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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. If it looks like a duck... Have sex with it?[/biodrone]
  2. Yup, along with TB probably the best representation ganergate has. Nice, polite, and tries to keep it fairly apolitical. As an aside, seeing alanshu and Longknife get into it would unleash a wall of text upon us that would rival the size of a thesis. If only Lephys would join in.
  3. https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/19406-give-voice-to-the-voiceless
  4. In your opinion, would Inferno and Spirit be the best trees for the Knight Enchanter?
  5. Rosjberg insists on adding chilli powder.
  6. TN's back, hide the meth lab. Today I'm at work and will be very bored.
  7. I'm leaning towards Knight Enchanted, how does it play?
  8. The Escapist and IGN(yes, that IGN) have recently reworked their ethics policies and have been deemed acceptable. TechRaptor, NicheGamer, and Gather Your Party seem to be shown some love as well. Last I saw, Gawker was up, Kotaku slightly declined, and Gamusutra took a nosedive. However, take into account Gawker is considered "toxic" to advertisers, so less money but more views may not be beneficial for them. Which IMO is justified, as Gawker is a site that is morally repugnant.
  9. Excellent gratitude.
  10. 1. Alanshu is anti-gg. 2. The examples of bigotry come from anti-gg. 3. Therefore alanshu supports said bigotry. Not a fan of deductive reasoning and not necessarily agreeing with it, but there you go.
  11. Can you give a synopsis? I don't really want to watch a 10 minute video. Black man calls out bigotry for about 10 minutes.
  12. Courtesy of @HiddenTranny @Messhugger Near as I can tell, waking someone up to the truth(or what you believe to be truth) is what it means. Probably a reference to The Matrix.
  13. Which is why links are Archived.
  14. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw9kyQy9ULdDT1hfWnJSTVhGOHM/preview?pli=1 Outline of BasedGamer.
  15. He becomes a heroin addict and takes a job as a hooker to pay his bills. He then finds the Maker, starts a business, and runs for mayor of Redcliff under a platform of no lyrium taxes and traditional values.
  16. Not really, it's been pretty clear that SJWs are largely white dudes for a while now.
  17. Seems they took inspiration from GTA then.
  18. Remember when gamergate spread misogyny by funding that TFYC initiative to have a female designed game? Interview with the woman who won their contest. http://powergamer.co/editorial/interview-afterlife-empires-danielle-maiorino/
  19. "Hitler is my ****ing idol" - Ian Miles Cheong.
  20. I do, and feel bad I didn't back Kingdom Come because it looks really good.
  21. TIME magazine did a poll for most loathed word, feminism won. Now the claim is it was a "small bias sample" and doesn't accurately represent the mentality of the people. I've no idea how large the sample was but I'd hardly consider TIME's readership to be naturally bias towards anti-feminism... http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/time-apologizes-including-feminist-poll-words-ban/ As usual you don't understand a situation, get your facts straight please before make these " great statements of outrage" Its was TIME membership who complained about the fact " feminism " was in the list. And TIME magazine agreed. So they removed it, its not to understand because that's what there members wanted Doubt it were same members (majority) which voted for it, dont you think? They don't exist because (insert dumb**** rationalization here).
  22. Lots of trolls ? Promancers squeeing.
  23. Firing proton torpedo emails.
  24. No, but it is awesome.
  25. The stubble looks pretty bad up close, I would like character sheet options at creation, camera is confusing and should be able to zoom out further, and the tactical and character modes could be done a bit more different. Character creation itself can be quite confusing. Keyboard controls definitely aren't as good as DAO. Combat speed can still be hectic, but was thankfully toned down a bit. I'm getting good performance on Ultra although load times are a bit longer than I'm used to. So far, Origins had better combat and camera options, but it is better than DA2. Not very far, so grain of salt. Will post a more thorough summary later this week.
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