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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Fairly accurate. /cow/ is in it for the lulz, /baph/ wants the edgelord street cred. Some of /pol/ seems to hate /gamergate/ as well, but /pol/ is....strange. And every board hates /sp/ for some reason.
  2. How the devil does anybody watch this simpering piffle? The ginger gentleman who ruined the recent Poe runthrough is moderately annoying, but that little squeaking Schreier chap is positively afflicted by all indications. Then again morons working for Kotaku, hardly a surprise. Still TB and the young lady were tolerable, but I could only manage a half an hour or so. Lots of drugs.
  3. No we've been thinking that for a while. Given Anita's background previously working for a PUA and Josh's status as writer/producer, it isn't much of a stretch.
  4. http://techraptor.net/content/relationships-indie-gaming-interview-allistair-pinsof-part-2 My opinion of Fish is even lower.
  5. As a comic fan, I've noticed a sort of self-hatred growing among some who seem to be ashamed of being nerds(particularly white male nerds). Funny thing is that their cries for "diversity" rarely result in new characters being created and instead result in gimmicks like Falcon being Captain America for 9-18 months. And I'd say a #comicsgate needs to happen over the pricetag and cheap paper some comics are printed on. Goddamn are those things expensive.
  6. At least you guys aren't talking about e-celeb drama.
  7. In my experience, the usual response is "go back to /pol/".
  8. The Interview. Spoiler: They interview Kim Jong Um.
  9. I actually like apples with my oranges. An aesthetic like Torment in an engine able to deliver ultra detailed visuals would be a very pretty game. Even better of they manage to have combat that isn't ****.
  10. Cooked up a flank steak and ate fajitas. Turned out pretty well, but I wish I could find some decent chipotle peppers to make a good sauce.
  11. Tried Strongbow on account of there being nothing particularly hard. NEVER AGAIN. Considering buying some whiskey and tequila tomorrow, perhaps some bourbon as well.
  12. Gonna try it next. Thanks for this, great anime. I really liked it, really, really liked it. Unlike Hataraku Maou-sama!, which is light hearted, Kyousougiga really has some depth to it. Got any more recommendations? Doesn't have to be slice of life, though I wouldn't mind more of it! Mad Bull 34.
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aposematism So it's actually a defense mechanism?
  14. I don't buy Nintendo products and this crap will only encourage me to continue that.
  15. They also started a fire alarm at an MRA meeting after having a loud protest behind the door (don't remember if it was the same event as in the video). I'd thank you guys, but that was just too awful. And here I thought Canadians were supposed to be polite.
  16. This is been bugging me for a while, where does that picture of the short redhaired woman come from?
  17. I don't really see it that way, I think it just highlights how retarded these people are. Fun fact: I made sure to use the word retarded in the above statement because then they'll accuse me of being ableist, and the irony will be fan-****ing-tastic. I'm sure you've just internalized ableism or something.
  18. I think it's more of a realization that this has happened before. Simpsons did it first and all that.
  19. http://techraptor.net/content/woman-tech-industry-interview-mercedes-carrera New interview with Mercedes Carrera.
  20. It pretty much is. And I beat the game after having done almost all of the side content.
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