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Everything posted by kierun

  1. Can we get an update on this? … It is depressing not being able to play the game.
  2. Since I am unable to play (due to NVidia freeze bug) a game I help fund, I do not think I will be looking at the next adventure… Sorry.
  3. Is the NVIDIA card bug finally fixed with this? It would be nice to actually play the game I funded…
  4. Urgh, still not fixed? Well, that was a pointless waste of money backing the game. /sigh
  5. Thanks for letting us know. If you want, PM me and I am happy to test / send more info / whatnot on my system.
  6. > FPS degradation over time that was introduced in v2.0.1 no longer occurs. Is this part of the bug that affect NVidia cards?
  7. I like ciphers but I am unsure if I want to play a pure one or multi-class one. I was thinking of a pure cipher with twin guns using the guns as a way to build focus. Any suggestions?
  8. I, for one, do not mind. I would rather Obsidian took their time rather than release something shoddy.
  9. Quiet possibly… I would be happy with a "here is a zip file of portraits" as long as whoever does it do check that the images are okay to use. That's the main reason for a PR (pull request).
  10. Yes, there is. The point of this is to have something you can download and install instead of trawling through 99 pages of forum posts.
  11. So, time is running out and no one has helped so far… Thus, this is the final and last call for help. HELP! … ☹
  12. I have created a repository to hold as many as we can gather portraits for Deadfire. ⚠ I need your help! Could people upload the already done portraits as pull requests? Once we have those, I can generate a massive mosaic of them all as a preview. Could someone expend the section of how to install those portraits in game? Could someone explain how to create those portraits? Ideally, I would like to be able to have something working for the 3rd of April… Note that I cannot do this alone as I have neither the expertise for some of it nor the time to do it all myself. If no one helps, then it does not happen.
  13. The repository for portraits is a go. I got a very kind message from Obsidian and as long as we do not profit from it, we are good. ⚠ I need your help! Could people upload the already done portraits as pull requests? Once we have those, I can generate a massive mosaic of them all as a preview. Could someone expend the section of how to install those portraits in game? Could someone explain how to create those portraits? Ideally, I would like to be able to have something working for the 3rd of April…
  14. This does not work for me… I get some images and lots of dead links not opening. Meh.
  15. As promised, here is a github repository for all the portraits. I need three pieces of help from the community: Could people upload the already done portraits as pull requests]? Once we have those, I can generate a massive mosaic of them all as a preview. Could someone expend the section of how to install those portraits in game? Could someone explain how to create those portraits? On the latter, can @AarikD let me know if I can upload the content of the `WatercolorTemplate.zip` file as given in this post?
  16. This is a very valid point. The employees of Obsidian need to put food on the table and they can't do that by creating products that don't sell well enough to cover the costs. At say $49.99 per game, if you played around 50 hours (which I more or less played on PoE 1) it would be $1 (rounded) per hour played… A cinema trip will cost you ten times as much per hour. Clearly, paying $49.99 for a game that you end up playing for half an hour 'cause it's ****, yield an utterly different calculation! ☺ Hellblade's Ninja theory did a video on their monetary results. It is worth a watch as it does break down costs for an independent studio to do a game.
  17. I am sure this will not decent into another DLC are evil vs DLC are good flame feast⸮ No ladies and gentlemen, not here⸮ …
  18. If not one has already done it, I shall. Might be tomorrow or other the weekend if I do it… Clearly, I will update here once it's done.
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