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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I want to play games with choices. But whenever there is a choice, I can't decide on which choice to make. Undead have overrun the area. Two armies are there. I can ally with one of them and annoy the other one. Both armies blame the other for not cooperating against the undead. Who do I choose? The knightly order that got overrun by the undead in the first place or the mercenaries who see this as an opportunity to steal an ancient artifact?
  2. I thought I had voted for it as well
  3. As long as they like the same stuff I like I agree wholeheartedly
  4. DS2 was a surprisingly good game. My only gripe with it was that when npcs would talk, the game wouldn't pause. I have no clue what the people in my party were saying to our enemy, usually I'd have to defend myself and the click would skip the text away
  5. Dragonfall was the one with the dragon I think? Never completed it. Got bored.
  6. Because I enjoyed it much more than most of the games, which were released last 5 years *shrugs* And I have no understanding how. I found the gameplay extremely lackluster, dull and underwhelming. The writing was decent. I would have enjoyed the plot as a shadowrun novel. But the game packaged around it I found lacking compared to any other turn based rpg.
  7. I think Shadowrun Returns is the first game on the list where I have no understanding why people would have voted for it.
  8. I like buying through Humble, and that gives steam keys.
  9. Nothing I voted for in the new batch Though Tetris and Dungeon Keeper I had considered.
  10. 6 is the one with Kefka destroying the world and Celes waking up on the island. Celes does disguise herself as an opera singer at one point.
  11. Yes, and for me it is not just gameplay wise, but also theme-wise. I keep meaning to buy the Overlord games cheap on sale. But I just can't farm sheep and seal cubs for mana. The lol-value of certain things no longer appeals to me. I think soon I run the danger of stopping playing violent games altogether
  12. There are some games in people's lists that just aren't my genre or style. Or not my platform.
  13. I am very certain I have games on my list only I voted for.
  14. FFVI was in my draft list. But I needed to kick some games out.
  15. Just call it "The RANDOM specific results thread". Any threat that has random in the title is OK and becomes a staple of this sub-forum.
  16. Is that when you play on PC, hit ~ then type tmm1 ?
  17. Spice Opera was a good soundtrack as well. Even if only for the name edit: next year when you do the top soundtrack poll I'll include it
  18. I couldn't decide which screenshot of this portal to post
  19. 37 hours of Spellforce 3 later I am wondering if the PC from 3 ends up being the PC in 1.
  20. Have you been sitting there thinking: "Man, it has been two days without melkathi posting any screenshots." ? Have you been wondering how you will get through the last few days of this year without screenshots? Do not worry! Your dose of screenshots is here:
  21. And did she get the right game?
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