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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Yeah, you could theoretically go to Who's Online, click Full List and filter it by Members. Then for example you'd get Bruce reading the Food thread 6 minutes ago (as I see while I am posting). So if anyone has been looking at a thread you are about to lock in the last couple of minutes they could theoretically be posting. But with a long reply that could be longer, so there isn't too much point checking. How many minutes would a moderator have to then wait to have given people a reasonable time to post? Because this tiny post took 7 minutes. On the other hand, since the "locking this" post comes first, and whoever is typing at the time should get a notification that a new post has appeared in the discussion they are posting in, they could be given a small window (30 seconds? Dunno, someone else do the haggling) to see that post and copy whatever they have been typing. Eh, hasn't happened to me in ages, and when it does it gives me something to tease the moderators with.
  2. Trying Hard West. Having to enter the game options to enable the "experimental" feature to be able to save the game is among the most ridiculous things I have encountered in gaming.
  3. No hard feelings. And as proof, I will tell you that Road 96 was also in my discovery queue, which could be more to your liking.
  4. I am looking through my discovery queue instead of getting work done, and I have to wonder, why did nobody post here last month that Boyfriend Dungeon was released on Steam? The store description: Date your weapons! Romance swords, daggers, and polearms to level them up in this “shack-and-slash” dungeon crawling adventure. I feel this forum is really not keeping up with gaming news.
  5. I finished both seasons of Kingdom (the Korean zombie show) and watched the movie Kingdom - Ashin of the North, which I guess does the character background for Ashin so the audience is prepared for season 3.
  6. Did games under her watch not produce enough DLC?
  7. It's the Hearthfire DLC. Also the awful scripting of NPC routines in Bethesda games, that makes them get lost and walk out of towns and off into the sunset.
  8. Back to your favorite stories: Skyrim Tales of Parenting with Melkathi We played hide and seek with Lucia before I headed off to Whiterun and what would turn out to be the siege of Whiterun. When I returned to Solitude, Lucia was gone. Of course my housecarl Jordis had no idea where she was. Or any of the guards (read: I ran all across Solitude where her routine could take her). I talked to Noster Eagle-Eye, who I pay to keep his eye on the girls when they play outside. And I had a stern word with Sofia, after having tried to bribe her with honey nut treats. Lucia had snuck past the guards at the gate, out of Solitude... So I went searching for her (console player.moveto refID). And found her well past Dragonbridge, on the road heading for Whiterun. Seems she got tired waiting for news from the battle and decided to check herself. "But muuuum..." "No. You are heading straight home and straight to bed." There was an Ancient Dragon circling overhead, but even it understood enough to keep well away from angry mum, so it didn't attack. Seriously. I may have to make a mod to ground her.
  9. And I didn't like HumankindIt seems like an improvement over a few things in Endless Legend. I didn't feel as strongly that the game was clicking End Turn for 40 turns until I could produce the next thing and click End Turn for 25 turns. With EL I had a strong feeling that the devs didn't want players to do things or get things done.With Humankind I have the feeling the devs want us to do things, but they don't know what.The most interesting part seems to be putting together a "unique" civilization through the traits of advancing each Era. But the actual gameplay you have to go through to do so... not so interesting.It reminds me a bit of Spore actually.
  10. Unlike the Gamedec demo which even installed, now has turned the Play button into a Purchase button.
  11. Besides, we really should institute Western European Time as the timezone with the best acronym.
  12. I no longer play games at BST release time. They wanted Brexit? Have 'em take their dumb time zone with them as they leave
  13. Steam had this indy event thing where indy games could showcase demo versions of their games. Like that game I posted about that was battle Brothers with legs.
  14. Ironically I stopped playing the demo because I couldn't decide what choice to make.
  15. I watched less than 5 minutes of the new "Macgyver".
  16. Talking about trailers. I actually enjoyed this one. I'll have to give the demo another try.
  17. After 20 days of being too busy for gaming doing this: I am back in the city and should resume my screenshoting duty shortly.
  18. I am impressed we have people so young here. I thought this was a forum for old people.
  19. Earlier this year an online friend of mine kept hiding Tribbles around the house for her daughter to find. And every day when the girl thought she had found them all, more and more would appear.
  20. Watched "Beckett" on Netflix, mostly because it was filmed in Greece, so all the filming in Athens was done near me. The scenes for the political rally I had walked past the filming. There is a scene where he stands in front of a parking lot, looking at some street art and when I was looking for an apartment, one of those I had considered overlooks that parking lot. It is funny though seeing him teleport all over the city centre. It starts with him arriving in Athens from the south, even though he was north of Athens. He then takes public transport at what must be Petralona Station (used to live a 2 minute stroll from that) for three stops to get to Omonia (where I live now) to get to the US Embassy. He should have gotten off one station earlier, at Monastiraki, changed to the blue line and taken the Metro three stations to Megaro Mousikis, which is the stop almost outside the embassy doors. As is, he had to walk 40 minutes. When he finds the aforementioned parking lot (which he shouldn't have based on the street name the activists gave him, as the street at that point isn't called that yet (though they would quite possibly have given him the wrong name in reality as well)), he enters a basement from street level, then comes out on a parking in the back... that looks more like Exarcheia. Where a bookstore like that would be, since that is where stores like that are and where activists would meet. Which is also where he is then running. Running up that hill like a Kate Bush song, he then appears approaching Syntagma from the other side. They are tiny little things that I just find amusing. They are all just results of location scouting and getting permission for filming. It happens in every film, but this time it happened in a location I know extremely well and depicting also social groups I know rather well
  21. It's a pretty bad decision to just skip info on character customization. Then again, I guess they didn't expect the huge negative reaction both trailers got.
  22. Character customization is shown from 5:47-5:48 when a blond lady boss in gray shorts and some sports bra thingie swings open the saloon door, turns into a white dude in some old fashioned suit, into a metal dude with green mo-hawk, into a black corpulent dude.
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