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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Do you still need to get rid of that key? When you say write a review, do you mean here on the forum or do we have to become proper bloggers/journalists?
  2. I am starting to get the feeling that Kyros' whole scheme is to make a second overlord to have overlord babies with
  3. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=317524419
  4. Did they fix the bug where if a crew-member wearing shorts went to a shower, when they would hang their clothes, they'd actually hang their legs?
  5. The Mandate posted a kickstarter update. It says stuff. Most backers seem to be rather indifferent, having written the project off as money wasted on vapourware.
  6. I felt so at first. but they are pushing it too often. They don't just let the world be what it is, they have your character - born and raised in this world - constantly reminded as if they were an astronaut in a 50s pulp magazine, landed on venus and confronted by amazons in the jungle. My hunter character who was raised by beastwomen would not need to be lectured on male inferiority in that society. No character would need to be surprised when they figure out that an npc inherited a lot of land because she was female - it would be more of a "doh! How did we miss that?" moment for them, especially an adjudicator or sage. The game world was believably created, but the player is treated as if every encounter with the gender roles in the game were their first.
  7. This whole "Wimin are strong. Power to the matriarchy. Ain't we cool for making strong wimin in our game" is getting old. Actually the next time I hear "Am not beastman! Am beastwoman! Rut-mate-kill-lol!" I might just end up uninstalling out of overexposure to badly written pseudo-feminism.
  8. God this game has abysmal pathfinding.
  9. Green Man Gaming started their Easter sale today. Good price on some stuff, but nothing that hasn't been on sale before.
  10. Judging by the many screenshots, the rat seems to enjoy it quite a bit. He isn't known for hate/love screenshots
  11. Give me your account details and I'll make the gif for you
  12. You play games? I thought you only try to give them away.
  13. I think I need to read this thread from the beginning. I may have missed out on a fun conversation.
  14. I wasn't sure if I should mention Agiel or you for the military screenshots
  15. Obsidian forum normality. In a way calming. Melkathi posts Mordheim screenshots. Bendu posts Dark Souls screenshots. Keyrock posts indy screenshots of games that will get that "critically acclaimed" phrase plastered all over them eventually, and where everyone will say "I'll have to get around playing that as well at some point. It looks really good." Now all we need is Bokishi to post a screenshot with a gazillion pixels of asphalt, and Maureen hidden somewhere - but where? And Drudanae (I can never get used to the new name) making a sarcastic post about Twitcher. Then we'll know that whatever is wrong with the world, this forum is an island of tranquil normality.
  16. Random info: apparently I have uploaded 211 Mordheim screenshots to imgur for these threads. So I can do this as a public service post! Missed a Melkathi Mordheim screenshot? Can't remember which screenshot thread had your favourite Mordheim screenshot? Want to reminisce with Mordheim screenshots of the good old days? Find all past screenshots here and satisfy all your wyrdstone hunting needs!
  17. Used it. I have now claimed my second spire. Some people in the game world don't like me very much. But maybe they should not have killed my character's foster family. It's "hairless" hunter after all, not "memoryless". Never forgive, never forget.
  18. Finished Act I with my undead warband. My Vampire charged a Rat Ogre, missed with his attack and got knocked to the ground by the Rat Ogre's counter-attack. It then proceeded to pummel him until he was no more than a Wile E. Coyote - style hole in the ground.
  19. Can I join too? I'll just have to figure out how to cast healing spells on sorophx.
  20. I never looked at it that way. Though I did enjoy the Bioware style ship romances.
  21. Pierce fast forwarding and then complaining about the plot not making sense. Been there, had to endure that. I could totally understand Kinzie
  22. SR2 you were truly the violent psycho criminal. It was like GTA but violent. The story was actually serious. SR3 they turned up the humour to a level where even the "dramatic" scenes didn't leave you with any feels. It was just crazy cackling all the way.
  23. Great music and tron feeling. But I suck at that kind of game
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