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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Completed my exam. Going to read the first trade of Preacher then get some sleep.
  2. I have an exam in a hour. Going to get some sleep afterwards, then hopefully go see Winter Soldier.
  3. Something like MotB. I wouldn't like an expansion like TotSC(or arguably Skyrim's DLC) because I wouldn't want to be denied expansion content with my main PC. I don't really care about new locations, as long as the story is interesting and the gameplay is fun.
  4. The vast majority of CRPGs would be better without any combat filler.
  5. Demi's notes about the changes. http://forums.gibberlings3.net/index.php?s=b54521bca74a651b287a9c40be3b7feb&showtopic=15700&st=15 "Once upgraded this sword should be more or less as powerful as in vanilla. It usually deals more damage, but works as a full +5 weapon only against selected foes. As always I'm open to suggestions, especially regarding such powerful weapons. " The bit about working as a +5 weapon only against selected foes threw me off a bit. Probably just a misunderstanding on my end.
  6. I wonder if it's nostalgia, or just being a fan of genres that have practically disappeared. Of course you could argue that those are both the same thing, but to me it seems like there's a pretty important difference. I'd argue that it is largely the latter. The IE games are routinely criticized here, so there are some who don't see them with too much rose-tint. If you want a tactical RTwP fix, you're going to find your options limited to older titles.
  7. I'll post it when I get off work, but I believe my confusion was from the "note: this weapon counts as a +5 weapon in terms of what it can hit" at the end of the description, which I think is from the BG2fixpack I have installed. If I'm not mistaken, it is because of that "+X, +Y always counts as a +Y" bit that seems to be included in the fixpack and IR doesn't use the +X, +Y labeling for that effect(instead using "Foe Bane" in the description). And that description you posted matches the entry in SK.
  8. ^Yes, but I think his point was that in BG you could lug around several suits or armor despite it being impossible in the real world due to the bulk(not weight) of the armor.
  9. Pretty much. Either they are made of class or have a bunch of conditions where their abilities won't work.
  10. Rogues are almost always implemented badly. BTW, just installed IR for BGT. The description in the G3 forums implies that Foebane won't hit as a +4 or 5, but the description viewed in SK says it will. Can someone clarify this?
  11. I don't think that having a book or ignorable NPC that informs the player about a monster having a particular immunity or weakness is exactly handholding. As long as the game doesn't scream "only blunt weapons can harm this creature" every time I fight a golem, I'm good.
  12. Sorry, but that isn't true. Combat in the IWD series was absolutely fantastic. It was. Using totebags in Sigil was pretty lame. It was a horrible game. It had good NPC interaction and told a good story, but the actual gameplay was awful.
  13. Grognards should be a monster in PoE so Sawyer can do an update about dealing with them.
  14. Looks like I'm going to replay IWD2 soon. Holy Avengers are just too awesome. And Totment was a horrible game. Having a good story isn't good enough if combat is that awful.
  15. Hey Woldan, if you do that, pour lemon juice on the bodies and bury them in a remote location. Helps them decompose more rapidly. Today I'm going to be in classes until 430pm. Hopefully going out with a few friends tonight.
  16. Did IWD2 have a holy sword in it? I recall Carsomyr, Purifier, Foebane, and Pale Justice well but don't recall any analogue in IWD2.
  17. My head is mashing Mass Effect and Xcom Enemy Unknown together, and I want it. I do too. Implementing isometric turn-based would make squad-based combat pretty damn fun, IMO.
  18. I think Obsidian's next kickstarter will more than likely be in a different genre than PoE, but I think a Sci-Fi combat heavy tactical RPG would be pretty fun.
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