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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. "Oh silly, only I can bend time" "What a beautiful Duwang" "We are the chick. The world is our egg." "WRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" "I feel completely refreshed. Like I just put on fresh underwear on New Year's Day"
  2. Iirc, the ways for melee 5e Rogues to not rely on dual wielding without multi-classing don't come online until around level 13....and only with some subclasses to boot. But it's been a long time and I have no experience with Solasta, so those options may not even be possible. Rogues being not quite a full martial character is a frustrating design in general, for 5e specifically not getting the extra attack is really dumb. To add insult to injury, most of the gish full caster subclasses can pick up an extra attack by level 6, which really leaves the 5e Rogue as the odd man out.
  3. Spy x Family 20 and 21 Pretty soon this show will be nothing but shocked faces. But for now I find myself enjoying it.
  4. Rent free tenant in people's heads.
  5. "You naughty Shiina " That whole arc is something else. Chibi-Usa getting on her knees every episode to beg the pedohorse to blast her mom with it's horn has some interesting readings.
  6. Chocolate chip cookies. So a couple of things, between the brown butter and cane sugar instead of white sugar, these things are much darker than normal. Secondly I used too much chocolate chunks and the structural integrity of some cookies was compromised. That said, they are some damn good cookies. The brown butter makes a world of difference while the hint of bourbon and cinnamon works with that toffee-like flavor to round them out.
  7. Not really, but Usagi's mom wrestling her while telling Ami to drink her coffee sounds like a wacky moment that makes memories.
  8. From what I've been able to see, the shooter's parents separated when he was 1 or 2 and his mom got full custody with a no contact order for the father, so maybe. His maternal grandfather is a California Republican politican who was a Tea Party guy before becoming a Trump guy so I imagine that influence was not particularly helpful either. Nor is the Mormon church he grew up in, which has at times been more right-wing than Evangelicals. So even without assuming a genetic predisposition, he has been marinating in ****ty politics his whole life and that is bound to have an influence
  9. We need an electric outlet devil. I have to say that when you said it would not be something to watch around dinner, I was disappointed at first. Later though......yeah. I won't speak on youtube comments but.... Now for Narutaru I think she's spent the last few episodes doing the shaky eye, but yeah. Definitely not as stable as Shiina.
  10. The tl;dr that I've heard is that Wisconsin is hopelessly gerrymandered to the point it's essentially held hostage. Which does track with Republicans generally. Trump almost getting reelected in 2020 is more to the stupidity intricacy of the election than anything. He's a strange figure in that he's an unpopular populist, having never won the popular vote and having half the country despise him. I'd like to say that the coup hurt him, but I honestly doubt it. If anything that helped secure his base. Rhonda Sanctimonious is a great name, no doubt there. Florida and New York were the outliers this year. I'd like to say that his opponent being a moderate Republican probably helped him out, but Florida is crazy so who really knows?
  11. Yeah, I think Wisconsin is especially bad where over half the state voted for Democrats but they only have 30% of seats. Though I could be confusing national reps with local there. Regardless, it's clearly unequal. The big takeaway is that most people are very turned off by the culture war being waged by Republicans and by Trump. While Trump may get dumped (we can excuse a coup, but draw the line at losing a midterm), I think the GOP donors are mostly coastal elites who live in blue cities and are obsessed with culture war stuff so I doubt they're going to drop the panics they've been pushing very easily. This is probably a boon for Democrats in electoral terms, but a very dangerous thing for regular people who don't want to be gunned down. RIP Club Q. New York was a combination of (failed) gerrymandering and a fake crime wave promoted by the media. I'm not too sure what to think about Florida, my gut tells me Democrats went to close to the center there by getting a former republican and a cop to run, which is likely to not to appeal to more leftwing folks while centrists and right-leaning folks already have Rhonda Sanctimonious and Little Marco to vote for. Who else would run? Bernie is done at this point and I think AOC is too young. At this point I don't see Biden not running or anyone to replace him. Well if we figure that every dollar of propery damage is worth 10-100 lives, then breaking several windows is worse than the Holocaust. Antifa confirmed for the real nazis. Yes. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/misinformation/urban-myth-litter-boxes-schools-became-gop-talking-point-rcna51439
  12. Why ask questions you already know the answer to? A reply to that thread illustrates quite a bit. The forced birthers have a long history of assassination and terrorism, even going as far to blow a doctor's head off in a church. Yet these clowns try to make pro-choice folks as the real drivers of violence, despite evidence to the contrary. These folks are either malicious liars or incredibly ignorant. You naughty But to break out of the parody and speak honestly, that is pretty much how such folks operate. When a media personality claims that schools are putting out litter boxes for students who identify as cats because someone showed her a video, it gets picked up and believed by several media figures and politicians despite not holding up to basic scrutiny*. When a data scientist explains how right-wing terrorism is more violent (to people, not property), it gets disbelieved by the same folks who bought into catkin children because "what about aunt teeefuh". *fun fact, the instances of litter boxes in schools is to accommodate children needing to relieve themselves during a school lockdown in the event of a shooter.
  13. Edit: posting on a phone, forum not nice to quoting Not consequences for the editors who pushed it through without bothering to get a second source. I don't doubt that LaPorta ****ed up and even may have lied (though the explanation sounds like management throwing someone under the bus to me), but the second editor is laughably irresponsible.
  14. You make good points But one life per dollar seems low ? Surly ten lives per dollar is more fair ? Those businesses worked hard and the people killed may have been on welfare ?
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