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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. What is a sexual act? For example in India a kiss can be considered a sexual act. Is undressing a girl with my eyes and staring creepily a sexual act? Yes ****lord.
  2. Speaking of which, where is Woldan? Did one of his bike rides of horror finally finish him off? He geared up to go guerrilla war on gaming journalism.
  3. I like to battle with strangers while looking at pictures of sexy women. I'm a multitasker. Lourdes Figueroa
  4. It seems that if the encounter is over 2 levels above, you're probably going to be wiped. Then again, the tactical view is so awful that my tactics seem to be over ridden.
  5. What, you feel threatened here, of all places? http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joke
  6. Aye, I guess a lot of grief could be avoided in these discussions if you dirty feminists could just use a terminology that's not so damn inflammatory / you ignorant twats would just look up what people actually mean by using words that have very specific meanings in the specific context they're mentioned. (Everyone feel free to pick one according to the tribe they feel like belonging to). Can we be the Obsidian tribe? I really don't like the other people on the web. Soon we will be forced to go somewhere else, so get comfortable with either 8chan or the Codex.
  7. Bad judgement call there young grasshopper, its okay to assume guilt if you are right about the accusation The pattern and frequency of the rape charges tell us something, celebrities don't get this degree of victimisation unless there is something to it But you can't know if you are right about the accusations. Anecdotal evidence is not valid proof. If you do not want Cosby to be thought innocent, you must prove him guilty.
  8. *Reads article* [Citation needed] As to Cosby and rape, I have not seen conclusive evidence that he is guilty, so I will presume innocence.
  9. I've had a few crashes on start up, the tactical camera is wonky, and crating could be simpler. In addition, combat can be pretty hectic and I would prefer to be able to see equations for attack resolution and other stuff. I don't like the front only restriction for the shield sustained and IMO the lack of healing magic sucks. I think larger and more varied skill trees would've been good as well, as it is it feels too cut down. So far I'd say DAO was definitely better, but it is hands down a more solid game than DA2. I don't agree with the direction it took, but so far it seems to be good for what it is trying to be.
  10. Besides humorless ****wits, who doesn't?
  11. If it looks like a duck... Have sex with it?[/biodrone]
  12. Yup, along with TB probably the best representation ganergate has. Nice, polite, and tries to keep it fairly apolitical. As an aside, seeing alanshu and Longknife get into it would unleash a wall of text upon us that would rival the size of a thesis. If only Lephys would join in.
  13. https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/19406-give-voice-to-the-voiceless
  14. In your opinion, would Inferno and Spirit be the best trees for the Knight Enchanter?
  15. Rosjberg insists on adding chilli powder.
  16. TN's back, hide the meth lab. Today I'm at work and will be very bored.
  17. I'm leaning towards Knight Enchanted, how does it play?
  18. The Escapist and IGN(yes, that IGN) have recently reworked their ethics policies and have been deemed acceptable. TechRaptor, NicheGamer, and Gather Your Party seem to be shown some love as well. Last I saw, Gawker was up, Kotaku slightly declined, and Gamusutra took a nosedive. However, take into account Gawker is considered "toxic" to advertisers, so less money but more views may not be beneficial for them. Which IMO is justified, as Gawker is a site that is morally repugnant.
  19. 1. Alanshu is anti-gg. 2. The examples of bigotry come from anti-gg. 3. Therefore alanshu supports said bigotry. Not a fan of deductive reasoning and not necessarily agreeing with it, but there you go.
  20. Can you give a synopsis? I don't really want to watch a 10 minute video. Black man calls out bigotry for about 10 minutes.
  21. Courtesy of @HiddenTranny @Messhugger Near as I can tell, waking someone up to the truth(or what you believe to be truth) is what it means. Probably a reference to The Matrix.
  22. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw9kyQy9ULdDT1hfWnJSTVhGOHM/preview?pli=1 Outline of BasedGamer.
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