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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Said it before, will say it again (as you can't stop me ) I felt that Wings of Liberty was the only one written with an actual eye on the Galaxy and leaving the possibility of future content. There was no "The scourge killed ALL elves. But we need elves now so when we said ALL and you thought how epic the scourge was, we didn't mean all as in every last one of them. This group survived. And when we meant this group survived because they fled their homeland, we didn't mean that the ones in the homeland died. Because actually, now that we need elves to be part of the game, kinda... they all lived so be a blood elf in the MMO" that Blizzard likes to do. And which Heart of the Swarm was closer to with Kerrigan's hand waving "Brood Mother XYZ, take your brood and wipe out that planet because I am grimdark evul lolz". The doctor and her zergcure I always felt was put in for two reasons. One to create the situation TrueNeutral described. Two, so that if they ever decide they will return to SC in an MMO format or if Heart of the Swarm needed talking infected npcs, the colony could be used to provide those, as the cure would not have worked, but left them free of overmind control.
  2. Wings of Liberty was quite well written. Definitely better than any other Blizzard game (though that is not in itself an achievement). The love story was a bit too central perhaps, but the dialogue flowed well, the story made sense, and most importantly was devoid of the excessive need for ridiculous "epic" that is so prevalent (especially in blizzard games). heart of the Swarm in comparison was drivel.
  3. Waiting for my NES Classic Mini Thingie to arrive.
  4. Yeah, I want guard on hit for my dual wield rogue. Can you actually farm for fade-touched materials? I was afraid you only got a specific number in the game (devs seem to love doing that in games these days).
  5. You'll have to leave at some point and return later for the very final region of Hinterlands I am afraid. I came back at lvl 14 for the lvl 18 loot :/ Other than that, picture that frame from Toy Story: Elfroot, elfroot everywhere.
  6. Why are people in RPGs idiots? We get surprised by a HUGE army. And I wonder "Didn't we have sentries? Scouts?" After the battle one NPC says "You must blame me for all the deaths." "No, I blame the bad dude who did the actual killing." NPC (and I am paraphrasing since I can't remember the exact wording) : "I should have become suspicious when the scouts started disappearing. If only I had investigated instead of recalling all our scouts..." WTF?!? The kitchen boy cut elfroot clockwise instead of parabolic, I get told. Scouts start disappearing, the npcs decide "Eh, lets just cut our loses and continue without them - who needs sentries anyway?"
  7. So I traveled through time to a point where the world had gone to hell in a hand-basket. And do you know what I noticed? Nowhere in that future was there any elfroot! Ergo: the player character gathering all that elfroot is unwittingly destroying the world!
  8. I can't . . . what song is this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rl-yszPdRTk
  9. Giving DA:I a try. Much better game than DA2. But I have caught myself quietly singing while playing. If I was the only person who can save the world, I'd gather Elfroot in the morning. I'd gather Elfroot in the evening. All over Thedas. I'd gather Elfroot in the face of danger. I'd gather Elfroot as a warning. I'd brew with it a potion for the love between the Templars and the Mages Aaaaaaall over Thedas.
  10. Heh, you know it has become pretty much the standard name for my characters.
  11. Though it would be silly funny if a stealth game told you "Watch for yellow snow - it means someone was there, and they may come back."
  12. Since I played City of Heroes for a while, and the whole game was basically a single city, it is hard for me to feel strongly about cities in other games.
  13. Decided to try out the "retire" button in Man O War Also: skaven sharkfood
  14. The Dwarves (I may have posted 1 or 2 before) Smug git Campfire The Map (if you couldn't tell) Kicking an orc off a cliff Standing dramatically Dwarf Stronghold Girl Dwarf (how many games have those? Other than any fantasy rpg game that lets you choose gender...) Not an elf, honest. Also not a liar, pinky swear.
  15. Warhammer year is 400 days I think. That mission used to be a lot worse when it had infinitely respawning daemonettes. It was when I ragequit and fired my whole warband. Now it's managable, though if Aluress gets lucky and goes crit-stun with every hit... c'est Mordheim. I haven't tried the Necromancer for the Undead yet. I love my Thrall though. Though she is still a bit squishy.
  16. Hah! You played the mission from hell. Having braved the Library portals and now Aluress, everything will be a stroll in the park from here on. Well, except perhaps for the Chaos Ogre. There is always the Chaos Ogre.
  17. Yeah, sorry. I was sitting here thinking that I'd love a nice modern day fantasy game. A bit on the lines of Urban Arcana. But there is nothing. So I went and made a dark elf in Saints Row just to ride a bike around town for a bit.
  18. Social Justice and Nazi do not actually go together. Not that you mind. After all you just want to give your post some oomf or something *shrug* I couldn't even get myself to click through the dialogue. The writing was simply too bad to bother with the game.
  19. Just like they did with Human Revolution...
  20. That's why you have us. Our posting can be very uplifting *nodnod* But I am off to the NanoWrimo meeting. And I dislike NanoWrimo and my notebook is broke so I can't write.
  21. If there is one thing I really don't want, it is to live forever. That thought scares me more than dying to be honest. I feel for you, hate having a cold. Seems just about everyone I know has one at the moment. Yeah, the one thing that terrifies me when in a truly gloomy mood, is the prospect of surviving everyone who cares about me. Ending up alone, with no human connection other than a lighthearted remark to the cashier at the supermarket. Owning a phone, looking at the phone, but knowing that there is no number saved on there I could call. Can we get back to something brighter?
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