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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Was playing Aarklash: Legacy and found a hidden cut scene with the mage bathing in a waterfall.
  2. Only because she can whine faster than Chiktikka Fastpaws.
  3. Finished Act II in Arklash: Legacy. Apparently I am about halfway through the game. The story isn't anything special but I find the characters very likeable and the writer(s) tried to add little details here and there. It is a shame the game has quite a few glaring typos (as in whole words missing in the subtitles ). Still enjoying the gameplay though. Even the puzzles with the levers
  4. Amalur gets slightly better again once you change continent. But overal, quest design was not the game's strong point The DLCs are quite good. So if you need a change, empty your inventory and do one of those.
  5. Does that mean you can find a list of bugs online and how you can fix them using the console? Something which ironically only PC players can do and not console players prid 3b59 moveto player prid 3b59 ressurect
  6. When it comes to management, building etc games I play: Anno 2070 Startopia The Guild (the original not the sequel) Evil Genius Dungeon Keeper (the original not the sequel )
  7. I enjoyed Lords of Magic. though factions and heroes were totally unbalanced. An an Air Rogue the game was a breeze (doh stupid puns write themselves). As a Fire Warrior not so much. The game came witha pretty neat Map Editor though. If the internet had been more widespread back then, allowing for larger communities , easier hosting, upload and download, you probably would have seen a lot more user-made content for the game.
  8. I enjoy Evil Genius quite a lot, though sometimes it just becomes stupid, when agens are ona rampage. Once on island 2 that is less of a problem. You can set up defenses so deadly, you can be on permanent yellow alert with monsters rampaging around killing any agent who sets foot near your lair.
  9. If you hate Witcher so much, why even bother with the next game? Just so your complaints about the series can be up-to-date?
  10. Played the second episode of the Wolf Among Us. Found it to be a bit weaker than the first. No further comment so far as it hasn't even been out for 24h and I hate spoilers
  11. Could you lot in the DH post little sit reps (maybe if it is fun to do even in character), for those of us who aren't playing? Pretty please with purity seal on the top?
  12. One of the major problems with the Amalur demo is that it is a bug ridden mess. They should have put it up with a huge flashing disclaimer "See all these bugs? We fixed them in the final product."
  13. I think this is the first time I saw you call it Witcher and not Twitcher!
  14. Though the game is rather easy, so no point doing that.
  15. Yes. The DLC is actully rather good. They each have a story, both better than most things encountered in the main game. They both are of good length. On top of that I couldn't help but compare the Dead Kel DLC to Dragon Age: Origin's Wardens' Keep DLC. While the Stronghold you gain in Dead Kel is far from perfect and can't introduce new gameplay elements, at least with it they tried to give the illusion that you have a keep you can interact with - if Wardens' Keep had had this, that dlc would have been worth the effort :/
  16. Been playing some Redshirts and it's wierdly addictive. I would have prefered that name to have come with a different type and genre of game, that out of the way, I am actually enjoying this (though I don't know why). In the game you are playing a random person on a federation space station. The whole station is addicted to the social network Spacebook. And so everything you do is done through Spacebook. You get 1 action before work and 3 after. On Weekends you get 6 actions per day. You use those to order items from the store, send messages to friends, post status updates, like status updates and organize events. Events take up more time and you get to invite people. Based on who you interact with, how and how often, your relationship with people improves or worsens. And randomly you may be send on away missions were a random number of other members of the away teams may die. Rumour is, you have 160 days to find a way off the station before something bad happens (something bad does happen). First palythrough I bought a shuttle ticket for loads of cash (well less as I haggled). This playthrough I'll either try to sleep with the right person or get promoted to the top and get away that way.
  17. Same reason people watch the youtube channels of random gamers to find out what they are supposed to think about games. *shrug*
  18. Well... Rampage is always a fun diversion. So is Raptor. I enjoy doing a Dune playthrough every once in a while and turn the whole planet green. So I'll say: play whatever is in the Infogram(es) folder
  19. Hurlshot you probably won't believe me but that's exactly why I've never bought this game before, I'm battling with the fact that there will never be another game set in the world with all the lore and characters. It shouldn't effect me but for some reason it does Honestly, most of Amalur is forgetably boring fantasy with some fake nice dark elves forced into it because Salvatore. Personally I really enjoyed the fae parts of the game - the House of Ballads storyline, the Maid of Windermere and the Widdow npcs. To a lesser extend the House of Sorrows story. A friend tells me that these ideas were all stolen (and most of the game story is heavily inspired ... the bad guys are called Tuatha after all) but he hasn't actually played the game The interaction of immortal creatures forever living in the same cycle works well with the player character's situation. If the game had concentrated more on the Crystal War that is the main plot and had tried less to fill the world with other stuff to simulate the open world experience, I think the story would have greatly benefitted and perhaps the game as a whole.
  20. That's the one. I found targeting very bad. I can get a better running around shooting stuff experience playing Borderlands, Defiance or APB to name just a few.
  21. And some people would say that you just summed up everything that is wrong with the gaming industry: You look at a game, and before playing it, wonder who will patch it, as you are by now expecting a certain amount of bugs in any and every product.
  22. I prefered the pirate one. The titan one seemed a bit tedious to me at times. Also, the disenchant mini-game is worse than hacking in Alpha Protocol.
  23. Tried about half an hour of Firefall and uninstalled.
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