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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I watched it on Sunday in a small open air cinema underneath the Acropolis. There were hipsters and assorted cultural types in the crowd and it made the whole experience artsy surreal and a lot of fun. Enjoyed the movie far more than I thought I would. Mind you, with all the remakes and boring stuff coming out of the movie industry, I completely ignored trailers, hype and everything and went in just thinking "Meh, lets see if they screwed this up as well." (also why I picked the specific cinema). The film took from all Mad Max movies that had come before and did so quite well. As others say, it can't surpass what Road Warrior did. And it probably won't leave a pop culture legacy like Beyond Thunderdome's "Two men enter" quote. Seriously can't remember any quote from Fury Road whatsoever. But it is a very fun game that fits perfectly with the previous movies. And they set up a great post apocalyptic region that you'd just love encountering in Wasteland or Fallout games. I don't see a problem with Max being elbowed aside by Furiosa. honestly, other than perhaps the first movie, I didn't feel that Mad Max films were about Max. In the Road Warrior Max was just some guy who happened to do (important) things that, grown up, the kid with the boomerang remembers. Third film wasn't all that different - and Aunty Entity was a far more memorable character in that as well.
  2. If you still need another pair of eyes, I can make time.
  3. I have managed to stay an amazing 100% spoiler free so far
  4. Next week I may have both internet and a PC that can handle at least some games (such as Pillars, Dead State, Age of Decadence, Wasteland 2... so many rpgs waiting to be played)
  5. Yeah. 10 inch myself I understand there are icons next to the character profiles showing debuffs? I only see specks of colour
  6. Considering that it runs on my notebook, albeit badly, you should be able to play. With some patience. Your notebook is probably more powerful than the laptop I have access to. The PoE beta was completely unplayable. I also can't play Dreamfall Chapters or the new Broken Sword. I couldn't play Broken Age until after an update. Though Shadowrun and Banner Saga run well enough. Shadowrun I can only play in 30 minute sessions or so. Then it starts to crawl. Lenovo ideapad Flex 10. Feel free to compare
  7. Considering that it runs on my notebook, albeit badly, you should be able to play. With some patience.
  8. Homeless Couch surfing since summer... Bought the pumps today for my place. Sitting here with my construction crew, waiting for paint and tiles to dry. Tomorrow we're installing the pumps, then the plumbing will work. Finally progress. edit: also: writing. Getting ready to try and publish my first ebook. Waiting for friends to finish their read-through. Going to do the final cover image over the holidays then I'll force you to advertise
  9. I tried a ranger with a stag companion so they both have horns...
  10. I can't believe the game actually runs (badly) on my notebook (N2806 @1.60 1.60 , 2GB RAM and intel HD Graphics (Bay Trail)) So I made a Death Godlike Cipher dissident who won the rebellion and is now hiding from the people she helped put in power.
  11. I backed Knock Knock on kickstarter at the tier where they didn't tell you what the tier reward was
  12. Guy at City Hall says to me: "Could you do me a favour? Hold onto your files and keep them at home? If I archive them they'll just get lost." ... That is one heck of an honest public servant.
  13. I'm not too big a fan of the combat myself. Strangely enough though it has captured my attention more than Divinity: Original Sin, which only got one reaction from me: "Whatever, Larrian..."
  14. I think it is still a straight dungeon crawl. It has some nice puzzles to solve and the odd hidden area and treasure, but you still basically just try to get to wherever it is the game wants you to go. At least it gives the impression of more openess.
  15. It does not just have ANY rat people. It has THE rat person.
  16. The Tractor Squad beat the first challenge! It was a tough fight and the four farmers ran like hell. They crowded into the tiny cave just off the testing grounds. The guardians tried to follow, but did not fit. They lunged at the farmers through the entrance and it was all that Plowcow with his bone club and Pasturat with his dagger could do from getting dragged out. Fieldsnake threw knives and darts at the monsters and then, when the healing potions ran out, alongside Barnbeetle pushed to the front to give the other two a moment to catch their breath. Thinking victory was in their pocket, Plowcow dashed forwad again, mooing a battlecry. The guardian easily evaded the charge and darted in under the minotaur's defenses. Plowcow went down. Then Barnbeetle hit the monster with a branch, splattering its innards across the rock wall. Bruised and bleeding from bites, the three farmers dragged their unconcious friend to the healing crystal.
  17. Founded the Tractor Squad in Legend of Grimrock 2: Fieldsnake, a lizardman farmer Plowcow, a minotaur farmer Barnbeetle, an insectoid farmer Pasturat, a ratling .... farmer No combat XP for this team. They only level by eating.
  18. Because you never listen to us? We were talking about how awesome it is on both forums that we have in common
  19. Nah, it's more like a Shinji Mikami salad. I'm too scared to google that.
  20. Sounds as one would expect from a Bethesda game. All it needs now are bugs that will never be fixed by the devs but that the modding community over at Nexus will take care off. And a body replacer, nude mod over at Nexus. Then it is a true Bethesda game
  21. That is currently going very cheap on GOG...
  22. VI was amazing. VII was to me the last good one. Then again, after VIII was ported to PC without a Quit option, I can't say I truly bothered with the series again
  23. I really wanted to play some Final Fantasy game and XIII seemed like a good choice. Then I read Drudanae's post about the download and checked the install size in teh system requirements. Decided against buying it. I don't knowingly buy games with such a huge install - more often than not the size isn't justified.
  24. Endless Legend "post launch plan" posted on the dev blog: http://forums.amplitude-studios.com/content.php?489-Endless-Legend-Post-Launch-Plan tl;dr: Big patch in-comming, then modding support, then free dlc.
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