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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I think a problem with that is that different people need different amounts of exercise to offset calories and the potential to low ball it (like basing it off what a 195cm/6'4" gym god would need to do). Generally though I agree, for a lot of people 400 calories (mostly made up of sugars and fats) is harder to conceptualize than one hour of cardio. Practically though I doubt it, or even color labels, are going to happen so you'll have some people swear hazelnut sugar paste is actually healthy.
  2. Some of yall are too keen on beating kids. Pretty suspect tbh. Pretty much every fitness person I've talked to, from personal trainers to enthusiasts, say that in terms of weight/fat loss diet is more important than exercise. A daily hour of activity can't overcome a diet saturated in sugars, nasty fats, and other stuff that is increasingly ubiquitous in foods. I'm not sure why this is a surprise to some folks.
  3. Well I've got some good news for you, nobody is doing anything sufficient for climate change and it is consistently worse than predicted. The bad news is that Star Drek: Venereal Disease (which is just a figment of your imagination) will have run at least two more seasons as well as the likely spinoff Star Drecks (which again, doesn't exist), leaving you with hundreds of hours of (imaginary) horrible sci-fi before you slowly starve to death or get thrown into a camp. Fun fun fun. I think @InsaneCommander had it right with DIO posting, cause one line of that unspoilered summary made me want to reject my humanity.
  4. Given the track record of Amazon series, I'm not enthusiastic about this show. I guess we'll see in half a year.
  5. Happens to me all the time. If I reread the books now I'd probably pick up on how awful they are, like how wizards have slavery but it's cool because the slaves are happy or the racial stereotypes for anyone who isn't a britbong. But at the time the worst thing is that they were boring and I wasn't interested in children's books in general.
  6. No, I just stopped caring about Harry Potter when I became a teenager.
  7. They don't seem to be embarrassed, so no. Probably more like one of Tiger's Eye faces. I remember seeing David Lynch saying something about how he liked that no two screenings of a film were alike and how it was great that people could walk away with different interpretations. Thankfully I can ignore the pedophilic vibes in a movie I haven't seen in over a decade. I dunno, I haven't read or watched anything Rowlings has been involved with long before the apps revealed she is an awful person. So there's always dumping the author.
  8. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/convoy-protests-ignoring-real-hardships-truckers-face-peel-drivers-warn-1.6340263 Saw this about the Canada Convoy and thought it was interesting.
  9. Well you've jinxed it now. Given the love affair with homeschooling and private schools a certain political orientation has, you do have to wonder if this manufactured CRT panic is designed to weaken/destroy public schools or if that's just incidental. I think that the main push for the CRT astroturf was very much a continuation of the reaction to the 1619 projects infused with fear over the 2020 protests/uprisings against police violence, but the specific targeting of public schools and teachers makes it clear they're at least willing (if not wanting) to burn these institutions to the ground with the teachers still inside. Guess we'll just see what's left standing in a few years after these laws predictably ravage the public school systems.
  10. Has he rejected his humanity or been seen around construction equipment?
  11. The latter, because it's more effort than I can be assed to keep them separate.
  12. Now that you mention it, of all the netflix anime I've seen, the ones I really enjoyed were Devilman Crybaby, Aggretsuko, Orbital Children, and Great Pretender. The rest have been mostly forgettable or bad.
  13. I absolutely refuse to watch Netflix comedy specials because the quality has gone done the ****ter the last couple of years. No thanks, if I want an hour of snores I'll at least read or watch something educational. Uhhh politics yeah...in Minneapolis Amir Locke was murdered by police a few days ago. The mayor is halting no knock warrants, something that was at least talked about the last time we saw a high profile police murdered in Minneapolis. I guess maybe we'll have another wave of protests, after which the politicians and bureaucrats will back off and toss some fat stacks to the police for some tanks or something. God's in his Heaven, All's right with the world.
  14. You funny majestic, you funny . But their are very fine people on both sides ?
  15. Well I tried making smash burgers. I think I went too thick for the patties (about 4oz each) but otherwise it turned out well. They came out juicier and crisper than most un-smashed burgers I've made and it seemed like they took half the time. I'll probably do burgers like this from now on unless I've got a fire going.
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