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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I am in their VIP-program (read beta tester whatever), so I got gifted a copy. I played around with the very early builds, where the game would break a lot. Then got busy, and when I had time again I just couldn't catch up with all the progress they had made. Will be playing more seriously now that it is released. I want to play a pacifist, democratic Craver hive.
  2. I gave into temptation a month ago, just been holding off playing for the full release. You have been doing missions in Star Crawlers all night. Or at least the engineer version of you on the team in my game. Now that the game is out I can continue the story missions. They have put a lot of effort into adding variety in the story arc.
  3. Mount & Blade free on GOG.
  4. Are you talking to me? Put the gun away before someone gets hurt. Seriously, you'd think people would know better than to threaten a person wearing a tux in a post apocalyptic world. Has no one in the Commonwealth watched Six String Samurai?
  5. I started on FO4 since I got it 50% off. I think so far I have spend more time trying to get mods to work for nicer textures than actually playing. The game told me I need to craft beds. So I was confronted with the whole settlement building system. Seems too much work. Will have to look for a mod that simply adds the settlements all build. No way I'll bother with trying to fit things in between ruins, rubble and everything else that is in the way.
  6. I have a spare steam key for Wanda: A Beautiful Apocalypse if anyone wants it.
  7. On that note, the other day the Sisters of Battle were scavenging some ruins...
  8. melkathi was a kickstarter backer for the game. It is a fun little game. I have 38 hours on it according to steam, but I did spend some time running back and forth looking for a sidequest that wasn't actually in the area I was looking Did not regret backing it. Wrote a Steam review.
  9. Dawn Of War III Flash Sale going on Green Man Gaming - 30% off. 41.99 from 59.99 is still too expensive for me for a game with such mixed reviews.
  10. Dungeons 2 currently free in the Humble Store. (offer ends in 1 day 18 hours and 45 minutes as of this posting)
  11. We went into a PAR Entertainment facility overrun by critters. Labadal hacked all of the active security cameras - even though PAR was paying us, the security drones wouldn't know that. There was one office though with strong security doors that withstood almost all of Labadal's hacking attempts. He triggered four security protocols before he got the door open (Shadysands and I took care of the drones). And naturally the room held nothing of interest. The astral worms were far more of a threat. A large rampaging worm nearly ate Labadal, but luckily Hurlshot had his psychik barriers up and they saved him. Then Labadal ran a database search on an operational terminal we found and pinpointed the location of our objective. We went in, but a HUGE space tick had made the room its nest. Again, we were lucky to have Hurlshot's force psyker stuff that kept the tick swarms from eating not just Labadal this time, but also Hurlshot himself. (And between Labadal and myself we made it very hard for the ticks to get their claws and mandibles to come even close to us for a while).
  12. The time limit to start the expedition is generous enough that you can ignore it if you are not actively wasting time. What happens after you start the expedition I can't tell. I did not get that far. I don't know if I will anytime soon. Have put the game aside.
  13. I have been playing quite a bit of multiplayer Armello lately. Or at least quite a bit compared to the basically not at all I usually play. The multiplayer has one problem: teams. It is designed as a 4-player free-for-all board game. A lot of the time you end up in a game with two players or three players in a pre-made teams, with no way to tell until they start playing as a team. Then you have two or three players ganging up on you. The two player thing could be less of a problem if a lot of people didn't just quit the moment they realized there is a team. If they would stick around you could turn it into a 2 vs 2 - still handicapped as the others have chat, but it would even the playing field considerably. The funny thing is, the pre-made teams seem a lot of the time to also be terrible players. They have gotten their PvP ranks by ganging up, not by learning the game. So in the end, a lot of the time the matches are extremely close. One dice that didn't come up as it should, one unlucky card draw. And then there are those games when you beat a three man team and they end up struggling to try and stop you. The game has become such an ego boost
  14. Heh, just noticed that a friend from school is working on this. But I was already backing it anyway
  15. I only really enjoyed the romances in Saints Row IV. Well, maybe the romance in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Fantasy_Adventure
  16. That's the one. It is telling that on the Steam Forum it is one of the discussion threads with the most replies. The one with the arson in Ribe is also silly.
  17. So, After a couple of days on Expeditions: Vikings here is the first verdict: Don't buy just yet. There seem to be a lot of gamebreaking bugs, where the quests don't trigger the next step and you can't proceed to the actual expedition part. Devs are working on it and another patch should come soon. Other than that the game has a good atmosphere, but I am sick and tired of RPG games putting the player in he-said-she-said situations where you have to randomly decide who you believe. Unfair to mention it as a negative for this game, but it does stand out because Conquistador did not have this. Then there is the quest where the game has you running after a non-existent non-violent solution (the existing non-violent solution has an unrelated pre-requisite in the prologue so may never show up as an option) with players ending up thinking the quest is bugged. And I don't like dev comments of "Or you can just abandon the quest if you don't like your options :)" if there are no options and I have spend an hour searching for any. If your solution to a one way railroad quest is telling people to abandon it, then your quest design sucks. <--- probably continuing E:V but ignoring sidequests from now on.
  18. The problem is there is nothing to identify the trees. Once you stand next to some seemingly random location Torfinn will exclaim how the tree you found is awesome... I went with speed because of the ship name. It is the only ship that can reach England in under 12 parsecs.
  19. My main gripe with Expeditions: Viking is the fact that when highlighting objects by pressing left alt, their outline is white, which is not really visible on the snow covered maps of the starting region.
  20. Started on Expeditions: Viking Gameplay is good so far - combat is mostly like the old game, though so far the battlefields have been roomier. Haven't gotten far yet but liking it so far.
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