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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. *blink* A serious post. How did that end up here
  2. Sorry for your loss WDeranged. The thing that always gets me about death is re-realizing at completely random moments that you can't talk to someone - even if all you would say is generic small-talk.
  3. My nanowrimo friends are really happy about the editing part. Probably because they now know with certainty I do not only do that to them
  4. Did a few things. Since friends insisted I should show that girl I was (emphasis on the was) infatuated with that I was still interested, I did that. She seems to have gotten angry *shrug* send me an annoyed text later. I proof-read it, edited it, and send her back the corrected version. If you take the time to think what to type, then sit down and type the message, you really should take the time to see whether auto correct replaced words Which kinda made me realize how little I actually, you know, liked her as a person, and to what extend it was just this silly male need to win So I bought myself a White Dwarf magazine. Which I hadn't done in 17 years or so. Nice walk down memory lane. And being down on memory lane, I noticed that an old friend (my crush from when I was 17) was online. She had disappeared from facebook for a long time. So, being down on memory lane (and having realized that the one thing I found attractive about the new girl was that she had her hair (scary when you ponder how come you like someone who so isn't your type and suddenly realize the similarities in looks not to most women you liked, but to the first woman you liked *shrug*)), I send a quick message saying "Hi! How have you been?" And got a reply Married, two small kids, with very little free time due to those two kids - explaining her disappearance for the last few years I guess (Hurlshot is the kids expert on this forum). And apparently she had just been thinking about me last week, when she was in a local bookstore looking for something to read to the kids and trying to remember what my children's books were called. I think that made my year. Or century. We haven't seen each other for 18-19 years. We only spoke again briefly on facebook over 8 years ago. But when her eldest reached the age of my target audience, she remembered the book I published after we last spoke. It's a silly thing, but when I started the whole writing children's books thing, one of the things I hoped for was that people that meant something to me once, but with whom I grew apart, might end up reading something I wrote to their kids. I had hoped it would happen, but I didn't know how much it would actually mean to me. Enough to make a way too long post about it here instead of going to bed *happy melkathi going to bed*
  5. For me there were just too many teleporting and blinking enemies for a game with such importance on attacks of opportunity
  6. I am glad that I stayed at the basic backer tier. And it was the mega dungeon that had me too worried to go above
  7. Started watching skylanders season 1 on Netflix
  8. I decided to listen to Bartimaeus and stop pining after that girl. Then we ran into her with friends (who's adamant opinion was "you can do better, deserve better etc" and would roll eyes at the thought of her and I dating), and afterwards the very adamant friend apologised because they have now revised their opinion, having seen us talking and beaming like teenagers. Seriously, are friends allowed to do that? I thought they were 'sposed to be the voice of reason. *Shakes head*
  9. Tribunal has the better story, Bloodmoon is more openworldy.
  10. Played the Attikus operation in Borderla... Battleborn. Fun quick run. Normal Borderlands level writing (which is good enough). And they finally added some skins to unlock through playing*. But I think if they had added something like this earlier, the game would have done better. *you could always unlock some recolours of the character through leveling, but there was never a clear goal of "I'll play the Attikus Ops as Mellka to unlock her Attikus Ops skin". The actually good skins are still microtransaction of course.
  11. Goblins of Elderstone met the funding goal, but you can still help with a stretch goal or two
  12. Screenshot thread is only at 22 pages. But with the new Mordheim DLC I think I can get it to lockable length in no time
  13. Dear obsidianites, obsididudes, obsididudettes and other denominations, today the following topics ran their allotted length and had to be locked: The RANDOM VIDEO GAME NEWS topic, in its 30th August iteration by Gorth reached an unwieldy length and was locked at 35 pages and re-opened and re-imagined by TrueNeutral in the 27th October version The The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt topic's 16th June edition by Rosbjerg reached a similar length (though not quite as far as the RVGN topic) and was locked at 34 pages. It too was re-launched by TrueNeutral with a 27th October interpretation. What do you think of the new version? Have they improved on the tried and true formula? Are they being innovative enough? Do they depart too much of what fans of the IPs have grown to expect? Discuss
  14. Expect screenshots here soon as Melkathi will resume standard screenshotting services.
  15. Yeah, controller helps a lot. Still need to do the final battle again, since the game froze when I beat the boss :/
  16. AI War II is on Kickstarter. Not really interested in the game, but ARCEN do deserve support: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/arcengames/ai-war-ii
  17. Played the new update for Age of Barbarian. The new story content is brutal even for this game. I really did not expect it to end that way. So cudos to the devs for that. But they really need to hire someone who actually speaks English to rewrite that mess - I am half expecting the next enemy to inform me that "you have no chance to survive make your time".
  18. Was watching VGHS and had a great laugh when they did their rendition of collector's edition content NPCs: https://youtu.be/nhiRE2hfFJc?t=14m16s I think the first time I ran into something like that was Dragon Age: Origins
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