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Jumble Murdersense

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Everything posted by Jumble Murdersense

  1. Definitely going to be playing as this class first.
  2. Maybe gods allow you to 'reset' your soul, so the wicked can get a second chance (Just give us lots of gold), or at least they give the impression of being able to do so.
  3. Thanks for the answer! Is baking (normal maps) done in maya too? The recently released (beta) of Handplane has maya import / unity export, so bonus points if you guys use this (or some other method) to get 100% synched normals (assuming you'll be using tangent space normal maps, which is a pretty safe assumption)
  4. Hm, I'd be curious to know what your reasons for choosing Maya were. Do you require all your artists to use it, or are they free to use whatever package they like? I'm a modo user but its current lack of game art support is slightly annoying, but the awesome modelling tools make up for it. Mostly. Oh also, does obsidian use outsourcing? Just out of curiosity. Worked well for Bethesda with Brink, 3 Point Studios are awesome.
  5. I suppose it would be possible to have equipment have a stat for intimidation, so better gear = higher level of intimidation. Then maths happens, and if your parties intimidation > enemies then they won't attack. I'm sure you could make it affected by other stats like wis/int too. Probably won't happen but just an idea.
  6. There's no law against awesome. Speaking of awesome, nice portfolio Merlkir!
  7. Your mailbox is full Tried sending this: 1) Jumble Murdersense, Apprentice Candle Dribbler 2) http://i.imgur.com/I60Tt.png What's the new OOoE site for specifically?
  8. Totally called it. I was just off by 400k..
  9. 3.6 Million: We'll make the game better. So simple.
  10. Until Warren Spector starts a KS for a new Deus Ex like game or something Or if valve started a kickstarter with a 10 million initial goal to release HL3 free to everyone - but now that's just being silly.
  11. Taking the question too literally, I would ask for a department of post-mortem communications.
  12. Welcome, welcome, dribbled candles for all. Nice to see I still have the longest name on the list.
  13. Only if you're using an old plasma screen as a monitor.
  14. I wouldn't mind if I could have say the inventory screen or journal always open on a secondary monitor.
  15. Now imagine if the final product had 3 million sales
  16. As motivation for any of the developers considering attempting the production beard, and as entertainment for us viewing from home, I present you with a few select tracks from the Australian novelty band, The Beards. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlgbKIswpzI&hd=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3C5nE4UqqLk other notable tracks include "If your dad doesn't have a beard, you've got two mums", "Bearded Nation", "No Beard, No Good", "Why having a beard is better", "A Wizard needs a Beard" and "Best Beard Out".
  17. I heard the PS:T sourcecode was lost, so making an update would be impossible? Can't remember where I heard that so take from it what you will.
  18. You might in the reflection of lakes etc. But it does seem excessive / uneccessary considering the type of game.
  19. This guys seems pretty legit, just let him in.. or you'll have to dribble your own candles from now on.
  20. I guess it depends how it's done. If it's not actual 3d geometry then how would shadows move as the sun rotates? Is it some 2.5d crazyness like Zbrush's pixols? (A pixel with depth information).. Will have to read over what's been released so far.
  21. Looks amazing. I'd be interested in reading more about the process they went through to create it - they mentioned it's done in 3d then rendered out as 2d? I assume that would mean no dynamic day/night cycles?
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