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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. You make a good comparison but the reality is men are more lecherous and known to be more publicly crude than women. Also we know that men on women sexual abuse is much more rife than women on men abuse so I would still say the picture is relevant? We don't know if men on women sexual abuse is more prevalent because a good portion of sexual abuse is not reported and there is neither a study that compares sexual abuse data or a universal definition for sexual abuse. The picture is relevant because on subway trains, women are very likely to be harassed by creepers.
  2. That actually is a pretty good example of what a subway is like for an attractive woman. PS: Wrong alt.
  3. I'm aroused and interested in reading at he same time.
  4. nb4bitchingatsawyer From the info available, PE does look like an IE game. It doesn't have kill XP, it uses a "more gamist" attribute system, and missing is less common, but IMO those differences doesn't transform PE into a Diablo clone. In terms of classes, every one but the Cipher is an analogue of one of the 3.5E core classes. Other than that, I'm happy PE is getting away from the D&D, which does not function well outside of PnP.
  5. If PE has a Monkey with a revolver riding on a lamb, it will sell 10 million copies. You can't stop the storm!
  6. I'm going to agree with FlintlockJazz that the appeal of romances in BG2 as the increased amount of content compared to other characters. PST also had content rich characters those characters were well received by most despite not being romances(yes I know your PC could flirt with some characters and have sex with prostitutes, but I don't count that as romance). IMO, the goal for games like PE should be to have companions that have different content based on what kind of relationship they have with the PC, but I see no reason that romance has to be arbitrarily slapped on because some people find it to be incredibly deep(or immersive or whatever). That isn't to say say that romances should be arbitrarily excluded because some people don't like them though. Romances should be included if... 1) the devs want to do it 2) it fits the setting and the characters involved 3) content for other characters and other relationships is not ignored 4) it is well written 5) it doesn't exist as pure fanservice that turns the NPC into a sex doll If PE has a sea battle with a Kraken, sales will go through the roof.
  7. Well Raithe, I'll give you that the British monarchs don't seem as bad as some of the royalty in the middle east. I honestly don't see the appeal of royal family so meh, hope mommy gets some rest and doesn't have cameras following her around constantly for the next few months.
  8. I have the day off, and intend to relax, play videogames, and see if the GF wants to go out when she gets home. I'm currently on track to receive a BA in economics by 2016(sooner if I quit my current 30+ hour a week job), but I'm not sure that a career as an analyst or in business is something I want. I'm certain we would see a large decrease in accidental pregnancies.
  9. Fired up Torchlight 2, which is pretty enjoyable for a Diablo clone. Too bad I have a long day of work on the 25th, or else I would hole up and burn through Shadowrun Returns.
  10. Perhaps you're a glutton for punishment. Anywho, I hope PE makes a ****load of money so that NPCs in the sequel can have reactive dialogue that changes depending on what type of relationship they have with the PC or other NPCs. After all, people do react towards others differently depending who they are, and seeing NPCs do that in a well executed manner would be very nice.
  11. Today I worked out and deeply contemplated changing my major.
  12. I think that almost anyone would look better next to Alex Jones. How about me and Volo and oby? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQpD9LolO-k Maybe not oby.
  13. I know, right? It's like this thread went back in time to September, with all the namecalling and such Well a bunch of people did get very butthurt over an attribute system, so I'd say the fury is spilling over. Which is why I choose to spam the forum with pictures of women rather than try to have a civil debate with some of the more obtuse posters.
  14. I'll have both, at the same time. Why do that when you can just be on this boat. Check and Mate.
  15. I think that almost anyone would look better next to Alex Jones.
  16. For some strange reason people who meet me keep thinking I must have gone to a public school. I have no frelling idea why. Perhaps our countries have different meanings of "public school"*, bit don't the vast majority of children go to them? *Here, public schools are free and are generally what most middle-class(and lower) kids attend
  17. Well, if anyone here goes into porn, they should totally take that name.
  18. I used to be a pool boy and I can confirm that some of the trophy wives are a bit forward. Anyway Ros, I'd go for it. You only live once and all that, so doing what makes you happy is what you should do. Just back away if she ends up being too kinky.
  19. Bit of a scatter-shot here, hope everyone sees something they like.
  20. Bought the last few DLCs, going to install it after I (1)replay BGT, (2) play Shadowrun Returns, (3)play Torchlight 2. Wals, I think you should make it a mission to clock 10000 hours into it.
  21. I want them to take their time with PE. I would actually prefer a mid-summer or winter 2014 release date, because with playing the other KS games, replaying the classics, having a GF/social life, working out, work, and working on my degree, I don't have that much time on my hands.
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