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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I have problems translating my enjoyment to a ratio. I can talk about how I enjoyed something but quantifying it like 90% is beyond me. Maybe I'm just a weirdo. S1 of SU. Power outages, giant hands, and joyrides. It is a very silly and fun show that manages to feel sweet. Of the main group I'd say Garnet is the most consistently funny but Pearl's insane moments are the best. Favorite supporting character is Ronaldo.
  2. I don't like comparing shows tbh. Too often it reminds me of comicbook fanbois arguing over which fictional character could beat the other, instead of just enjoying them for what they are. I also hate rankings and ratings, like what the **** does 84% actually mean? 16% of the show is garbage? In terms of anime the ones that had the biggest impact (not necessarily because of quality or present enjoyment) on me are Digimon s3, Berserk (90s), Evangelion, JoJo, Devilman Crybaby, and now Sailor Moon. They're all very different in all respects and comparing them wouldn't get me anywhere, like maybe you could compare Digimon to Sailor Moon as children's anime....but they're too different and go completely different places to be a real comparison. Even along genres you get significantly different beats and styles that makes comparison really get in the way of enjoyment imo. I watched a lot of SU. I still prefer Garnet, but Amethyst's background story really made me like her more. And Lil' Butler is really dumb so it should fit in with most real sitcoms.
  3. I'd have to look into it, but I think there's been recent instances of mistaking a family member for a burglar that ended that way. I can't recall anything like shooting the wrong guy during a mass shooting though.
  4. I was disappointed by season 1 because I was expecting getting to watch Dracula raze Wallachia. Instead it was arguably a prequel to the real 1st season, but fun regardless. SU. Garnet reveals one of her powers to Steven and he loses his mind.
  5. I don't want to inadvertantly expose kids to a pedophile horse though. Regarding reaction videos, I have no idea why people watch those beyond bad taste. This thread is different because yall aren't colossal dip****s like youtubers (almost) unfailingly are. Additionally there's dialogue between people here, which significantly changes it from YouTube dip****s.
  6. You are coming around to enlightenment. I prefer thin fries and hash browns to thick fries like wedges or chunky fried potatoes. The latter is too much like a baked potato with a crispy outside, which isn't too good to eat by itself or with just a sauce. They can work covered in stuff or in like a burrito (bowl), but at that point you're not really eating fries. Imagine having those sit around for at least a few hours then get fried again. That's The Bits. Oh, and in Dorohedoro the villain loves mushrooms so that was on topic. I dunno who else would want to watch Sailor Moon. Hurlsnot has kids, maybe we can convince him it's a wholesome show for them to watch. He would probably wouldn't want them watching Super S though.
  7. Mushrooms are disgusting. It's the texture, the only times I've had mushrooms where the texture wasn't awful has been when they've gone to lengths to disguise the mushroom by chopping them finely and incorporating them into something where you aren't likely to chew the mushroom itself. The only other thing that gets that reaction from me is mollusks, specifically octopus and squid. The Bits are potatoes that have been killed at least twice. Wedge fries are the opposite direction of The Bits.
  8. The Bits would be overfried and either greasy and/or burnt, Steven is not onto anything with them. I will do the Caesar pose and fite anyone who disagrees.
  9. Is the robot show the one where they shot Dracula's **** off? If so I'm in.
  10. I believe you mean "The Bits", which are explicitly not fries according to the Fryman family.
  11. Indeed. Steven Universe really likes to talk about food. This would normally make me hungry, but Steven has some nasty flavor combos like cheeseballs on a cake or fish stew pizza that keep me from getting too hungry. Zucchini and pasta can be really good tho.
  12. SU again. Steven and Connie got real close, he found his mom's home video, and he took a test. May be more I'm forgetting.
  13. You're in for a ride with Dorohedoro. Shame it's cgi. Demon Slayer was pretty generic for me.
  14. More SU. Steven and Connie's parents meet, and then Garnet faces the wrath of ULTIMATE RINGO.
  15. SU They built a fence and Steven doesn't go to school. Which makes a lot of sense. And now they fight an evil gem with Garnet recreating an iconic fight. And now Steven's spit is coming up dry.
  16. Wait till you hit rebellion. I ended up watching most of it without subtitles but you can tell what's going on without them for the most part. You're only a few episodes out till the Cyborg shows up. He fires a machine gun with pelvic thrusts.
  17. I like it. I liked S3, it is hard to top ****ing Dracula in ****ing Castlevania (even with the stone mask from JoJo showing up), but I thought it was good for what it was. Like S1 tho, it did feel a bit too much like sequel bait and not enough like it's own thing. Oh yeah, have you met the cyborg in JoJo yet?
  18. My fiance changed my mind. Tho only the last one, because it was the only new thing. And that was a question for IC, currently I'm going through Steven Universe. Last Castlevania drops next month, so will go to that next.
  19. The first two movies are the anime series, if you've already seen it you can skip them.
  20. I remember that episode. One of the times I felt more sorry for Lwaxana Troi than was annoyed by her.
  21. Oh you're in for one hell of a final stretch.
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