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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I dreamt last night that I was in a school or prison and there was a sentient virus killing everyone. Late night TV sure is weird.
  2. Well yeah, what else would you want to cook ribs in?
  3. I can't picture stuff like that like a photograph, it looks more like a painting with surreal elements. It's hard to describe.
  4. That's low and slow for yall? I do my ribs for at least 5 hours.
  5. Sounds frightening. I'm not sure what aphantasia is tbh. Like I can't literally see images in my mind, but I have no real issues conjuring up a workable description based on past experiences or imagination, even if I can't see it. Weird. My dreams come and go, I don't remember them most of the time but frequently wake up panicked or in the mood to **** someone up. The ones I do remember are usually very weird but grounded in reality, like playing Super Smash Bros with a gang in an abandoned football field with a pool turned fishpond in the middle.
  6. Between writing a story and watching AoT before sleep, I had a really weird dream in anime styles about an asylum with monsters roaming around. Still more normal than JoJo, so more anime before sleep is needed I guess.
  7. If my years of college have taught me anything, it's that the dumbest mother****ers in the world could pass a test and retain no knowledge at all. The big problem with gun control in the US is who would enforce it. Given the last year plus some, I trust them less than I trust the Nigerian prince who would email my parents with offers of millions in cash back when I was a young'un.
  8. If you're at the end of s1, you should be at the DT arc now. Have fun watching sunglasses gym god be edgy for several hours and remember you could be watching JOJO instead.
  9. No, there's a fairly long break dealing with apocalyptic psychics after The Dark Tournament ends but then there's a tournament arc after that to finish the show. DT is really long, by my count it takes up like a third of the series.
  10. I think the VVitch does hold up better, but I'll give The Lighthouse the commendation of genuinely surprising me. I watched maybe half of the Ballad of Buster Scrugs. I wish there were more short film compilations like this.
  11. I watched Demon Slayer a while back. Some of it is promising, but in many ways it's kinda frustrating in the way Shonen anime can be. I watched a few minutes of the movie on....an adult site, but I haven't finished it.
  12. More AoT, episodes 2-4. It's an extended introduction where we get to meet the cast of would be soldiers as they train to fight the eponymous sexless monsters that have terrorized humans for at least a hundred years. So far it's OK, but could have been cut down without losing anything. The cable swinging can be a bit hard to keep up with and I want to punch half of the cast, but I assume some will become snacks for the big eunuchs once things kick into gear. I'm getting negative vibes from the government and military, so I'm gonna bet some shady **** is going on there.
  13. Boyhood (2014). It may have taken 12 years to make, but it only took me 7 years to watch it so I guess I'm ahead. Overall it's a good slice of life movie, and even if it does have a bit much volume it makes sense for the most part.
  14. So your memories of Memories aren't memorable?
  15. It's both writing and directing, other than Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill part 1*, and Deathproof*, none of his films have been under 2 and a half hours. Given how the guy who produced most of Tarantino's films is famous for forcing cuts (and being a rampant sexual predator), it's kind of weird that other than the first film he made there wasn't many cuts to compress runtime. Pulp Fiction was ok the first time I saw it, but I don't think it holds up very well over multiple viewings because a lot of it is built on surprise and novelty. And to me it doesn't feel like a short film anthology so much as a narrative chopped up to be non-linear, like with some edits to structure you'd have a normal linear crime drama. I think a collection of short films as a feature can be a cool idea, but it depends on how it's done. Sin City did it badly because it looked bad and Frank Miller dialogue is not good. More anime tho, AoT episode 2. *Both of these are also part of another movie though, so caveats I guess.
  16. Yeah that's a selling point. One thing I like about Linklater is how he tries weird stuff, like the film Tape occurring in real time.
  17. Maybe. With Royal Oaks Theater closed it seems for the most part what I'd want to see in theaters ain't gonna be there.
  18. Finished a rough draft of a short script, so I watched an episode of AoT to relax. It's intriguing but has one of my pet peeves, naked monsters with no genitals. Minor thing though, but weird when you think about it. I'm going to try to watch Boyhood this weekend because I recently got into an internet debate over Richard Linklater being a better director than Tarantino (which he clearly is tbh, Tarantino needs an editor to tell him when to stop) but after that I'll watch more anime.
  19. Selling Sailor Moon figures is serious business.
  20. I have, and some SMS recs on YouTube, which between Film Riot stuff has been hilarious. It's more of a general question, like what the **** were they thinking?
  21. I love how Diana sits on Chibi-Usa's head. Why do Usagi and Luna sound like they're grannies tho?
  22. But those pesky feminists are easier to blame, especially if you ideologically support such things that lead to the lack of kiddos. The cheapest rent around me is about $800, most "good" entry level jobs (which aren't guaranteed) pay somewhere around $20/hr to start with a degree required, student debt is out of control for most people around my age, and just having a kid (not actually raising one, which is even more time and effort) could cost in 10s of thousands. Just weighing things, people in thsee circumstances not having kids is a completely logical decision based on their actual circumstances, and hook-up culture doesn't really factor in.
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