assessment of him entirely. I'm a social, fiscal, and national security conservative. I was quite aware of this, but I'm not terribly interested in playing word games with what is or is not "technically true". ...condescension on your part, or at least that's how I read this section. I hear this from a good number of conservative-lites such as yourself who seem to hold moderation and reaching across the isle as great virtues. Perhaps you don't do this, though. Respectfully, I disagree with the "lites" as history has taught me that the LibProgs never, ever stop coming back for another attack upon traditional conservative America, be it our fiscal, moral, or national security perogatives. Again, I was aware of this. Living in the 21st Century as we do, however, we use the modern definition. Mark Levin will, from time to time, call attention to this and refer to LibProgs as "modern liberals". He did this a number of times in his book Liberty & Tyranny. Rush has done so on his show as well, but you don't listen, so you wouldn't know this.
  7. The Catholic church is left wing conservative.Good point. That's why I no longer attend mass. They long ago conflated massive social spending with compassion and lost my respect.
  8. Thanks, but no. I enjoy his program thoroughly, save for all the damned commercials. And calling yourself a "right-wing conservative" makes you sound like a LibProg trying to pass yourself off as a conservative. Is there such a beast as a left-wing conservative? No, there isn't, so just call yourself a stalwart conservative or rock-ribbed conservative if you want to emphasize your conservatism.
  9. Truth be told, I've seen plenty of such behavior on these and other forums. I'm no longer above throwing it back as refraining from doing so doesn't stop it coming. Not as much as I'd like, but I can usually tune in twice or thrice a week. The DailyRushbo website helps me keep abreast of what he's been saying about current events.
  10. Nerd drama and angst over the "purity" of the Torment name being used to hype something that's not a Planescape game.
  11. I observed the stoop and kill a Cooper's hawk delivered to a careless sparrow. Now that was an inspirational sight. Less inspirational was my observation of the first chipmunk of spring. The furry little gremlins have a habit of getting into my apartment complex somehow.
  12. Here's some more new information you might wish to consider.
  13. You do realize that scorn is a favorite tactic of the Alinskyites and that they employ it relentlessly to real effect? I respect the office, but I have none for the current occupant or any of his ilk.
  14. Arabs can be and are full citizens in Israel. They are able to vote and do so regularly.
  15. What struck you as "trite" strikes me as truth.
  16. Depending on the results of the 2014 elections, it just might do so within 2 years. If the Demosocialists take the House, then Prezbident Obongo will be unopposed and free to do as he pleases legislatively (think massive borrowing/spending increases + Lefty social agenda) and in the regulatory arena (think EPA and ruinous carbon taxes). We've had it quite good for a very long time and Obongo would likely use this opportunity to "get even" with successful, productive Americans and demolish much of traditional America in the process.
  17. But unlike fiat currency, precious metals have never been worth nothing. As we print more "funny money" and thus devalue it, the value of precious metals relative to the unbacked currency becomes stronger.
  18. ...would generally agree with you on what you wrote. You seem to have missed the message entirely.
  19. And the dreadful nonsense from this administration just keeps on coming. Representative Candice Miller [R] from Harrison Twp., MI is interviewed by Frank Beckmann, WJR 760am radio.
  20. May he and all his ilk rot in Hell. His "reforms" hurt the very people he allegedly championed while he purloined roughly the equivalent of two billion USD--thieving, socialist-minded douchebag. Very fine clip about Chavez.
  21. LadyCrimson as a bonus boss. Edit: By the way, aren't some of the high-dollar contributors becoming opponents or minor NPCs or suchlike persons in the game? Squaring off against yourself--a unique experience, to be certain.
  22. Grimoires are not only books, but also serve as a spell focus, too. Sounds good. I sure hope they're tough and readily endure the rough and tumble of combat.
  23. It'd be a fine thing if they could pull this off, but working intelligent, determined evil into the storyline might prove a problem. How does one adequately accommodate both saintly and malefic player characters within the context of a story-driven game? The "good" path is the standard one, "neutral" generally being covered by greed or indifference. What then of "evil"? It's usually reduced to chickens*** of some sort, usually thuggish brutality. In a Pen 'n' Paper RPG session evil can be accommodated by a willing DM/GM easily enough, but I think it's a tall order for a cRPG. Not impossible, mind you, but it has to be included in the storyboarding sessions from the get-go to be a worthwhile roleplaying experience. If anyone from Obsidian cares to comment, I'd be glad to read your input on this subject. (hint, hint) Edit: And as for The Game of Thrones, I'd nominate Roose Bolton and possibly Tywin Lannister for suitably evil individuals worth consideration as role models. How to make such options available to the player character, though?
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