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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Got my own Chimera in van Helsing 2. According to Katarina's wishes I named it Fluffy. Send it out into the ink to hunt in the Dreamlands and hopefully bring me back some treasure. I am really enjoying these minigame-thingies they added: the resistance missions you have to select one of four commanders, each with their own stats and approaches, to lead the men on the chimera hunts, where you decide which region of the ink your chimera will hunt in and bring back loot from. I wish the resistance missions were more frequent, but then they could not have been custom written. You can't have it all.
  2. Best character they came up with for this "game": And choices that matter:
  3. Finished episode 4 of The Wolf Among Us. It was good. Though some of the "life as a fable is so unfair, Bigby you do not understand" spiel is getting a bit tedious. It is good that the next episode is the last. Didn't seem to be too much when it comes to choices. Conversation options yes, but most will probably not affect anything.
  4. Started on Episode 4 of The Wolf Among Us. Will play through it after dinner.
  5. You have that character's inventory. Most likely that includes bonus skill and ability points from various quests or feeding the statue in the swamps. It also means your character probably had access to different perks, unlocked by playing. You should rather quickly find good stuff, but some of the oranges or fully enchanced yellows you may already have can be very good for a while. But the money is really usefull. I spend a million gold rather quickly
  6. Having a blast in Van Helsing 2. Finished chapter 1. End of chapter statistics show that I missed some secrets and a couple of quests. One of those quests I knowingly refused, the other may be bugged. Well, will have to pay more attention next playthrough. There are a couple of things to do differently. For one I need to answer all riddles correclty next time. I knew I was answering wrongly, but I just couldn't stop myself But I need a break for the night. The Perun area is crammed with enemies that are a pain to fight, summoning tons of minions to swarm you. If unprepared you can die very easily there. 8 out of my 9 deaths the whole chapter where in this area :/
  7. The resistance management screen: And some more Katarina being Katarina:
  8. It is more of the same with some improvements gameplay wise. You now can add some more skills to hotkeys for example; instead of having left and right click and two tricks bound to Q and A, you now have Left/Right (obviously), two tricks are bound to keys 1 and 2 and you have slots for keys 3-6 to add more skills and tricks. They added more stuff to item forging, upgrading, enchanting. But mostly it is the same game: same music, same graphics, same engine, same bugs... It still has some problems though that need to be ironed out. Doesn't run for everyone it seems (though some people are just unable to understand the fixes explained to them).
  9. Also, while it is a month old news, it is highly unlikely anyone else posted this
  10. It is called "The Order: 1886" That post was about a new gameplay video for The Order. Thus: A new The Order video.
  11. Forgot to add screenshots! Sorry... Another shot of the steampunky army: Katarina's opinion on saving Private Bryan Katarina also has opinions about Vlados: And about the way problems are traditionaly solved in Borgovia Also, Van Helsing the CCG: And General Harker is searching: Yes I absolutely love these maps instead of cutscenes.
  12. That quest seems to be one of those certain people are angry about on the forum due to "Terribly out-dated references" I simply agree with Katarina: "He better have a lightning scar on his forehead"
  13. Not a picture of a game per se, but Hassat Hunter asked me to name a RPG game that released without bugs. And I wanted to say "Any game before the internet made us lazy / rush releases" Then I remembered this:
  14. Playing van Helsing 2. Now that they finally found the problem Fun game so far! Haven't gotten far. Still in the first big battle, giving commands to the troops, doing side quests, solving problems the traditional borgovan way (at least that is what Katarina calls it: Blowing up a bridge - the solution for every problem in Borgova)
  15. What he wants to do though is to input audio from two sources at the same time. Have one audio input the background music, which he'll basically be streaming to the whole gaming group, while normal speech will be inputed separatly. Haven't tried doing anything like that before...
  16. Skylanders hanging out on a shelf in a break during the action. Didn't move the various stuff, as I wanted to show their usual hangout as is
  17. It is indeed I prefer Skylanders as it is an original setting and thus doesn't need to manage expectations of characters and tie into movies. I have too few gaming friends myself now. Something to do with getting older perhaps. But we played some Arena matches with my nephew when he came around. He agrees with me: it would have been awesome if we had this when we were 8 or so.
  18. It appears to be uncompressed audio files. Of the 48 GB size of Titanfall, 35 are "completely uncompressed audio." For Van Helsing 2 it is the "Terrain" folder which comes in at 15GB.
  19. I only bought Spyro's Adventure recently for the PC (I never knew they ahd released it on the PC!). As the old game is pretty much discontinued, they are clearing warehouse space and it went really cheap. So I play it a bit to keep in touch with what is out there for kids today. Something that seems to pay off - after my book presentation the comment I got was that kids accept me as "one of their own". Best compliment ever. You grown-ups can keep being grown-up for yourseves. I want nothing to do with it. Humanoid, I don't know how good Skylanders is on the Wii. The fun about the other platforms is that you have this USB device - the portal of power - on which you place figurines that are then recognized by the game and are your ingame character. You can swap figurines at any time and change character. You can place two of them on the portal and play co-op. And they are cross-platform compatible. So if your best friend has an xbox while you have a playstation, that doesn't stop you from taking your fire skylander over to their place after school to open those fire elemental gates for them. Progress of a character is saved on the figurine. And as long as a version of a character exists in the game, figurines of that character from other skylander games work for it as well. So even though Giants didn't make it onto the PC, I bought a Giants version of Stealth Elf and use her on my PC version of Spyro's Adventure. It is a kids' game though. Very easy for old gamers like us. But it is an amazing kids' game. The whole figurine idea was brilliant.
  20. I am showing a lot of self restraint not buying more skylander characters
  21. It is a Neocore game... I like the games Neocore makes. King Arthur was absolutely amazing (even if combat was unbalanced like feth). I hadn't liked a strategy game as much as that in a long time. I don't deny though that a LOT of people couldn't get past the tutorial battle because it crashed the game. King Arthur II was a lot of fun. A bit more linear than the first, but still had most of what made the first game great. Especially the Dead Legion prologue campaign was superb... and a bug ridden mess that most people couldn't complete until two patches in because a main quest was broken. And of course the main game crashed for certain people Van Helsing 1 was unexpectedly fun. The story wasn't special, but somehow they made a simple story work just fine. And the voice acting wasn't special, but Katarina still is a very charming character even without being voiced by Claudia Black. And even their Crusader games made for a fun playthrough. So I pre-ordered knowing what I'd get: a game that is bound to have troubles and a far too large install size (seriously, compression must not be in their programmers' vocabulary). But I suspect that being able to tell Steam "Look we have fans who pre-order our games!" is important for these smaller dev teams, just as it is important for someone like Bioware to be able to show EA. And I kinda want them to keep making games.
  22. Installed it last week and tried it for a couple of hours to see what the fuss is about. Not too bad. Not that awesome either.
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