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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Honestly I didn't mind Lars (keeping in mind he was supposed to be unlikeable) or the Cool Kids that much, and I'd go as far to say that Sour Cream is actually funny. Onion could be annoying or creepy and was unpleasant to see focused on, but thankfully that didn't happen too much. Of course, Ronaldo was the best townie character (and the part of Food Wars where he really did have a girlfriend was perfect). It's not just the length of the episodes, it's concurrence as well. Super S had long stretches of bad episodes with few breaks while SU was over in 11 minutes and usually led to a good few episodes. That's a big reason why I was able to go through SU so fast.
  2. Do you do just beef or half beef half pork?
  3. There were individual episodes of SU I didn't like, but they weren't anywhere near stuff like we've complained about in SM Super S. It also helps that episodes are mostly 11 minutes, so it got over quicker. When I really think about it, the only episode I actively dislike is Uncle Granpad hijacking the show.
  4. As much as the show takes from anime and manga, that had to be intentional. Yellow Diamond wishes she had that mullet though.
  5. Finished up Steven Universe. I half expected to hear the musicbox version of Moonlight Densetsu pop up several times.
  6. Insomnia drove me to watch a ton of SU. Last episode was the one where Ruby becomes a cowgirl.
  7. I think Diablo 2 was one of the first game I played on PC. The remake may be worth checking out. Though it may not hold up because the real Diablo was the friends we made on the way. This looks interesting.
  8. That makes sense. They also could have really bad taste. Or alternatively the studio could be an attempt to harvest psychic rage and grief in order to rip a hole in dimensions and bring forth horrors too much for the human mind to comprehend.
  9. I'm in the middle of watching Voyager, which unlike TNG or DS9 I take weeks or months long breaks from because it gets really dumb. Like Janeway trying to kill Tom for breaking the Prime Directive to save a planet only to break the Prime Directive next episode (and risk the wrath of some space nazis) to save some telepaths. It seems like you could interpret Voyager as Janeway trying really hard to get her crew killed in action. Anyways you should watch JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Because it is so good you can't describe it. Holy **** this is awesome.
  10. Keep him away from his ex. And now Lars is pink and hanging out with gem rejects.
  11. Hey, I'm from the South! I think accents in entertainment are usually exaggerated to the point of parody. I'm sure you could find a right-wing uncle like Andy in Bawstaan, but they would sound more normal. Not surprising, most decisions they make are really dumb. I'm still mad Venture Brothers got canceled after Hank running away in an Adam West Batman mask. Way to **** up a great setup.
  12. Man that episode is great. Looks like Buck really is taking lessons from Guitar Dad. And S4 is done.
  13. You're a brave person. Who isn't a brave person is Jerknaldo, who got me to dislike him in the Rock People episode. There was also some stuff about rescuing Greg from a zoo and more Pink Diamond, as well as the duo of Lapis and Peridot who I just enjoy seeing together. I also ended up watching the Onion Gang......which was not expected. I guess @majestic is going to lose his mind on or shortly after June 3rd.
  14. An art teacher bonding with his student and protecting him from harm. Its because they didn't get the chance to finish.
  15. I've kinda temperd my ocd by not caring about stuff as much and it has done wonders to relieve my anxiety issues. Tho like @majestic I do find myself watching everything in order when I stick with watching something. I'm not obsessive to the point where I'd watch SMC, buy normally I'd have a hard time skipping episodes in a series. SU. Pearl ran from the cops. Reminder me of this from the Boondocks.
  16. Sometimes I wish the BLM that lives in the heads of some people was real. Kinda like if Biden really was going to make patriots have a taxpayer funded gay vegan halal wedding to an illegal alien or whatever the dip**** brigade said would happen if their daddy lost the election. Sadly, BLM is a bunch of various things, some of which conflict with each other, and not some homogeneous organization out to replace us ignore the legitimate concerns about gang violence or abortion being the real danger to black people. So it's weird to see some people say BLM doesn't or does X, when you can find BLM groups with very different takes on various issues and how to go about things. About half the time people go on like this it's bad faith concern trolling and obfuscation that uses hundreds of words when fourteen would have made the same point.
  17. @majestic You can just watch End of Evangelion, the rest isn't really worth it.. What is worth it is SU, where Steven and Connie went into freefall.
  18. Yeah, I'd be a lot more willing to watch a dive into costume and set design or photography direction or even editing than whatever these award shows are doing now.
  19. Probably. After so many of those I found myself slapping in filler out of habit. It's a hard habit to break when you've been conditioned since at least high school to pad your projects.
  20. The knowledge that speed has a price I guess, I dunno I just saw the fanservice meme and wanted topost jt. I'm mostly binging SU as fast as I am because I can't get into anything else and struggle to sleep. It is a really good show and I'm glad I started it, I now even like seeing Peridot do her Peri-plans and call everyone clods. Lmao You're in for a slog where Usagi turns into Shinji, I hope the dub is less grating than the sub. Speaking of which, I'm now into s4. It's really weird, the episodes just go by but they can feel like a lot happens. I'm liking it, but I think there's more to Pink Diamond than getting killed by Rose Quartz thousands of years ago.
  21. If it's any consolation, some anime my fiance is watching had some stuff that was uncomfortably lewd.
  22. I don't know if I'd say that. More like just a different kind of bad. More SU. Got to meet Bismuth. You can tell the fight was ripped from Sailor Moon.
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