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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Narutaru 9-13 Well that was something. Unfortunately it appears that the anime was only half of the story and I'll have to finish it with the manga. The anime could stand on its own in many ways.....but I think it introduced a few too many elements that entice with mystery and haven't been delved into. And for some reasons, everytime I see Hoshimaru I laugh. The deadpan expression when he shows up just sets me off.
  2. Well I know who JP Sears is now. Thanks for that I guess, in the off chance I happen to see a video of his in the future I'll know to close it immediately. Anyways I think that by far the funniest thing about "defund the police" is that it never happened. The closest we've seen it happened is one major US city reducing the police budget by a whopping 1% (and that reduction may have been due to inflation rather than reallocation), with police still being the biggest thing the city spends money on. Yet there is such an enduring panic from people who simultaneously think that the gubbermint needs to spend less money. Between this, the CRT panic, the homophobic and transphobic panic, and concerns about election integrity you have a substantial number of people who are working themselves up to fascism (and a lot who are already there) over things that don't exist. This isn't going to end well.
  3. Narutaru 5-8 I'm not going to summarize it because spoilers and the show is actually good, though it does feel uncanny. With JoJo, the show is so weird that summarizing it makes it sound too unbelievable. Narutaru isn't really like that, it's believable in broad strokes and feels like someone hid Evangelion in a shoujo wrapper. Yet there is still something off about it even still, and I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe it really is an eldritch creature in the form of an anime.
  4. That was the inspiration. It really is a damn good sandwich. Now I want donuts.
  5. Butter and brie baguette. Definitely a good sandwich.
  6. Narutaru 4 Both of our heroines are traumatized from Hoshimaru killing teen Pol Pot. Another friend shows up, I can only imagine what Hino-chan's deal is gonna be. Yeah it doesn't sound like it.
  7. The muskrat has called Trump's suspension a mistake for some time now. If the poll would have failed, Elon would have done it anyway and said that he cares more about principles than popularity or something. lmao
  8. It depends on your driving, a good amount of drivers are playing.
  9. That only applies when it negatively affects someone conservatives dislike, when it negatively affects reactionaries it needs to be made illegal.
  10. I wouldn't rule it out, maybe he used his fortune to produce tons of feet heavy anime and TV shows. Or maybe he pays a bunch of people to smother him in feet on his birthdays. But real talk, no way could Tarantino do this show. Quentin is a guy with a lot of mechanical talent but the tastes of a teenager and the ideas to match (something he shares with Spielberg, but more violent). When I look at his movies I see a lot of homage and shock value (at least for the time), but not particularly innovative or experimental.
  11. Narutaru 1 Ok, this is a glorious bait ready for a switch. I think the star-thing is just off enough for you to suspect something is wrong but is portrayed as cute enough for you to ignore it. And there were enough shots of Shiina's feet tat I had to double check to see if Quentin Tarantino was involved. EDIT: More Narutaru, 2 and 3. So yeah, the show wastes no time from going from sweet to something quite different. We go from meeting depressed girl to Pol Pot in two episodes.
  12. In the ways that matter? Not really. DeSantis has been in the tank for every bad Trumpismo that most of us here seem to dislike. He's diet Trump. Trump had classified documents on him for two years, in violation of a law that he signed, and still had judges cut him leeway. He doesn't have to have a spine if he knows the court system isn't going to do anything to him. If he wasn't a rich **** with a cult of the stupidest people on earth following him then his ass would have been thrown in prison years ago.
  13. Conversely, as @ShadySands already said, the anti-Trump vote is a big motivator. To look at those four key states you mentioned: Arizona just flipped Democrat because of Trump backed nominees, both Georgia and Nebraska trend Republican generally, and Wisconsin is a purple state (that got gerrymandered into being deep red on a practical level). All that in mind, it's very possible that a not-Trump Republican would be able to win in those states by not getting people to the polls to vote against them or even get some staunch anti-Trump folks to vote for them. Really I think the best, and funniest, scenario would be Trump winning or getting close to winning the primary while giving his opponents black eyes, then dropping dead of a heart attack or covid. The third party run would probably peel more votes in a general election, but his primary opponents launching into a war for his throne would very much be an implosion for the party and you'd get a good amount of his cultists refusing to support the pretender. If Trump lost the primary or dropped, he could always direct his cult to getting behind the candidate in exchange for being a kingmaker. The most likely scenario is that Trump wins the primary and we find ourselves back in 2020. Probably with a new rona variant to boot. Nothing can stick on Trump, his wealth and sycophants will protect him from any legal consequences he may find thrown at him. Trump is more at risk from his fast food heavy diet than he is from prosecution.
  14. I too have such a kink. Even better, with the 3rd straight loss for Republicans nationally, we're going to see opportunists jump off the Trump train so Trump will be feuding with several people over the next two years.
  15. Well hopefully the show goes as insane as the manga and you can witness.....well better not spoil that.
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