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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I had a problem with TK mayhem where throwing the balls would deal no damage.
  2. Do you even need to hold the ball? In the normal on foot mayhems you can just run. With superspeed upgraded a bit that can be very destructive.
  3. Yeah I had that happen as well. But the most trouble I had was the hard power armour mayhem. Just when I'd pass the silver mark the streets would become devoid of things to blow up. No cars would drive by, the police would stop chasing me etc. Similar to how in SR3 the moment I'd start a streaking run it would start to rain and all people would run away.
  4. That is very british.
  5. Bioware made a substantial investment in SWTOR and we know how that worked out
  6. Was backing up my savegames for Van Helsing and accidentally deleted my stash... And of course no cloud backup as I had turned off cloud sync for some achievements that require you to not click on specific objects, which with wonky targeting could happen by accident really easily.
  7. I just throw people with electricity, then swap to cold blast and normal stomp for the boss.
  8. Define "heights"
  9. I think I knew the young man who was murdered by (neo)nazis in Greece last night. Didn't know him well (otherwise I'd be certain) but may have met him at a mutual friend's birthday party or something like that.
  10. GAT V pack is free for a day on Steam. It's nothing special: Gat and Aisha outfits and a big gun. But it's free if you click on it today so *shrug*
  11. The problem is, new experiences grow old fast. And for me at least they seem to grow old faster with each experience. Sometimes its like being a junkie chasing for the next high.
  12. What smugfunt told you that? Troll on the Defiance forum. He bragged about griefing; I reported him to the mods for terrible grammar.
  13. Today I sat blinking at the screen as someone explained to me that: "Than" is old English and we don't use it anymore since after the new millennium. And that therefor they are correct to replace it with "then".
  14. I didn't feel like gaming tonight so I am going to bed early(ish). In light of Orogun liking gaming to a drug habit, not feeling like gaming seems to be a good thing
  15. I always thought ghouls are there to score, were-woofs are there to hunt down the enemy ball carrier and the rest of the team is there to keep the opposition busy.
  16. I was thinking of making a halfling team and naming the players after forum regulars...
  17. Though once you beat a world you can go to the next by going left instead of right at the start of the game. But as the game has multiple endings you have to beat it in one session to get the best ending.
  18. The "Obsidian League" has commenced. Password to join is: mahgnislaw It is an Open League. This means you can just register a team and play against anyone else in there. I figured this would be best to get us started. We can always create a cup later on when we see that people truly are having fun and want to do something more organised. Currently there is one registered team: Khaine's Bloody Hands
  19. Just got it Started a Scrapper Major Arkfall at aroudn 5:20 AM. There were only two of us at first. Then the other person left and was replaced by someone else. We got the 30 minutes until server shutdown warning 11 minutes before we got the boss to spawn.Three of us started the final battle against the Progenitor. One person quit during the Progenitor fight and the remaining guy and myself finished the Arkfall ~10 seconds before servers went down It felt great
  20. The other important key is C. It will switch camera to free move instead of the zoomed in view. Very important when you try to intercept or use your wizard.
  21. Unless I keep being unlucky I've tried with BMGs and Infectors for the continuous damage. Currently I'm trying with a charge sniper rifle for massive damage.
  22. Oh GhostofAnakin, I got my 100th revive. Now all I need is that stupid killshot.
  23. I already owned Startopia which is one of my favourid games. Omikron was just such an ambitious project, it would feel wrong to get all those other old games and leave it out of the collection.
  24. Incidentally the old Tomb Raiders are currently on sale on GoG. (got myself Anachronox, Omikron and Urban Chaos instead)
  25. They are really good at hiding the key to that ball and chain?
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