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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Picard's dark secret should be that he doesn't actually like earl grey.
  2. Did you play Deadfire? Because I still can not get my head wrapped around double inversion other than knowing that -x% is usually more severe than it looks. Comparatively OwlcatFinder is easier to understand for me because it's all addition once you get past the weird stacking rules and the specific abilities not doing what they say. Of course there are far too many trap choices in OwlcatFinder and despite having an absurd amount of player choice, I wager that either PoE has a relatively larger number of possible builds that are effective and fun to play. Hell, I think of the thousand combined hours I have logged in Kingmaker and Wrath, I've spent more time testing builds to make sure they work or with the game running in the background while I do something else while I've spent all my PoE time playing PoE.
  3. Of course not, the demon took one look at the 2020s and asked to be put back in the rock.
  4. We have become the boomers who get their news from Facebook.
  5. Sarex already beat me with operation paperclip, but there's also everything from supporting dictators and coups like Pinochet to police being infiltrated by white supremacists to congressmen going to white nationalist conferences. One way or another, the US does kick a lot of money to reactionaries. nb4 these aren't real nazis but sparkling white supremacists
  6. That deserves it's own What the Hell. The way it just got worse as it went on is beautiful. I think you have to do stuff in act 3 to get them, so unless Aru locked herself in horny jail you won't be able to rp as Tuxedo Kamen. Maybe. Be warned tho
  7. Why not co-written by a 13 year old psychopath and a mid 40ies housewife who thinks 50 Shades of Grey is the bee's knees? Anyways, that What the Hell was because the forum ate my post and replaced it with Gordon Cole reacting to Sonic. What the Hell indeed, I don't need a reminder someone made a video ranking the ladies from Sonic the Hedgehog everytime I post. But y u no romance Aru? Don't you want to play ムーンライト伝説 ? Or even better, go with Sosiel and use divine magic to become gym gods together. AYAYAYAYAYA!
  8. The return of Makhnovists is not something I had on my 2022 bingo list.
  9. In general yeah, Japan is much more console oriented than Europe or the Americas. But still, you'd think after a decade they'd have it down a bit better. I think I'll look into getting a gamepad and go back to DS (maybe 3 or even Elden Ring, PTD is ugly) when I bite that bullet.
  10. After playing it for just a bit, I can't think of anything the game requires that wouldn't work with an optimized mkb setup. Looking at the bindings for DS:PTD, I doubt they've every played with mkb.
  11. I don't have a gamepad. The control scheme is very bad and the forum software ate my post.
  12. Gave Dark Souls a shot finally. It's ugly and the controls are awful, guess Prepare to Die is much inferior. I think I'd like it a lot more if it wasn't so clunky. Guess I'll give Elden Ring a shot when it goes on sale.
  13. Willy's Wonderland was pretty good, though Nic doesn't talk once through the whole movie as he battles possessed animatronics.
  14. TT adds Undersized Mount. It also nerf fixes mount by not allowing a full attack while with move by default and instead requires a feat with a 14 mobility prereq. Even still, mounted combat is such an absolutely yuge boon that I can't see me not giving it to everyone that has that option.
  15. Like a normal person, even if I'm up then, I ignore e-mails for at least an hour. I went to work and am continuing watching very weird shows and movies for my version of March Madness.
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