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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Is that really weird tho? Seems like a happy accident.
  2. If JoJo isn't weird stuff then I don't know what is.
  3. So I take it you've met Ebony Devil and Yellow Temperance? Do you understannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndu?
  4. This isn’t true, the English is also hilariously dramatic and over the top. Let's be honest, JoJo doesn't just jump the shark, it beats it up before an insane captain kills it. And that's why it's awesome.
  5. They just need to say **** it and double down on the crazy. No one will care about some failed Republicans trying to rebrand, but people will pay attention to the Tiger King. US elections already are a joke so they may as well go all in. The Zodiac Killer doesn't do coups.
  6. As James Weeks said, the US government is so corrupt it needs to be stripped down. And James Weeks put his money where his mouth was and did a strip tease. If only more Libertarians had his commitment.
  7. Prequel, the original OVA drops in with no background and some helps make as much sense as you can out of a show like JoJo. Tag me in, I've been in a funk about games and really need something to take my mind off life right now.
  8. There's a prequel OVA released a decade later, and Forever is in that OVA. He gets sliced in half by Silver Chariot instead of beaten to death by Star Platinum. @Bartimaeus No peeking Majestic!
  9. Sweet Tooth. I have no idea what's going on but I think I like it.
  10. He could have faked his death. The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
  11. But it still is 3. Honestly I started watching JoJo because it is a huge meme and stuck with it because it turned out to be a good show. Other shows that have the same components annoy the **** out of me, but there's something about JoJo that is just fun in ways like AoT or 7 Deadly Sins (which is really dull, don't watch Majestic!) just aren't. And while I can't talk much about magical girls and whatever Majestic got sucked into (hate)watching, I can sure talk about insomnia. The only thing that consistently helps is something that is illegal outside of medical usage where I'm living so I frequently get to function on very little sleep in a job that is physically exhausting (doubly so in the summer). There's something weird with my body where I kind of spring into a hyper-awake mode a bit before midnight. I have no explanations for it but it's been there for years and seems to happen regardless of how tired I was, diet, afternoon naps, or whatever. It's annoying as **** to feel like you're about to doze off before suddenly feeling wide awake and unable to calm down.
  12. Well you thought of 3 things so there's that. I think someone had a moneky's paw and they wished that boring midbudget Oscar bait movies would go away. Their wish was granted by giving us JJ's Star Trek, the SW sequels, Marvel movies, DC movies, and all the other IP mining movies instead. Such is fate I suppose.
  13. I disagree, I like that JoJo is intentionally over the top because it's a nice break from all the anime (and fiction in general if we're being honest) that takes itself completely seriously despite being incredibly stupid. There's only so much techno-babble or fantasy horse**** you can take before getting annoyed, and too many shows are really incapable of assuaging that annoyance. JoJo just says **** it and treats itself as ridiculous as it is, which is just so god damn refreshing over the huge amount of shows that have their heads shoved up their asses high on their own farts.
  14. There's an OVA from the 90's that is a very condensed rendition of Stardust Crusaders. I strongly prefer the anime because you miss a lot of things from just Stardust Crusaders alone. I mean can it really be JoJo if some creepy guy doesn't ask if you understandddddddddddddddddu?
  15. Yeah, but it takes forever. It does, but JoJo is weirder than most things even with cuts.
  16. AoT s4: Heel turn and a cliffhanger, the protagonist has completed his metamorphosis into an omega edgelord.
  17. Go ahead, I'm not trying to discourage you and I think I've stanned JoJo enough for it to be clear I love it. If you like it you may just want to skip the JoJo anime until Diamond is Unbreakable (s3). That part is almost entirely like the filler stuff you liked about Sailor Moon, and the main villain is David Bowie with a weird fetish. Speedwagon, Baron Zephelli Von Stroheim, Smokey, the Pillar Men, and half the stands are missing from the OVA. But at least Jotaro still throws a dog at a disabled man.
  18. It's still very much JoJo, so Kon's involvement may not be a game changer for you.
  19. It was 90's anime and very condensed. Personally I think losing all the stand users is pretty negative because it'd be like if someone took out half the fun monsters and schemes from Sailor Moon. As to a comparison, it draws from the manga and looks like part 3, with some changes. Here's a chart comparing characters from Ova and Anime. And here's how Araki's style has changed in the manga. Compared to the anime it's not as bright but it's still recognizable as the same thing.
  20. AoT s4 (the final season): time skips and more child soldiers, still the same show. I'm looking forward to being done with it. Next up for me is LoGH and then I don't know what else. A big ball that makes the area hot and shoots fireballs at some guys crossing the desert on camels after their trip to Egypt got disrupted several times.
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