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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Don't put words in his mouth - you are not doing yourself any favours. Starwars said his least favourite. He did not say worst. Big difference.
  2. Narcos, the negatives: No free mode on the map. You do some random side missions, and after two of those the next story mission unlocks. With nine story missions marked on the map, the DEO campaign looks to be twenty seven missions - more if you farm extra side missions. Resting is an issue. If the objective is to secure evidence, I can simply not pick it up and heal to full before completing the mission. Hopefully that will not be the case with later missions. Also, it creates a lul in the fighting, when both sides just sit behind cover, resting. And it puts strain on the AI, who needs to prioritize between resting behind cover and getting farther away from the grenade launcher that can damage them even behind full cover. Can't change equipment. A policeman will always carry a pistol. A Sec Bloc will always have an SMG, a pistol and bullet proof vest. They can gain new skills when leveling up, but the game is designed that you fire and hire. I will have to check again, but I am under the impression that characters you train up manually, will have more skills than the ones you hire at high levels. I don't see the problem some people complain about, that they only activate one unit and ignore the rest. I believe they didn't really get past the intro.
  3. Let me do a proper write up about negatives before you dive in
  4. I keep forgetting what the platform is called.
  5. And there is no uproar about exclusive content? I am shocked
  6. Started Narcos. It looks like an XCOM clone at first but has some major differences: 1) Alternate Activations: You activate a unit, the AI activates a unit. You could activate the same unit again or a different one. 2) Counteracts - Real Time Overwatch: Your troops gain counteract points for kills and/or for unused actions. If a unit has a full counteract (you get half a point for unused actions) and an opponent runs into your LoS, you can shoot them in real time by mousing the targeting reticule over them and firing. It does mean you may miss the opportunity because you weren't paying attention, but it also means that if you don't want to waste a shot or wait a bit for the enemy to move completely out of cover, you can. 3) Killshots - Real Time Crits: Crits too are done in real time. You get to shoot again, executing the opponent with a kill shot. A bit gimicky, but it works so far. 4) Rest: Everyone has a rest action, which allows them to restore 1 health. I am a bit skeptical about this; it remains to be seen if/how that slows down the missions.
  7. Gathering intel for Hurlshot, so he knows if the game is worth it https://i.imgur.com/SVEcSLT.jpg[/im
  8. Yay! Enchantment! I expect Yay to be similar to Enchantment.
  9. Going to the vet now to have him check my toe. People doctors are never around in zombie apocalypse tales, when you really need them, so might as well get used to the doc who will.
  10. I stubbed my toe today against the sofa leg. It hurt a bit, then I forgot about it. A few hours later it started to hurt. Now it reached a point where I took painkillers. I may have to go see a doctor in the morning. Irony: all those years of judo and muay thai, never broke anything. Walk through the living room...
  11. Anybody know when Keyrock will post Blacksad screenshots?
  12. I was just about to upload the DLC images myself... couldn't find them for some reason, so painstakingly grabbed them out of the html of the store...
  13. I missed one collectable in the first world in Woven...
  14. I bought Woven and am now strolling through a wooly world as a stuffy elephant Doh! That part goes into the what we are playing thread!
  15. https://i.imgur.com/HoycQck.jpg[/img
  16. What do you mean "here in Greece" ? I am supposed to be the guy living in Greece on this forum. Are you trying to steal my job?
  17. Was on the phone with customer support today. I say: "OK, thank you. Bye bye!" Customer support guy replies: "Bye for now..." ... now that is experienced customer support
  18. I am waiting for Woven to release tomorrow, not the PS5. So no, not everyone
  19. Eh, could be worse: it could have been a timed, one year exclusive. Then things would have been really bad.
  20. I first played Chaos Gate back when it released in 1998. The game bugged out on me and I lost all progress. The next playthrough attempt it bugged out on the second mission. Today, 21 years later, I finally completed it. I think I can go on with my life now
  21. Or PM me! My code is exactly the same, just with different numbers/letters but it is also way better because it was sent to me instead of the_dog_days.
  22. I also have a code. I just hadn't opened the email to realise.
  23. Heh, they must have heard about the Giveaway thread
  24. Do we know if this will be any good?
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