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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. At least select a song that gets the adrenaline going and the bloodlust rising. Nation on Fire accurately depicts what's gonna happen though.
  2. My dreams seem to be coming true. Can't wait for mass protests and riots. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufCoGq-tqVc
  3. Looks like we got a wannabe Frankenstein here.
  4. Oh come on, you're going to go all that way and not say "...slip her the Oakemon"? Total waste. Well his name is Professor Oak and the -mon suffix was used in Digimon not Pokemon. Learn your 90's children's shows and get on my level.
  5. I remember watching Pokemon as a kid, revisiting it now it looks like it was an elaborate ploy by a horny professor to get a single mom's kid out of the way so he could slip her the Oak.
  6. I dunno, I'd want to see The Coup live if I could. One of the better rap-funk-punk groups out there. Anyways I've been trying to get a band together and spent the day drinking.
  7. Well at least with one the monsters leave instead of following me around. I hope so at least. I haven't noticed. "Gamer girl go home with me" would be a good line though.
  8. At this point I'd say the most likely outcome, barring a huge economic crash, is that the democrats get an effective monopoly with a few minor wins for opposition parties for maybe two decades. They won't step on banker toes or cause too many waves for their funders and we'll see the media spin how progressive America is for electing rich women, rich non-whites, and rich folk of various sexuality.
  9. I would whine about how I'm miserable since my gf left me but I'd just feel like an ass since that's minor compared to shady. Take care man.
  10. I browse Tinder instead because I'd rather meet girls than chase creatures. Besides, I can always take hallucinogens if I'd want to do that.
  11. It's going to be the Democrats. The Republicans screwed themselves years ago aligning with the family values folk and it's biting them in the ass hard. A lot of businesses are going to support democrats, and a lot already do, because they'll act in their interests without pissing off the growing swathes of people. So we'll see more democrats like Cory Booker(who had Ivanka Trump and her husband run a fundraiser for him) while the last of the Bernie Sanders die out.
  12. Nah, the two party oligopoly on elections is pretty inherent to the system as is. You'd have to reform it and that ain't gonna happen because it works fine for the guys with enough influence to change it.
  13. If it has shifted it has done so in the direction of "less freedom". Sounds to me like it's time to stockpile weapons, ammo, gold coins and canned food again, What am I saying? It's ALWAYS time to do that! Freedom and liberty don't exist under the state, if it has the power to guarantee them it has the power to take them away.
  14. I think whether Trump really believes in his rhetoric(which I'd say is exaggerated by the media) or is just pandering is irrelevant. The fact is Trump has managed to tap into an undercurrent the establishment ignored and has used their support to seize a position in the oligopoly of US politics. Even if Trump isn't elected or doesn't get anything done, the people he's tapped into are going to be around and might get more radical and start attacking the base of the oligopoly ala Tea Party. The same applies to Sanders and his supporters, these people aren't going to all fall in line and the overton window has already shifted and it can't be turned back.
  15. I wasn't gonna see it anyway so ok I guess?
  16. There's a small brewery around here that makes that. It's around 10% alcohol and is very smooth. Not their best imo, but really damn good.
  17. Got the day off, made my gf breakfast and going to get everything ready to stay in tonight. **** that's rough. Condolences man.
  18. Can't come soon enough. I live in a country where it happened about 100 years ago. Real left vs right warfare with deaths abound and all that. All that i can say is that make sure that you have the proper training before it happens, because the final spark will be something mundane like someone tearing up the wrong newspaper at the wrong place at the wrong time. My assumption is based on vanguards already being established. I'm under no illusion it's gonna be pretty, but it's looking to be inevitable so might as well get it over with.
  19. Highlanders are the true Scotsmen. Why equate that with autism? Autism is a pretty wide spectrum of stuff...seems kinda silly to generalize like that when it really just boils down to idiots being idiots. Because that triggers the alt-right the most.
  20. Fix'd. Come on, if you've had any conversation with the idiots who spam iq infographs and shout cuck every third word you know that they're suffering from some sort of mental illness and sexual frustration.
  21. As an American who went from fat to fit, that's true. If I were to name a cause for the unhealthy I'd say it's due to the saturation of unhealthy food everywhere and a lack of time(and will) to exercise with the 8 hour shifts and hour+ commutes to and from work.
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