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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I don't trust this person very much, he keeps talking about that horrible 'Mordheim' game, whatever it is. Worst of all, he never posts any screenshots, so we don't even know if the game even exists, as "pics or it didn't happen".
  2. Mordheim 70% off on Steam. "Very tempted to get it myself at that price even though I own it already." ~ melkathi of the obsidian forum mordheim players
  3. Same here. Good thing I had bought one to play Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure
  4. Looked interesting, even though I never understood the rules of American Football (or why it's even called football, but meh), then I noticed a controller is required. So much for that Project Creator comment on that in the comment section was: "Guys, you can play Sneak Peek Preview with gamepads only. Keyboard is not supported right now (but will be in nearest future)"
  5. Funny. Blood Bowl I do well at. This overwhelms me
  6. I've only seen the Nuked London Hatriots and the Deadlanta Vultures. Apparently there is also the Tokyo Terminators among others. Also, Hurly, it seems there will be a sneak peak highscore contest for superbowl sunday
  7. Yeah, they seem to be sending them manually. Mine came really quick as the dev was on the page when I was backing. I have no clue about American Football and proper plays, so I am doing badly at the game, but I'll figure it out once I actually remember what does what and what type of player is what.
  8. OMG, take my money! They've already got some pretty good work done on it, based on the gifs. I'll upload screenshots later when I get some time to play it. Just got back in, so only installed it and checked that it is working.
  9. Backing MLF Mutant League Football. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mendheim/mutant-football-league-mfl/ I backed at the beta level and was surprised to immediately get a message with a Steam sneak peak key.
  10. A few more images of Lord Personal Issue's rampage across the Sea of Claws (before he lost all his fleet to Griffons and Greatships - nasty combination that).
  11. My Mordheim playing habit was a mission after dinner (or two).
  12. As you can see from Chilloutman's example, we all just play single player. I have enjoyed my 270+hours steam says I have played (single player). Yes, the AI has its issues. But as the game is not easy, this only becomes an issue later on. And as you slowly unlock new warriors for your warband, there is enough incentive to keep you going. At least in my opinion. And its worth checking out the different warbands as they can play quite different.
  13. Does it have enough skulls on it tho? Can you ever have enough skulls? I must have loads under deck, as I shoot burning skulls at my opponents. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91045-pictures-of-your-games-episode-ix-the-bigger-picture/?p=1876721
  14. Man O' War added a first iteration of the chaos campaign. So now I am Captain Personal Issues, Chaos Lord of Khorne aboard my flagship The Frothing Dolphin.
  15. Chaos Ogre still to come, right? And whatsherface from the Cult of the Possessed campaign.
  16. Playd some Megaman 2 on the Nintendo Classic Mini. First went after Woodman because I could never remember the proper order. He was the wrong one So I went after Airman and he was really easy even with the basic cannon.
  17. Enemy Within made the game a whole lot better. I got bored out of my brain with vanilla XCOM. Enemy Within made it interesting enough to complete once.
  18. Since I am not playing anything screenshotworthy, I'll be uploading photos of Bob playing stuff instead. But what could Bob be playing? Is he going to really play THAT? Yup, he is Well then, let us make a journey to the cave of monsters Good Luck, Bob!
  19. I hope the game will do well enough financially that they can add enough Gangs. I love Mordheim and personally don't need more than the 6 warbands they did include, but I would love to see more in Necromunda.
  20. Development of Mordheim shall cease but in its place shall rise Necromunda Many screenshots shall be posted by Melkathi So sayeth the wise Alaundo
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