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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. The group I play with has some people interested in Martial Adpets. Does anyone know if there is a Pathfinder adaptation of these classes or if introducing weeaboo fightan magic is possible to do in Pathfinder without much trouble?
  2. Crashing this thread with no survivors. Within ten years: The TPP will get our asses thrown in jail. Europeans have a version for them incoming(http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transatlantic_Trade_and_Investment_Partnership). The Kickstarter bubble popped with PoE and all new RPGs will be romance simulators. The era of good TV is over with GoT and films are close behind. Forums will ban anyone who is "impolite". We will all be forced to eat what the British consider food, which is boiled everything. Putin's law banning memes spreads depriving us of the maymays. Pictures of attractive women are banned from the internet, this includes porn sites. http://youtu.be/5l4OEJ38aLY
  3. https://www.eff.org/issues/tpp Are we looking at something even worse than the Patriot Act?
  4. I don't know what that group even is honestly, but if I were a FemFrequency type person I'd probably do my best to ignore and keep the Postal devs out of the picture given that they made a game where win, and the cutscene implies your main character shoots and kills his nagging wife. Personally I find the game hilarious if in that "horrific taste" sense EDIT: Got them confused with someone else.
  5. *shudder* I would have been just fine without knowing that, Kaine. I have access to knowledge that would make you tremble. Such as the fact that a Giant Squid's **** is longer than its body and comes out its mouth.
  6. How does one join a hashtag? You pound on it. What you and your wife do in the bedroom is your business Hurlie.
  7. I'm not going to read it because Daredevil was the best finale.
  8. Well ****, I didn't even realize I was supposed to hate my pen1s watching that. I just saw a bunch of really badass action and the fact that the crazed raider bad guys happened to be male and the "good guys" (they were pretty ruthless themselves) happened to be female was pretty inconsequential to me, outside of the breastmilk thing, since you can't really get breast milk from dudes. My bad, I guess. Actually males can produce milk under certain circumstances. It's generally rare though, as females are typically the ones who produce breast milk due to pregnancy increasing breast fat.
  9. They consulted with the Vagina Monologues writer to portray the wives better AFAIK. Didn't translate to feminist(of the 3rd wave bourgeois variety at any rate) to me, but I saw the film for the action and was pleasantly surprised by the performance of the actors.
  10. Dude that happened a day ago, with the shadowban being lifted and him raising 5k more. Well, i've been drunk. So there's that! Any word on that dev NicheGamer interviewed?
  11. Dude that happened a day ago, with the shadowban being lifted and him raising 5k more.
  12. The best label for Bruce is "troll". Specifically an oby type that pretends to be a stereotypical liberal instead of a Russian. You should just ignore the bait.
  13. I don't like 3D because it costs more and doesn't add anything.
  14. http://nichegamer.com/2015/05/bards-tale-4-will-open-its-kickstarter-on-june-2nd/ What do you guys think?
  15. i believe he wrote it... bugs in old versions. BG2 fixpack takes care of that.
  16. Saw this today. It was quite a lot of fun, and Hardy played Max perfectly. On board for the next film. Better than Zack Snyder's JL.
  17. In my experience most people don't rely on them. I'm going to watch a youtuber play the game or get opinions from you people when I want information on a game. The issue, in my opinion, is that publishers give these publications power when they condition bonuses on reaching a target review score. It's far easier to either discredit or force ethical behavior on a games news site than it would be to get publishers to change their accepted marketing methods.
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