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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. GuyWoman that died was an IWW member and the guy who did it is now in custody. Last I saw 3 others were injured.
  2. I think that farmers were previously paying below minimum wage with little time off and benefits speaks ill of them as opposed to the policy of having migrant workers labor for pennies.
  3. I found it rather interesting that the guy almost managed to write the entire document with nice charts, citations and links to make his point in a reasonable fashion. He even makes points everyone who is still somewhat rational would agree on - like the points about quotas and lowered requierments for diversity hires not being a good practice in the long term or that being progressive and open should also mean to allow dissenting viewpoints without supressing them. Slipped up at the end with the footnotes. Talking about the cultural marxist agenda against the white cis-hetero patriarchy. Got that close to pass as sensible. A pity, maybe next time*. *Minor disclaimer: Of course that doesn't mean the guy isn't right or that he doesn't have a point, but people who use the term cultural marxism in a serious fashion are on the same level as people who unironically use beta male. That's what I'd expect a cultural marxist betacuck to say, go shill for (((diversity))) with your sorosbux.
  4. It's spread to you, quarantine yourself from the world.
  5. This thread is a good argument for putting people on meds.
  6. Are you absolutely sure you are not downplaying Nazism just a tiny bit with that comparison. SJW NAZIS
  7. It'd take a lot of infrasturcture tweaking but most major cities+surrounding areas could probably switch to some form of rail and be a lot more efficent. At the least it would hopefully get rid of the nightmare that is trying to find parking.
  8. LA that bad?Freedom is here I don't live in LA, it is much worse down there. Isn't Houston atrocious as well? It's goddamn awful, but not as bad as LA or New York if reports are anything to go by. Of course a lot of streets are ****ed and you're likely to get your tires shredded of you're not careful.
  9. Killing the two party system would require a fundamental change to the US election system, one that I doubt legislators could pull off even if they were willing to. We're more likely to see the US collapse before that kind of reform is enacted.
  10. Well David Bowie can't die twice so it's safe to say there will never be another 2016.
  11. https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/emmanuel-macron-france-approval-ratings-drop-never-save-the-centre-a7859041.html I'm predicting Trump holds on in 2020, the dems are too busy wanking over the radical centre to figure out why they lost in 2016. With only a little more than half the electorate showing up to vote in 2016, I feel safe in saying "abstain" will win the popular vote.
  12. Ah. So police brutality is acceptable depending on context?Hilarious because especially in the case of hardened gangbangers, violence does absolutely nothing to deter them. Those guys are willing to go up against los zetas without batting an eyelash. You think hitting their heads on police cars or being roughed up a bit by cops while "resisting arrest" is going to accomplish anything, other than possibly a bunch of lawsuits that taxpayers have to pick up the tab for? Nah. It's only internet badasses like you that fear police brutality, when you just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Why is there no info that he was talking about arresting MS-13 gang members in this article?It is linked at the end of the article: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/watch-live-trump-trumpet-ms-13-crackdown-long-island/But given the President is endorsing police brutality, clearly PBS believed it deserved a separate article. Oh yes those brutal police not placing their hands on the fragile little snowflake heads of MS-13 gang members, those bastards.And they can't rough up innocent people they arrest or people that aren't violent offenders. In theory anyway, pretty sure the soldato do what they want.The cops applauding that is one reason that kid playing NWA at the cop's funeral was a good thing. Man, you're weak Yep. By standing up to MS-13 ai'm soooo weak and you are soooo strong by giving in to them and defending them. You are the hero of the nation. I'm sure MS-13 is soooo scared of a guy standing up to them in a forum they will never read. http://imgur.com/2csNWa9
  13. That may be but it still makes for less exciting reading or viewing.
  14. Yeah I think the adult section is worrying, it certainly wasn't bad(in the book) but it lacked the terror of encountering It as children. I've got faith in Muschietti to make It terrifying, but it seemed that in the book Henry Bowers was more of a threat to the adult Losers than any of It's forms aside from the closest thing their minds could comprehend It's true form being. At any rate this looks good and while I'd prefer an 8 episode mini-series this looks to be good.
  15. Not at all, FoD for example is great for any damage and the rest do very well with 2-handers and such. Barbaric Blow or Heart of Fury with a 2-hander will hit very hard and punch through DT, if I read your OP right.
  16. Too much ad revenue at stake? Well they have to make videos about something to collect their patreonbux.
  17. We had 4 dragon fights in PoE+WM and they have said we'll see more dragons. However I want to fight Krakens and Leviathan more because seamonsters at sea. The best option would be a mega dungeon with an army of octopusmen(popvor iirc), zombie krakens, ghost dragons, and an ancient coven of liches guarding a powerful animancer from around the time the gods were created.
  18. https://theintercept.com/2017/07/19/u-s-lawmakers-seek-to-criminally-outlaw-support-for-boycott-campaign-against-israel/ FREEEDOM YES!
  19. The invisible hand sucks because when you expect it to tug on something it ends up pushing its finger into something else. Sneaky bastard.
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