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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I could see crowdfunding being needed for publishing rather than writing. It would be much easier to get it to interested readers that way.
  2. I believe it to be a result of how "comfortable" they are with the state of the industry, either that or they are oblivious to professional behavior. Seeing their dislike of ethics, I doubt they've encountered professionalism at all, let alone attempt to emulate it.
  3. https://archive.today/toKWH My god these people are hostile.
  4. I've never had a girl tell me to write a book. I've had plenty throw books at me though.
  5. I roasted a pork loin and ate it with cole slaw and bread. Drank Obsidian stout alongside it, and will now drink a Cuba Libre made with cherry cola.
  6. It's like they've taken notes from Kansas governor Sam Brownback. If something has been a failure in practice, double down and it should work.
  7. Context on what rich white girl wrote: https://archive.today/eG6gu I like how these folks like to say "As a fact, gamergate is not about ethics". If gamergate really was a horde of misogynists, why the hell would they bother to use a hashtag instead of anon sniping or let Jennie Bharaj or Christina Hoff Sommers speak for them. If it isn't about ethics, why is the topics of conversation dominated by digging up examples of collusion and nepotism? Hell, why even bother with the smokescreen cause most gg is anon anyways? It's about ethics, the continued attempts to ignore it and increasing hysterical resistance to the discussion of ethics says a lot more about the anti folks than the gamergate crowd.
  8. http://youtu.be/6nKtdSMWCb0 EDIT: And I find it a bit ironic that Wu would accuse someone of lying about being a woman... Bad taste?
  9. https://news.yahoo.com/video/dont-blame-gamers-gamergate-234113686.html A writer who freelances at Playboy has managed to be more clearheaded than gaming journalists and "progressive" media. Are we living on Bizaro world or something?
  10. No, the Obsidian demographic is Cantousent and his alts.
  11. IDK, he does give the sense of someone a bit impish that likes to poke people for fun while having complete deniability. Which I totally can relate and respect. Anyways, GG making funny OC I quite laughed at this one Looks like a bunch of dudes to me, what am I missing?
  12. David Pakman = -(FullMcintosh) And now he is getting **** because he said he would be open to having someone from Stormfront on his show. I don't suppose someone should tell the "progressives" bitching at him that journalists interview hate groups and terrorists? He has had a Westboro member on his show as well, guess that means he hates homosexuals.
  13. When I was a teenager, I lied about getting my ass kicked so my parents wouldn't lose their ****. About a month later I came clean and apologized for that. I also did drugs, stole about $45 of stuff, cheated on a midterm, and had sex with someone's girlfriend. Someone like Cheong putting his sickening approval of genocide in with my bull**** is utterly disgusting. And Wu lives in Boston, not SF.
  14. But he belongs to the group that consistently has the most scorn thrown at them in media: Nazis.
  15. I'm surprisingly not hung over. Think I'll go for a walk. Yeah, it's so much easier to keep track that way.
  16. Wow that's an excellent link, it really makes you even more excited especially when you consider all the possible party interaction That is one thing Bioware does well, them male the other NPCs seem alive. Bethesda should take notes. They should take notes from Obsidian.
  17. https://mobile.twitter.com/dpakman/status/528536369401171968 Anti-gg people on Twitter are the best recruiters for gg supporters. I'm going full Bruce and say it was an excellent read and everyone should read it. Apparantly, it was written by that Decado-guy at the 'Codex. Damn good. I wish he would come back here, dude was pretty awesome.
  18. I'm dressed like Pennywise the danicng clown and hitting on a pregnant nun. I've also consumed a lot of vodka and wondering if I can pull it off.
  19. I just completely lost it. I mean, what. What without a question mark to show exactly how ****ed up this is. That's how I feel. I think I need to take a break before I go class war on these entitled brats. And Longknife's sig has been making me laugh for the past day.
  20. Ha! That was good. Reminds me of the Coded wall'o'text someone linked in the old gg thread.
  21. Demonstrates their mentality perfectly. "You asked to interview me. You're pressuring me." Should have just skipped a beat and claim harassment and oppression. Let's be honest here, rich white hipsters are the most oppressed group of people on existence. The privilege I had growing up working class gives me such an advantage over them. Having to work a full time job to put myself through college is so much easier than having millionaire daddy cut me a big ass check so I can **** around.
  22. Gamergate raises money for a suicide help group and a Bullying prevention group. Anti-GG will raise money for rich white women. Glad to know who supports privilege. How dare you try to invite prominent anti-gg folks onto your show to find out why they don't want to engage. Hit piece! On the plus side, we have examples of then making asses of themselves.
  23. That rhyme should be a crime. I'll get my coat.
  24. DAA is really buggy. The epilogue seems to be bugged in regards to the elf girl and dwarf lady.
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